Hi there and may i simply say, what a great site. I am a guy in his mid 30s and i have found of late that i do not seem to have the flacid hang that i once did though i have never and dont have any issues with arousal or erection as of yet. I will admit i have been a heavy drinker for quite some...
I really wanted something to keep me from turtling. . .I received them today. I went to the gym, came home showered, massaged, and stretched my dick. I put on the flaccid jacket and I wish I could have a flaccid hang (length wise) like this all of the time.
I pumped while wearing it and I got a...
Hey gang,
I have a nice penis size but alas I am a grower. How can I greatly increase my flacid size? I want it to hang like a mule when flacid, as at times it is quite small.
Please note that I don't want any more erect length. It's already too much for my girlfriend at times. However any...
ok I just started pe and I have a a 3.5" flaccid penis and a 5.5" bpfs and a 4and 3/4" girth when flaccid.
my goal is 8" erect length by summer with 6" erect girth I really need help.
I currently own a proextender that uses the strap rather than the noose with comfort foam liners, a set of 4...
Hello to all my new brothers in the game. I'm starting this thread so that I can get some feedback from the experts plus some helpful info (hopefully) for all the guys out there on there way.
About me, I've always been self conscious about my size. I'm currently at NBPenis EnlargementL 5in, MSEG...
Well, I am back state side and wanted to start a log for multiple reasons. Partly for accountability, but also after months of research I kind of wanted to consolidate what I had learned for others.
So, about me, 30ish in good shape (military). Starting measurements:
FG: 4 6/8"
BPFL (not...
Hi everyone,
First off, a special thanks to DLD and all the great members here. Dabbled in Penis Enlargement a bit a few years back, saw some gains, became lazy and complacent, and stopped. Now I'm more determined than ever to work hard and see some real change.
The catalyst to...
fat pad
newbie routine
sexual health
I have been trying to fine a method on here for hanging. Can anybody help with this. I'm a grower not a shower and my girth gains have been great but I want to take the next step in length. I use the Bathmate and the SG now. Thanks
Hello guys!
There is the thread I decided to create in order to share my Penis Enlargement results with people :). As many of Penis Enlargement-ers, I was inspired to start my grower-to-shower jorney by adult entertainment ;). so my goals are 10x6.5. I'm really motivated and I will do anything to make my male...
Hi everybody,
First of all, I'm not 100% sure if I'm a grower or shower, or if there is anything between, I'd say I'm a relatively large grower, especially in thickness. When my libido is high though, I notice, my penis being "extra" large in length and thickness and especially when flaccid...
Hi everybody,
First of all, I'm not 100% sure if I'm a grower or shower, or if there is anything between, I'd say I'm a relatively large grower, especially in thickness. When my libido is high though, I notice, my penis being "extra" large in length and thickness and especially when flaccid...
Hi all silly question
I have been doing some jelqing and mixing it up with a Bathmate.
I did a very light jelqing and Bathmate session last night and woke up to a smaller penis than normal.
I have not gained any perma gains yet as I have not been doing that long but I am wondering if its...
I've had the stealth for a few weeks. Since dld asked for the link in another thread I think I'm safe posting a review now. I'm not paid in any way by this company.
Its kinda like the stretchy material on the back of knee pads or football pads or joint...
What is it about our penises that determine whether we're growers or not? Does it have to do with having a thicker tunica? Anybody have any input they'd like to share?
I am encountering a problem that is getting in the way of some of my exercises, especially stretching. I have very tight skin around my penis, I think its related to how much smaller it is in the flacid state than erect (I'm a grower not a shower), but whether its the cause or a symptom I really...
The other day my gf and I were talking about my penis. She said that it was smaller than most other guys she's been with when flaccid but yet grows bigger than most she has been with when erect.
This has got me thinking. Is there any correlation between the difference in flaccid size and erect...
Hello All, I've searched for an explanation of what uncle Jim's wrapping is but get tons of hits that reference it but not an explanation. Can someone post a link please or explain? Thanks.....
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