So I've tried Penis Enlargement about 3 times now since i found out about it 5 or so years ago and all three times i got no gains whatsoever <:(
On those three occasions i religiously pe'd for about 3 months, i followed everything down to a T, i also tried different combinations of on/off days...
Welcome to Matters of Size- The world's best penis enlargement program on the Internet! But we're much more than this. Penis Enlargement, or penis enlargement, also increases sexual stamina so you can last longer in bed, and erection and orgasm quality, so you're getting maximum pleasure out...
I am a quadrapeligic in a wheel chair which has left me unable to move from the chest down. As u can imagine not as easy to satisfy girls when we have sex bein unable to move. So I want to increase my penis size just to make up for some of the lost in movement. I have minimal use of hands. When...
I just bought this "jelq device" on the internet.
It works quite simply, jelqs your penis and you don`t need to use lube or have your hands tired.
Have you guys used it before? DLD, do you think this is effective?
As you guys know I recently found some universal pump sleeves on the extreme restraints website which I received yesterday. I can honestly say that I've have had the best Bathmate session with absolutely no pain at all. Okay so as you can see from pumpsleeve pic 1 they come in a pack of 2 which...
hello everybody I have this machine for two months (cheap copies of jelq device) and I want to change because it hurts my penis skin. rolls are crap and sometimes block, but still won a centimeter, with 20 minutes a day and rest two days a week. I would like to buy another product better, or the...
I've been a member of this forum for a while now, yet very few of you have seen me actively on this website, and the simple reason for this is that...I WAS LAZY! I didnt want to work hard for it..I wanted the gains in a few days or weeks..I say that to say this: now I feel dedicated! Im saving...
Ever since my laptop has been down(which I use to take pics) I have not been posting because I believe that pics are the biggest thing to help people understand what you are talking about and actually see your gains. I decided last week that I was going to get back into Penis Enlargement since I...
I have the original power jelq device but I think the rollers on it are way too firm to the point that there is no give from it. It seems like those rollers don't conform to the shape of my dick AT ALL. The foam rollers from the homemade model looks a lot softer and comfortable. You guys think...
Hey Everyone,
After doing some research online and checking the usual forums, I decided to give Adractim (DHT cream) a shot. This will probably be my last shot at Penis Enlargement - I've been very consistent for 2 years + without much improvement. Actually, the only significant signs of...
Hey, whats going on gentlemen. As the title indicates this is my very 1st post. I have been doing a lot of the necessary reading & and researching of the forum that every newbie to Penis Enlargement should do. Not all but a awful lot! I will be keeping a pictorial of my progress from rook to vet...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
So we newly got the Bathmates for sale here on the MOS, and Im getting spammed like fucking hell in my mailbox about the product.
I thought it would be a good idea to make this offical Bathmate thread.
This is made so we can gather together, share information, tips and tricks and of course ask...
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