
  1. C

    after 1 year of PE i must still be a noob-no gains,no curve correction! HELP

    Hey guys im 27 years of age, a type 1 diabetic,i was circumcised as a baby due to phismosis i have had my downward curve since i can remember, i am actually happy with my size (18.4cm BPEL)however i need the curve fixed i was a very tight RC-0 cut and it is horrible, i have bad turkey neck that...
  2. D

    Dry Jelq is it effective?

    I don’t always readily have lube available when I work out and was willing to try to post a video showing my jelq form and you guy me any tips if this is even an effective jelq
  3. D

    When do I start to gain ? :D

    Hi MOS, I’m doing the progressive weighthanging routine from stillwantmore2. He wrote a guide on this board. I’m 23 days in, and i’ve managed to gradually increase the weight up until 8.8 lbs :D I’ve gained 0.0394 inch so far, I went from 7.28” to 7.32 “ BPEL I do the bathmate routine...
  4. B

    silicone sleeves have been cast, I need testers.

    I have used up what silicone I had, and have a couple of sleeves left over I need a few testers, only thing is I can not pay shipping as funds are extremely tight below will be a list of what I have, I will post pictures or a video here later. 4 inch sleeves 2 6 inch sleeves 1 5.5 inch...
  5. N

    Phallosan forte questions

    Hey guys I have taken quite the hiatus from PE due to many things in life, so I have a couple questions seeing as I have recently purchased then PF for some static stretches since I don’t have as much time to stretch, jelq, and pump. So essentially this is a lazy mans (or busy mans) approach for...
  6. W

    sphincter vs pc muscle - kegel the right way.

    Hi guys, Lately I've been reading more about kegels and it apears when doing them I also contract my sphincter more then the pc muscle itself. I don't have to pee all the time, so stopping the flow and locating it that way is pretty hard. I realy want my erections to be as rock hard without...
  7. H

    Not using ace bandage after length exercise

    I'm currently using the length master for 1 hour daily doing upward and downward bundled stretches. I know I'm suppose to wrap with ace bandage to heal in an elongated state but right now I do not have the ace bandage. I intend to gain 1 inch in length in 6 month. I have used the length master...
  8. B

    Pumping with Bathmate outside the tub?

    Not sure of I should post this in the bathmate section because this is more about penis enlargement rather than the pump itself. So far I have gained 3/8" in EL/MEG and 5/8" in BEG pumping in the bathmate for an hour. I thought of upping the time by 15 minutes which would total 75 minutes. My...
  9. B

    bandit2010 progress thread.

    hey all I am getting back into the hang of things and decided to start a progress thread, I will try to post daily. I am currenly hanging weight, using my home made length master and pumping with my bathmate x30.
  10. B

    man oh man I love it, Gains Gains.

    Gentlemen it appears I have gained a 1/4 inch in length, now I am 7 1/4 inches long, also pumped with the bathmate tonight, I could not even get the head in a toilet paper tube.