hey guys' I came across this old video of Julio Gomez : https://fr.spankbang.com/jrgg/video/julio+before+the+shower
He is big alright but as you can see he does not have that huge girth he has in his recent videos.
what do you think in the reason for that?
I know there are 100's of exercises out there but i wanna know the exercises which are the ABSOLUTE BEST!
What do you think are the best exercises for girth?
What do you think are the best exercises for length?
Cheers mates!
Also feel free to include any devices!!
Hey guys. Im new to the PE world, and I still do not have any equipment. I started doing stretches around 2 months ago, then I measured at 6 BPEL, 5.5 in. Girth. I measured yesterday for the first time since, and my length has jumped to 7 BPEL, but my girth is still 5.5 inches. I do the...
Just a quick question dld. Typically it would take at least a yr or 2 to gain and inch or 2 right. How much faster do you think gains will come and be solidified using SRT. I know permanent gains would come faster, but how much faster do you think gaining an inch or 2 will be adding SRT to the...
I have been jelqing for almost an year and i never feel the "pump" or temporary increase in girth the members here including DLD are talking about. I suspect that this is the reason why i have made very little girth gains
Can someone please explain?
I usually jelq with a 50 - 60% erection and...
Hey guys. I've been scrolling through the forums for days now looking for someone with my situation, but i honestly haven't seen anyone this small. I'm 20 years old and on a good day i'm 4.8 inches erect length. i'd say probably around 3.7 inches girth (i don't have a tape ruler), and i'm...
My buddy is trying to sell me this arginine supplement. Supposedly causes the results to last 12 hrs instead of 1 hr. Could be marketing bs but if it's true that might be a wonderful increase in speed of gains! Anyone had any? I might be willing to guinea pig
Well guess what? Here's a guy who actually has a small penis!
FL: 3.0' - 3.5'
FG: 3.0' - 3.5'
NBEL: 4.8', BPEL - 5.0'
EG: 5.0
Hated the size of my penis most of my life, it's affected my confidence in all area's of my life. Time to do something about it.
I'm going to be using the...
Hey everyone,
I've been aware of MOS for some time but haven't jumped into PE and I would like to change that. I was fortunate to be blessed with a natural 8-1/8" BPEL but not as much in girth at 5-1/8". Obviously I would like to focus on girth. I would love to get to 5.5" - 5.75". Should I...
So I was wondering how much stretching is enough to make sure you don't lose gains. Like 1 set of 20min hanging a day would be enough? I know the hardest part to PE is gaining but have any of u guys had success achieving your goal then just maintaining gains with minimal exercise? Thanks
Does Anybody Else Have girth Fluctuations and is it Normal?
My Main Exercise is Clamping and Clamped Bends with a Random day every week using the Bathmate XX40 and Once every two weeks I will hang.
I have been measuring every Week for the Past couple of Months and consecutively I am pretty...
After using my pump it has been difficult to get an erection, I have only had the pump for 2 days is this normal or will it get better because I see no use in using the pump if I can't get an erection. Please help
Ok seriously this isn't for newbies, be warned!!!!
Warmup: 10 mins
Lengthmaster fulcrum DLD Blasters:
Slide your dick in the LM hole to the point before your sac. Pull down doing DLD Blasters.
Next strap into the Lengthmaster & do tunica twists straight up twisting bothe directions, straight...
I've been lurking on this sight for a LONG time (like, 2 years maybe?) and I've finally made the commitment to start a consistent PE journey. I was way to distracted in college, but now I've graduated and have even been offered my first real job, which means that I'll have money of my...
After 3 months of gaining nearly an inch life and struggles got in my way and I stopped stretching. I was still using the Bathmate 5-6 nights a week but that's it. After a month I've found the time to stretch again so I'm happy.
Figured I'd jump back in full force and do 1 set of Newbie...
I have been hanging with malehanger.I use the zenhanger also.I use the miracle slider extender.I have cheaper blue extender.I can see that cheap blue extender makes my penis stretch more than 8 pounds of weight hanging with zen or malehanger and more the miracle slider.I warm up rice sock ten...
Hi all,
Just wondering how hard you guys pull with the length master. I've had a hard time wrapping as my pens has the ability/tendency to become EXTREMELY soft and so invariably would slip out. Now I use the phallosan bell to keep the head and glans from slipping and it works, but if I try and...
Hey, the way my dick naturally is means that i have a great girth at the glans and good girth at the shaft just below it. But beyond there my girth decreases until the base, where it is very measly and thin. All girth exercises i have read on here talk about giving great girth expansion at the...
hi folks,
new here a quick one how hard do you squeeze when jelqing for length and in what direction is effective, in addition to doing stretches for length.
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