When I first started penis enlargement I was 19 years old but now I am 22 years of age. At 19 and 20 I played around with different exercises always getting frustrated and giving up. The same thing happened when I was 20 years of age and of course I gave up on penis enlargement for awhile.
Do you guys think masturbation will hinder or hurt PE gains in the long run? Personally I have been masturbating like crazy for the past two weeks. It seems when I stop masturbation my night and morning woods vanish without a trace.
But every time I get off my EQ is back in action the next day...
Hello newbies, hello MOS brothers!
I was recently thinking a lot about PE, and I came up with some good conclusions about entire PE thing.
Im about to write up my opinion and fundamentals in general...
This is for newbies, I didn't came up with anything new, just what I've learned in past...
I have a masterbation addiction, its so hard to stop.I usually touch my dick 3-4 times a day. However I never cum, I always hold my cum back due to edging I'm pretty good at edging. Is that hindering my gains?
I have read that iIf a male is sat upright on the edge of a sofa or chair masturbating there is a chance that he will become unaware of the pressure from the chair building up on the area between his anus and scrotum as a result of the pleasure experienced from the masturbatory act. If the male...
before starting the training I want to know whether my measurements are normal or not.
I have 22 y/o and in erection my penis 13 cm(5.12 inches) and.girth 13.5 cm.(5.31 inchs )
there is some pictures
you find that the size of...
Look at his two penis pics done a year (or so) apart. He looks bigger now. I know people will say it's the angle , the distance the pic was taken etc. but he has that tell tale Bathmate discoloration. I think the Beibs is pumping his Beiber.
micro penis
last night i had a LM strteching session and i used the PF almost all night,and today i have been only using the PF ,but i started to feel the heat and i have masturbated twice.can this have a negative effect like loosing the few gains i can make in a session.
like finishing a session and...
Tl;dr getting back into PE after a 4 year relationship
The story:
I first logged into MOS sometime in '09 as a sex-obsessed freshman in college. I was dedicated to my practice, never finished when masturbating, went through the basic routine, got a cable clamp, bathmate and other fun toys. I...
Uncommon question here, but I'm considering cutting down or stopping masturbation, so I'm wondering if anyone knows if you can make any gains with bath mate without an erection?
is not cumming bad? I haven't came in months I just edge ALOT after my PE sessions but never let myself get to the point of no return where I need to SQUEEZE to hold it back. I go right before that and stop because I read that it's bad to let it get to that point and hold it in.
I do this every...
Hi guys!
So I have been doing well the last few months, but one thing I have noticed is i have started to lack sensitivity in the glans. Used to be no problem, but now I can really feel a difference. Is there any way to gain back the lost sensitivity?
I am cut, and before I would just do...
So I was abducted by aliens....
...but I'm back. You're probably wondering did they probe me? I think the more important question is, if they did probe me and I liked it does that make me gay or UFOSexual? I'll leave the answer up to you.
More importantly, in my absence on MOS, something very...
helo, although i have small penis 12.5cm legth and girth 12cm, the flaccid size really small and scrawny, it dosent look it will grow to it size, its maybe 6cm in legth and 5cm in girth? maybe my cells spread a lot, i saw some people that their penis is like my size (no gay) but their flaccid...
So I've been reading around for awhile and I've been noticing a reoccurrence that people that have been masturbating frequently Havnt gained as much as people that masturbate say once a week. Does masturbation really kill gains?
Hey guys it's been a while. I just have a question for you guys.
Do you guys believe there are 2 layers in gains?
1 being Permanent Gains and the other Temporary Visible Gains. I just associate Permanent gains with BPFSL and Temporary Visible Gains with BPEL
Hey guys, Dld asked if i had any information on this subject so here it is. I have read through some interesting articles on adult entertainment and its effects on your brain and ultimately your penis. Here is a great site that explains a whole lot. If you constantly look at adult entertainment and have some erectile issue i...
Hello! I posted about my CC problem before, that my other CC is bigger, but i'm not very worried about that yet. But i have other problems that worries me more.
I did get penile torsion with PE, sometimes i have wondered if maybe that's why it looks like my right CC is bigger.
I think i got...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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