ive only tested olive and coconut
i found that olive was being poorly absorbed by my skin, b/c hours after PE it would still be greasy
coconut on the other hand was quickly absorbed and after a few hours my skin was very supple and smooth but at the same time dry enough not to be greasy or...
Hi guys,
I have been doing PE since 2009 on and off. I stopped for a while, but now I am ready to go back to work.
This time, I am planning to use Bathmate with 5mg of Cialis everyday to have a better blood flow. Anybody used Cialis for their PE routine?
Hey all. So I need some girth and hopefully flaccid hang. Problem is I have a nice looking penis and discoloration,stretch marks and papule flare/bumps as well as changing shape of penis concerns me(my penis is very straight)
I've tried Bathmate. Jelqing and jelq device but I haven't done...
Current Measurements
TODAY September 8th 2017 - BPEL - 6" to 6.25"(usually around 6" but it does go to around 6.25 if i am at the peak of excitement)
BPFSL - 6.5". However this easily goes upto 6.75" after a long jeqling session with low eq.
BPFS- around 3.5 or 4". My flacid has not improved...
The female I semi routinely share a bed with has been commenting lately that I "feel" super hard to her the last couple months. Interestingly during pumping sessions my impression was also that out side of a total flaccid state there seems to be more rigidity to my penis. Is this what most...
HI guys, I'm fairly new to PE and I'm trying to gather as much info as possible to make good gains and I was wondering, those of you who made good length gains, what is your routine? I read the SRT post and this is what I've collected.
Length Session (AM)
1. 5 minutes Bundled Stretches
2. 6...
I've been doing PE for a year or so and I'm very happy with the results in both length and girth. I've always had a bell shaped erect dick with the largest measurement being about 2/3 of the way up the shaft. With the PE, the "bell" has gotten more extreme. I'm not complaining but wonder if...
Hi guys, so for the past month i've been doing the following routine either 2 on / 2off or 1on/ 2off days.
1. Warm cloth wrap (~10 minutes).
2. Manual Stretches (~10min), Bundled Stretches (Up/Down/Left/Right) ~30 sec each, Behind the cheeks(Left/Middle/Right) ~30sec each,
Basic Stretches (...
Hi guys, I'd like to know what should I prioritize in my pe routine if I only have 4-6h of free time. In my day off work, my routine look like this:
Length Routine (AM)
5 minutes bundled stretches
1. 6 minutes expressive stretching using the loop of LengthMaster
2. 30 secs for each of these...
Sooo I was wondering? Would it be more effective? Less effective? Or the same to do several short (say 5 minute) sessions throughout the day? In this case I can actually do several shorter sessions easier than I can one long session at night.
Hello everybody
I started PE before 2 weeks, when i jelq i get horny and there are times that i start masturbating because of this, is there risk when i masturbate and do PE or should i stop masturbation?
So I haven't really jelqed in a real long time, and I finally tried it between bathmate sets and hit a new highest in-chamber expansion! So now I'm interested, but I'm rapidly finding difficulties.
-when I jelq, the hair abraids the skin. Shaving also abraids the skin and I don't want to take a...
To start off, my glans became soft and smaller from girth overtraining. Always looked bruised and didnt fill up.
Eventually, I came to the conclusion that most of my girth gains were at the base. This meant to me that my blood was trying to fill up the base too much, not making its way all...
So I've been back in the PE world for about a month now doing manual work.
As far as girth goes I do 20 minutes of jelqing and then about 5-10 minutes daily of different forms of more intense manual girth work like SSJ.
For some reason after a few weeks of doing this the crazy expansion I used...
I'm not faithful to pe as I should and sometimes go weeks without doing any pe. No reason why but now I'm going to be dedicated and so far one solid week in the books.
My current routine is 5 minutes in Bathmate then do 150 jelqs. I repeat this 3 times and at the end do 10 minutes of...
hey, can the penis grow just with devices like phollosan, BM or SG, and without Jelq and streching with LM and manual? i have problem to do streching.
my flaccid is really small is 2.5inches and all the skin is based near the glans, when i try to pull it , it really hurt in the skin, will baby...
Hey guys. I am currently doing 100 jelqs followed by 60s of SSJ for a total duration of 30 minutes. I started at 15 and worked up.
Recently I have been getting a lot of fluid build up on the underside of the penis just below the head. Admittedly I have reduced my jelqs and increased my time...
Hey all! I have been lurking on the site now for quite some time. Love the content and have always been interested in PE. I have been on and off for a couple years now, nothing serious outside of some light stretching and jelqing. I know first hand it works because I've seen minor gains and...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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