
  1. S


    I guess I am suffering from the spoils of the LM. I am traveling right now and pretty much the only time I can do PE is when I am in my bed (privacy). I know that sounds weird but thats just the way it is lol. Suggestions on how I can do the beginner routine stretches without the LM and...
  2. J


    Hi, does anyone have experience with phallogauge I can get it on but it slips of easy and it only seems to stretch my ligaments not the shaft of my penis .. also if you stretch the ligaments does this make your erection angle lower instead of point upwards? Thanks.
  3. B

    doubt about the bundled

    dld in srt you say we should do 5 to 10 minutes of bundled before the exercises, should i hold 10 minutes the bundled? or should I split and in how many split second bundled?
  4. D

    How Long Should It Take To See Results?

    I've been at it, 20 min of jelq plus 20 min of hard stretching, for probably 2 months now and nothing has changed at all. My eq isn't even all that great. Should I be getting some tiny amount of growth by now or not?
  5. C

    Unable to hold stretches at all

    The only factor limiting my growth at this point is my inability to hold stretches for over 20 or so seconds (and after those 20 seconds I need to take a break for about one minute because my hand is so tired). I have the time, motivation, etc. to grow, but this one factor is just destroying...
  6. DLD

    Bi-Monthly Posting Contest for the Month of August...Get involved win big!

    August/September Monthly Contest: Win the tool of your choice plus $100 in cash! From now on, the best posters of the month will be judged and awarded for 2 consecutive months of posting OK Brothers for the August 2018 posting contest, here is what we are looking for: • Members that get...
  7. E

    How a Positive Stereotype can be BAD.

    This topic has been discussed many times here at MoS and also on other PE forums but I just heard it on a podcast about 30 min ago AND it came up while talking to my woman a couple of days ago. I listen to the Joe Rogan podcast almost daily and every now and then he brings up the all black guys...
  8. A

    Return to PE. cleaning BATHMATE?proper jelq? Avoiding stretch marks?

    Hey all. So I've been doing off and on pe fir like 4 years and I mean I never honestly sat in to it long enough to see permamnt results. It's been about 5 months since anything. I went to get backdate that was left In the shower but theres white powder stuff in the outside around the rubber. I...
  9. C

    Does direction of twist/bundles matter?

    I'll do some twisting in warm up and also some bundled stretches during my routine. Sometimes it feels different when I twist the opposite direction and other times it doesn't. Is it beneficial to twist both directions? I know it certainly isn't a negative to do it but I'm curious. I should do...
  10. M

    flesh light

    Hey guys I'm actually going to be having a little more privacy on my hands for the next two months. I'm looking into getting some sort of Fleshlight or masturbator. Is there any certain brand that is the best out there or feels the best? Also something that isn't going to break the bank
  11. B

    silicone sleeves.

    I feel the sleeves is ready to go, If you would DLD I send you a pm, with my phone number, as I currently have no internet at home, so if you would call me and we can discuss the details, I have the sleeves I have cast and I have had no issues so far with them,
  12. D

    Importance of the Jelq

    I've finally decided to get back into PE as I had noticed a decrease in EQ and NBEL from gaining weight (I'm not even close to overweight, just always been extremely skinny). Every time I start back, I always quit before getting any significant gains. I think the most I've gained was .2" in...
  13. L

    May & June 2018 Prize Giveaway….Get Involved and Win Big! Over $5,000 in Prizes!

    From now on, the best posters of the month will be judged and awarded for 2 consecutive months of posting Congratulations Big Schwanz Acht for being the January & February top poster! Please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice! Here are all the winners of...
  14. L

    March & Apr 2018 Prize Giveaway….Get Involved and Win Big! Over $5,000 in Prizes!

    From now on, the best posters of the month will be judged and awarded for 2 consecutive months of posting Congratulations Big Schwanz Acht for being the January & February top poster! Please pm me your full name, mailing address, email address and prize of choice! Here are all the winners of...
  15. M


    Is it ok to jack of rest days and will it effect gains and is 20 mins enough to jelq i use penilizer same as jelq device just without rollers is it good enough using it straight down or should I turn it sideways to and me and my woman get busy once a day or every other day will that effect gains
  16. T

    Can stretching from the base be applied to a new kind of enlargement device

    Now this may be already thought of or an idea already. An idea came to me as I was doing my stretching now I am currently doing footlong which I love but for some reason I decided to grab the base of my penis with one okay grip and right above it not and inch but directly above the other had I...
  17. C

    Trying a new ointmemt/cream

    When I was actively training I wasn't the greatest at keeping up with hydrocortisone. My own fault :o My wife brought home some stuff they use in the nursing home cause my hands were getting so dried out the cracks were about to start bleeding. Usually I'll go for plain Eucerin cream this time...
  18. G

    Resuming P.E. w/ LM & SG

    Hello. I've been away from P.E. for a long time and i'm going to be starting up again. In the past, I used no "tools", but this time i'm going to purchase a lengthmaster and Size genetics. I do recall that gains can be accelerated by maintaining a slightly stretched state after "workouts", so...
  19. T

    Can someone give me a short intense routine that will produce results?

    For the last 6 months i have been doing basic pe stretches. The newbie routine and an hour of hanging. I have gained a good amount, i went from 5.9 nbel to about 6.5 nbel. However that took a huge chunk out of my day, about two hours. And although I gained alot, i can no longer dedicate so much...
  20. N

    Going for it

    I’ve decided to purchase a phallosan after lurking really hard. I’ve tried the bathmate and the SG with a TLC tigger and had some gains and some success but the ease of use doesn’t quite fit my busy lifestyle aside from now being a new dad to a beautiful little girl, plus the responses to people...
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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