
  1. M

    Circulation at heavier weights

    Hey Bib, what is up with the circulation being better with heavier weights? I noticed yesterday that when I was hanging 10 lbs I had no problems, but when I went down to five my galns went numb and very very cold. I found this interesting, and I think all I did was wrap too tight and I closed...
  2. U

    Where do I start?

    OK, I've decided that I would like to restore my foreskin. Here's my story. I'm going to admit here just how ignorant I was just a short while ago. I didn't even know what I'd lost. Pretty bad considering that I'm almost 40. I never even gave it a thought. I started doing Penis...
  3. JesterX

    6 INCH Girth Club

    hey guys i havent had much experience with sex and my girth at the moment is around 5.7" is this size girth pleasurable for most women and at what size does girth become uncomfortable or what size does it take abit more work to "ease-in" also at what size can be uncomfortable for a women to give...
  4. DLD

    Now The World Knows....MOS

    SEE ARTICLE Size matters Mike Salvini is an evangelist for natural penis enlargement, a weird and scientifically unproven way of upsizing the male member. And thousands of men are going to great lengths to follow him. - - - - - - - - - - - - By Peter Rubin March 24, 2005 *|* At 6:30...
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