Hey all,
So I'm in a crappy situation. I have what I believe to be a serious case of ED, caused by PE.
- Light Spasm in my penis throughout the day. I tried going to bed without pants on last night, and my member spasmed for quite a while.
- Extreme difficulty obtaining an erection
Hello all,
I have a few stories for any that are bored enough to read. I also share in hopes to help any others in a position similar to mine and to provide a window into another angle of life for those who are not.
First of all, I was in a relationship with a much older woman for 11 or so...
Hi guys! here's my story. I used to have random rock hard erections all day long, but after taking antidepressor for 3 months, I can't get 100% hard anymore and have EQ problems. So like I said, I used to have rock hard erections, but I took an antidepressor from september to december 2017 and...
As per the subject, I'm beginning to think that the real reason why my penis curves to the right is because its tighter on that side than on the left side. This is due to my left handed grip where my fingers tend to press hard on the right side, so the muscle has developed tighter/stronger. I...
I'll do some twisting in warm up and also some bundled stretches during my routine. Sometimes it feels different when I twist the opposite direction and other times it doesn't. Is it beneficial to twist both directions? I know it certainly isn't a negative to do it but I'm curious.
I should do...
This is really irritating cause i recently just started getting sexual with a girl. And i have a hard time getting strong 100% erections now. I obviously would hate to stop doing the bathmate cause than my penis would remain skinny.
Any tips advice?
Yes i do a shit ton of kegels.
What's good MoS.
So I am a week without fapping. I went on a trip two weeks ago and no fap for a week but I caved in on last Saturday.
I realized my endurance during sex has went to shit because of not fapping. I bust within 3 minutes or less. Last night it was 15 strokes literally lol. I can...
Hello. Before i start with questions, let me introduce myself:
Age: 21
Experience: I have done 1-2 weeks of Side-to-Side stretches and Squeezing
Goal: Length
My measurementes:
Non bone pressed length:7cm
Bone pressed length: 10cm
Non bone pressed length: 12cm
Bone pressed...
These 2 1/2 years has been a struggle atlas for my dick. I think there were some different factors playing into it. I took steroids 1-2 years before the injury and diagnosis and i had low low testosterone after this point which cased me to have lower libido. Thats what got me searching on the...
My wife and I have been trying to get pregnant which has meant lots of sex. However, over the last month I've noticed I can barely get hard and it's starting to a take toll on us. After reading some articles and other people's posts I think I'm addicted to adult entertainment and masturbating. I've been doing...
Yesterday I knew I was finally going to get laid for the first time by the chick I have been seeingso I took 20mg generic cialis 2 hours before she was to come over. First with a condom I went limp immediatelt after I put it on so I pleasured her via oral clit stimulation and G-spot stimulation...
Hey all,
I have been watching adult entertainment for at least an hour every day since I began girth work about a couple of months ago. I really want to quit watching adult entertainment for many reasons, but one of the main ones is that it gets me way too horny and I end up masturbating and ejaculating three or four times...
Hi guys,
i have a small problem when i stretch that i need to deal with every time. So when i start my stretches my penis is 100% flaccid but after i do like ~30 sec SD stretches either to the left or right or just SD or even SO my penis get's little bigger. That means it's no longer in flaccid...
Hello everybody
I started PE before 2 weeks, when i jelq i get horny and there are times that i start masturbating because of this, is there risk when i masturbate and do PE or should i stop masturbation?
whats up guys! first time poster here but im no newbie to pe.
ive trying manual pe ( stretch and jelq), for many years but only now im doing it consistenly (5 times a week for almost 10 months).
I havent been able to made a single gain in lenght or in girth... My eq was never very bad, but...
what is the most effective workout schedule for PE? should i be exercising daily or should i take rest days? if i should take rest days then how many and how often?
Lately I've been thinking, thinking a lot about me, my life and who I am.
I'm nearly 21 years old and I have finally realised that what I am missing in my life and that I am basically a loser...all of my friends have had some sort of meaningful relationship with a girl and have been happy, but...
"Mind Reboot" What could this mean? I have come to the conclusion that the reason I relapse into adult entertainment is because I leave a door open to return to the action. In this challenge I have always tried to stop but I never chose to stop. Let me make a contrast here; When I quit smoking I made a...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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