Hey everyone...Wanted to start a Progress Log to see if 8x6 was possible with just the Penomet and the Phallosan Forte Alone.
I've been doing PE on and off for the last 5 years but have been very inconsistent to say the least. I've tried it all; jelquing/manual stretches, pills, air pumps, jes...
I'm 18 years old, and am currently clinically obese. I'm just over 5 stone overweight, with a very substantial gut. Whenever, I stand up I find it literally impossible to see my penis. Just to measure my flaccid penis requires me to take my shirt off. When flaccid, it's around 8-9 cm. Whilst...
fat pad
Hey all, I'm starting a progress thread to make sure I stay dedicated to my goals. I officially started PE on 5/19/14 with these starting statistics:
BPEL: 6.5
EG: 4.5
A little info about myself. I'm a 19 year old college student. My New Years resolution for 2014 was to make this a year of...
The SRT Size Blaster
This is the all new exercise is the end all girth and length practice that will pack on inches of girth and length through it’s powerful one way compression. The main goal in SRT and gaining size is to not only stretch the size we currently have but to access inches...
Hi everybody.
I don't know if this has been posted before, in this case feel free to delete it. :-)
I already know that everything helps, every device or exercise, but here i'm asking about YOUR favourite, i mean... it's a personal thing...
So, the questions are:
1) What is the device, or the...
Hi guys,
Been wanting to ask this question for a while, but finally have the time to post it. My routine is simple: get in 10+hrs. a week of hanging with a bib, followed by 10-15 minutes of jelqing. Results are good. However, I do not believe I reach my full potential every time I get an...
Hey guys! Was wondering on what to do and I finally decided to open a strange thread.... It is more like- "have you tried this" kind of thread.
So, recently I've been reading a lot of interesting stuff about the male prostate stimulation masturbation. What it actually is (for those of you who...
I was 50 mins into an hour jelq session. I was reverse kegeling for practice during sex and to keep from ending my jelq session too early. I blew a wad of pre cum, and I mean a wad! Normally I just dribble a lil out at a time. It was clear, normally if I cum, its thick and white.
I'm wondering...
So, I've been following the stud maker drill and changed my whole perspective of masturbation. Now I can fap for at least an hour and I can ejac whenever I want just by thinking about it. The longest I've gone was 2 hours and 20 minutes but I stopped because it was boring and my wrist was...
I see a lot of exercises that says do kegels to let more blood flow into the penis, but I can only get a little to flow through, and I have to squeeze so hard for that that my whole body tenses up, which is no good. I can even hold a weak kegel for 2 seconds with out it dropping.
This guy...
So looking through the first few pages of this section, I see a lot posts, some saying kegels work, and some saying its not. So I don't know what to believe. I found what I believe to be a pretty decent kegel routine, but I want to practice RKs as well, as I was masturbating earlier, and I found...
Hi Guys,
I've been on and off for years with penis enlargement as I have a fairy decent sized cock. But I'm looking to finally knuckle down and stay focused on a dedicated routine. My question about wearing an extender is this....do I need to warm up with a heat pad/hot wash cloth prior to...
A quick background on myself: I discovered Penis Enlargement around 2004 via betterman. There are 2 things I will disclose info on referring to the early years and now later into this thread which I believe will hold alot of weight. During my early years I messed around with Penis Enlargement...
Hey guys, gotta question...
Should I be doing regular kegels while edging and during intercourse?
I know I should use reverse kegel to prevent ejaculation just before PONR, to last longer, but what bothers me is should I also be doing intentional regular kegels while masturbating/edging and...
I would like to get to 8 inches long from 6 inches.
The thing is I masturbate alot and end up not doing my Penis Enlargement exercises.
How can I get motivated and stop masturbating?
I am not sure if I am using the right word here or not, but does anyone else notice as you get larger, you can feel more torque while masturbating or when a girl (or guy if you are into them) gives you a handie (I notice while laying on my back)? It certainly adds sensation. Also, lately I...
Hi everyone, I just want to know why my libido lowered, I used to masturbate 4-5 times a day sometimes. This past 4 months I had to overcome the following situations:
1-the death of my uncle
2-my dad almost dies because of an internal bleeding in his stomach caused by an ulcer, he had an...
What do you guys think of using prayer and maybe asking God to help you in your pe journey? I've used the Psalm 23 recently as a daily prayer and it really helped me mentally be more content and refreshed. Does anyone have any opinions on this or know any specific prayers? Thanks
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