penis enlargement pills

  1. T

    Battle of My Dick vs Gravity (Who's Stronger?)

    Ive know of Penis Enlargement for years but could never really do it with my living situation. Now I can start and there's no use wasting any time. I am logging my work outs and thoughts for several reasons. Mainly for myself to be able to look back and read how far Ive come and to keep me going...
  2. E

    Taking Extenze

    Being 8x6, I'm pretty comfortable with my size but I've been so tempted to try Extenze. So the other day I bought a 30 day supply. I have been taking them for four days now and boy I can tell you that my erections are a lot stronger and my load shoots a whole lot further. I'm thinking about...
  3. B

    Showering and masturbating

    So im kinda of a newbie again. I used to do the pe workout years ago for a few months solid and i will admit that i did get girth not much but its a little bit fatter which ix beautiful. So im pretty basic with these routines, since im just getting back into it im on the newbie regime. 5 mins...
  4. DLD

    DLD BathMate Girth Blasters (full routine)

    As many know I am as new to pumping as the Bathmate is to MOS. ALthough I am not looking for active gains I am having a lot of fun with this new routine and who knows, maybe I can pack on another half inch of girth. Anyway, thus far, using the Bathmate, I have had so much fun and to see the...
  5. D

    So this website ruined my penis

    How naive was i, damn it, for really going through with these exercises and now i can't even get an erection anymore without some pills helping me and even after that the the problem still persist because i can't hold it. It's a nightmare and it's been going for years. I've seen many doctors and...
  6. B

    Just a Question

    would taking testosterone pills and like extenze or other pill help with gains?
  7. F

    Male Enhancement Pills

    I'm wondering if anyone has had any success using these pills. There are dozens of brands out there, with varied ingredients. And I fully realize that without Penis Enlargement exercises of some kind, the likelihood of gains from these pills is pretty much nil. But, if they do provide extra...
  8. C

    Secret of Chinese Emporers for Bigger Penis

    Hi, just wanted to enlighten you about the Nine Dragon Jade excercises, they were used by ninty year old chinese emperors to keep their erections strong and to increase the size of the penis and glans. Wondered if anyone has tried them?
  9. M

    Can muscle supplement help increse the size of your penis

    Hey everybody im new to pe and i have been thinking when going to gym for a workout certain guy take muscle supplement such as protein shake, creatine and glutamine etc to increase their strength as they work out by which causing their muscle to become bigger and stronger . Well protein give us...
  10. R

    Breast enlargement cream on penis?

    Okay, so maybe someone should just shut me up, with these weird alternative enlargement ideas, but until that happens here's another weird thought: After reading the female mos forum idea I had to stimulate my curiosity since I thought breast enlargement was only possible with surgery. So I did...
  11. DLD

    New to Penis Enlargement? A Beginners Penis Enlargement Tutorial

    A Beginners Tutorial If you are new to penis enlargement you may be confused with the overload of information and opinions. I would like to help you on your journey and set you in the right direction. PREPARING FOR Penis EnlargementNIS ENLARGEMENT First Things First Your first mission is to...
  12. R

    Redzulu penis enlargement progress diary thread

    I had a belting session late this afternoon and its been my first in approx 2 years. Was feeling horny haha and decided to grab my old pump and dust it down. No one was home so I could have the privacy. My pump is basic, with no gauge on it but has good suction and tube ... has served me...
  13. W

    Ex rock hard.

    I would like to ask about opinion of some experienced member. can someone explain why when Im taking aphrodisiac - catuaba the effects on me are opposed to those which supose to be ? Actually one thing that should it cause is clearly visible - it really increase my self confidence.But it is...
  14. B

    21 yr old with slight ED

    Im pretty much healthy...I work out dont smoke and only drink on weekends. My testosterone is above average and I dont high blood pressure or diabetes. What else can it be? I think its my penis itself. Its not as reactive and responsive as it used to be. I used to have amazing clamp...
  15. D

    Low T help!

    Long story short... After a botched vasectomy, I experienced ED and left testicle shrinkage, a 50% drop in Testosterone. Now, I am faced with the situation of trying to decide to "repair" the damage done (which also left me with a varicoscele in the left testicle, which is still more...
  16. S

    You Are Way Bigger Down There Than You Realize!

    This is a re-post that was a thread I wrote but I want to make it a full on post for all of you working towards your Penis Enlargement goals and have confidence issues! Below is the link I spoke of. * LINK REMOVED (LINK WAS AGAINST THE RULES OF THIS FORUM). Others commented, and then here was...
  17. A

    PE for Aussies?

    So I'm wondering if there are any other australians on here. I'm really interested in finding some others who are into Penis Enlargement so I can find out the best way (and cheapest way) to get Penis Enlargement supplies :) It's hard over here cos it costs us like $30-$40 ($US) to ship stuff...
  18. A

    Experience with Penis Related Supplements

    Hey, everyone. There are a ton of supplements out there for penis enlargment. And unfortunately, I have wasted money on them. I'm here to share my personal experience. About 2 years ago, before i found out about natural Penis Enlargement, I tried "Expand" capsules. The website ...
  19. T

    Titan Pills Misc.

    Hey all, I searched the forums for topics on the Titan Pills and found some, but nothing recently, so I wanted to sum up what the posts said and see if anyone else has other feedback or advice. From what I gathered on the website, it honestly presents itself not as an enlargement device, but as...
  20. A

    Would You Want Other People To Know About PE?

    A short story, with an interesting thought at the end... I have a really good friend of mine, and about a year ago, I told him about Penis Enlargement. We have both lifted weights at the gym for a long time, and somehow, he was joking about lifting and working out your dick.. Later, I said, you...
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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