Hi guys, I hope you a are well, I´ve been doing a basic stretching routine, in all angles, for 15 secs I do quick kegels, then I release the kegels and I stretch for 15 doing a reverse kegel. Then Im determined to do de dld blasters, I do the warm up and all the previous stuff, but I find really...
Hi what's up?
I want to add intensity to my length routine, and also to make it shorter. I would like you guys to give me any tips or advises you can.
My routine starts with about 5 minutes of bundled stretches, then I do DLD pulse 110 45 seconds to each direction: down, left, right, forward...
Hello my beloved MOS Brotherhood. Hope youre doing good.
Going to start this log to keep myself motivated, track my success and maybe motivate and help some others!
But first iam going to share my Story with you, to show you that its never to late to get your shit together and start working on...
This excerise has done the most good for me. I warm up with my floor heater making sure my dick is relaxed stretchable. then i stretch jelq squeeze (both hands) for 30 or 45 min then i warm down...which helps you retain gains.If you want FAST results this definitelty the excercise for you...
fast results
size genetics
Maybe i should conclude that after a lot lof months, trying to gain length by retract my foreskin while i grip,
with no solid gains, that this method is no good?
This is so strange. I have changed my grip technique since over 4-6months. Right before i started to grip like this
i did not...
So I wa?s thinking about the whole internal penis thing and came to the conclusion that even if you were to pull your inner penis out, your total erect length is still restricted (mostly) by the length of your ligs right?
I guess pulling inner penis would be on the same level as errect...
How should i incorporate the bathmate for length. I decided to stick to this routine BEFORE using the bathmate:
Bundled Stretches 5 minutes
Erect Stretches 10 minutes
Expressive Stretch 10 minutes
2 -minutes for each of the following
Rotary cranks
Rotary cranks
Kids are gone for summer so I have a lot of time on my hands and work from home.
I have been hanging 3-4 hrs a day with Vac Hanger 3 @ 5 lbs with heat source.
I wasn't really expecting much since I am doing it more for girth (vac hanging acts like a "pump" if you over suck air out) and...
What are my best options for length? Should I see what I can gain just from stretches and manual work and THEN move into devices? I've been doing Mandingos/internal stretches/bathmate hardcore stretches. I want to be loooooong
I have been doing some testicle stretches where i stretch penis and the scrotal sac in opposite directions provided in the Testicle and health massage routine.
I did this randomly before sleep. I did not do any massage by the way, because i thought the stretch was the reason to cure...
I have some questions about coaxing out that inner penis, Do I perform these stretches after my jelq/bathmate routine or before? Just wondering which would be most effective.
How long do I hold the stretch for maximum gains? I really want to focus on maximising length gains.
I've been reading a lot about the inner penis, pulling it out and converting it into permanent erect gains. I found an example of this exercise over at okaydick.
I did some follow up research to try and validate the assertion that this exercise can add inches fairly quickly, with little room...
I have been thinking about creating my own manual routine for sometime now. I have done some basic PE in the past, but never seen any potential gains. I like to think DLD for pointing out the SRT program for me to try, but I would like to create my own routine and experiment with this and that...
Does anyone ever get the urge, that felling of burning desire, like an itch, to pull your cock right out of your body?
When stretches just won't suffice and you feel like you want to pull the fuck out of your inner penis... but physically can't get in there to do it...
I've been feeling it all...
So we do our routine day in and day out, see our penises at least an hour a day, and this could be misleading. You don't notice you are getting bigger because you are constantly looking at it. My wife recently commented that I had a "monster" in my pants, I thought she was just being nice, so I...
Hello! I have been doing PE over 1 year and as i have gained a decent amount of length, 1,2 inches kinda. It starts to get obvious my erection angle has suffered a bit.
In the beginning of my journey i had that shaft pointing straight up to my belly almost, and also hard to force down. Now my...
Hello! I just wonder what the correct technique is to get rid of turkey neck and scrotum skin going up on the shaft with the use of bathmate.
I know that if you stretch the skin above the turkey neck, the shaft skin, the foreskin and so on, the turkey neck will reduce. I know for a fact that...
I read here on the forums, I believe it was DLD, to stretch the shaft from the ball sack. What is this stretch for? I just want to make sure I need to do it or not. Thanks!!
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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