See the picture below. Tape anti fluid from monkey bar. It's simple 3M foam tape. Then I wear the phallosan sleeve. Then on top I wear the sleeve from monkey bar.
Now I use the medium bell of phallosan . I have to push a little hard with my index finger to squeeze my penis in the bell, then...
this can be done any angle ok wat you do is you grip the glands thumbs up with your second stringest hand , stretch fully then grab the base with your strong hand and pull the skin /tissue up and grip it with the bottom of your weaker hand( i do this two times while still holding the skin...
Hey all,
I have been doing PE routines since approximately 2011, and have had some great success so far, but have yet to reach my goal.
A little bit of history:
original BPEL = 5.75"
Current BPEL = 7.25"
I originally gained my first inch by doing 2 hours per day of stretching with the size...
Congratulations jacob5414, won a SizeGenetics Extender (over a $200.00 value!) for being the top poster in Septembers contest!
OK Brothers for this months posting contest, here is what we are looking for:
• Members that get the most "Likes" and/or "Thanks" on posts. This will hold allot of...
Can anybody tell me approximately how much time will be necessary to gain 0.6 inch in girth? Look, I know it depends from person to.person, but anyway share your girth gains in ratio GAINS - TIME if you want of course. Thanks in advance brothers. :)
I didn't see a thread anywhere in regards to an eating plan for PE so I decided to start one. Basically what this thread is going to be is a meal plan to promote sexual health as much as possible. It will conclude of breakfast lunch and dinner, and snacks in-between. What foods promote the...
penis growth
sexual health
If you've gone from big loads to huge loads or from small to normal or a little more, please refrain from comment on it. I've read it all 1,000 times before. Guy with small load asks how to cum more. Guy with big load says "Just drink more water/lecithin, makes mine huge, though mine were...
When you visit MoS, are you using private browsing or incognito mode to hide your history? Or are you using a family computer and erase history?
We are asking this to try and narrow down an issue we are experiencing with our affiliate partners and tracking traffic.
hey all.first post 25 years old,did PE for about 3 months then took a break now back at it.Im havinga problem as about a month ago i noticed some PAPULeS on my penis.i dont like doc said they are BENIGN but i still dont like them.My routine is bathmate jelq bathmate.i have some...
Just a few minutes ago I read a thread in which the OP shared he could not get an erection without adult entertainment or a female present. This is preventing him from being able to have a good jelqing session without adult entertainment. This thread was not the first time I have seen this issue showing a correlation between...
So I'm sick and tired of being a little guy.
It's bad enough that I'm 5'7 but over the last 15 years I've eaten like shit and gotten super skinny. Like unhealthy, anorexic, skeleton skinny.
It's time for me to change. I've planned my exercise routine, got a workout partner lined up, and have a...
Along time ago, about 11 years, a few good men started this place called Matters of Size and through love and dedication to what we all believed we went against the grain and started a Brotherhood that stood for the truth, at any cost. We were met with many afflictions, websites talked vile of...
Hey boys! I am back, I have been abcent for 3 weeks now, but I have my reasons. My story is long, but I would try to keep it as short as possible. I am here to hear what you think and to hear what you would advise me to do. I am in a very shit situation and I do not know what to do....
I met...
9 inch
huge cock
Can somebody plz post a video of how to do the uncle jims wrap video. I cant do it without my guy twisting all up I dont know if im doing it right or what?
Are there any guys here in europe that have and use a penis extender? I don't have a credit-card and I don't wanna pay loads of money for shipping costs to buy a size genetics or something. The only thing I can find here in europe is the andro penis extender and I've only read bad reviews about...
Just thought i would share my routine since i am experiencing great gains. I am currently hanging 30lbs 3 times a day for 10 minutes each session followed by a30 minute nightly jelq session. I was clamping but felt my ligaments getting tougher. I have been doing this routine for a week and it...
hey guys and I'm not sure if any gals around :P I've been bit of a hit an miss guy when it comes to Pe, starting an stopping , but now it's time to get serious and really try to have a solid year of working on it. my goal atm is 9.5 length (I'd be happy with 9 too) and ideally minimum shaft...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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