Continued from since I could not edit the title:
Let me know what you guys think. I found old google links to other posts about this surgery, but the accounts were closed, so I could not read the posts.
There is a penis surgeon in...
There is penis surgeon in Serbia who did a study at one of the University of California campuses on 300 men with no bad side effects. I don't know his name or contact info. Good luck finding it. But he uses biodegradable scaffolding and cuts right behind the head of the penis, slices in like a...
Patent United States Patent 6465000
Method for penile augmentation with autogenous dermal cell culture Document Type and Number:
The present invention relates to a penile augmentation method comprising culturing autodermal cells in a laboratory and inserting this into penis by...
Ok, so I've been doing Penis Enlargement on and off for quite a while now, stopping a few time while getting circumsized, losing interest etc. Now I feel I'm back on track! In just a short period of time my dick has become thicker, harder and more veiny, also hangs much lower when flaccid...
Hi Ive been looking at the threads and pictures people have posted and i really really want foreskin. Unfortuantely i dont have any at all, so can i restore?
I got tiny red spots in patches in a few places on the top of my dick. The spots went away in a day but its been over a week and the patches turned into dry skin which is a slightly different color and texture (bumpy and a lot more noticable when flacid.)
Does this go away? ive been using some...
i tried so hard with Penis Enlargement nad i can't gain a single mm in girth.nothing.well,i felt depressed and miserable.i couldn't continue with my thin penis of 5" average girth as it seems that every pussy i have fucked until now in missionary when wet can't feel my girth.only 2 out of 8...
Hi. recently i posted this topic in the boo boo's and band aids thread.
so now instead of grabbing my penis right behind the head, i have been grabbing 2 cm lower than the head. My problem is that i...
To jump on a subject about DHT Gel that Supra and others have brought forth. What about this below? It's a hard read, but informative...
Background: Percutaneous administration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) has been successful in promoting phallic growth in infants and children with...
I've been accused of many things in my time here as a contributor to MOS, from being a scam artist of some kind to a would-be cult leader and a self-deluded maniac with mental disabilities. Most of these accusations are thinly veiled personal attacks meant to distract and maybe "run me off"...
hi guys , checkin back in into the discussion :
Well 2 Weeks ago , I had this full duplex scan , as mentioned above. "doppler sonographie" is its correct name.
What I thought it would be was : I get hard then they scan my dick and meausure blood-inflow and blood outflow.
In reality it was ...
My stretched flaccid length = my BPenis EnlargementL. Is this normal? or does it mean the stretch of my penile skin is the limit to my length/girth rather than the penis tissue?
PS I'm a cut 5.75 X 4.5 now BTW. I started at 5.25 X 4.25 and seem to have hit a brick wall ?:(
The circumcised penis loses sensitivity in three ways:
Loss of the foreskin nerves themselves. As has been demonstrated by studies such as the one by Dr. Taylor and by the testimonials of the majority of intact men, the inner foreskin possesses a greater density of nerve endings. It is thought...
Sex in Human Loving
Why chop a living piece of tissue off a baby boy? Religious beliefs are often the reason, but such traditions overlook the fact that circumcision is an abuse of the boy's right to choose his own destiny. Health reasons? These too have often been cited, but...
The following is from a feature article on a pediatric website called Dr. Green. Dr. Green is not a circumcision or restoration website. It is only concerned with child health and medicine. I have brought this article here to MOS to help illuminate a couple of my theories concerning Penis...
I have something I have been experimenting with over the past year but wanting research it before I posted on it and I am still not ready but I figure I should post now or I never will. I am hoping a thread on this will get some member interaction and help me finalize this whole thing.
This may seem like a dumb question but i really don't know much about the anatomy of my penis so i'm curious. I know my dick is getting longer i've gained bout 1.25 inches but i'm curious what is happening to the veins and such inside my dick as my dick gets longer. Are they extending or what i...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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