Some questions regarding manual exercises. #2 and #3 have me really frustrated:
1) I'm running JP90 from PEgym and I've seen some guys saying the routine takes them only 45 minutes, but for me it's 1.5 hours at the very least, sometimes 2. Is that generally too long for a manual exercise...
I have a 9.5 to 10 inch cock. I just get semis and cant get fully hard without physical stimulation. And when i do get hard it sometimes gets numb and/ or loses its erection. Any tips, herbs you guys know of that can help me out with my problem. Other than that i have the size I believe is great...
Hi everyone, i plan to buy a Fleshlight STU, but i wanted to know if it helps in two specific aspects:
1) Even if you don't have premature ejaculation issues, can still help to increase your stamina if you use it smartly on a progressive edging routine? Think of it like tailoring some sort of...
Tl;dr getting back into PE after a 4 year relationship
The story:
I first logged into MOS sometime in '09 as a sex-obsessed freshman in college. I was dedicated to my practice, never finished when masturbating, went through the basic routine, got a cable clamp, bathmate and other fun toys. I...
Uncommon question here, but I'm considering cutting down or stopping masturbation, so I'm wondering if anyone knows if you can make any gains with bath mate without an erection?
Hi guys
I just have a question about erection quality.
I have been going at it for almost two months now (5-7 days on every week). Started with only doing length work, and now I have added clamping in the evening. However, I have problems with my erections after starting again PE again. They...
Hey all. So the last couple years. On and off I've been doing PE. just started getting serious about it again last month. My starting stats at Length 7.25 girth 4.5. Also great erections and unlimited stamina. First I used the bathmate and then I stopped. I stopped doing he bathmate because it...
Yo guys this is the second fleshlight-type of fake pussy i got and i keep having this problem :
I used it about 2-3 times and i used plenty of lubrifiant.The quality seems pretty good,it's not a cheap made in china toy.I'm only 5.75" in girth,so i don't think the problem is on this...
flesh light
I actually discovered this while researching using crowd funding for adult novelties. It's basically a mechanical version of the Fleshlight. The inventor used indiegogo, which is similar to Kickstarter, but with more relaxed rules. I am looking into crowd funding for increasing my market...
So me and my girlfriend just started having sex at the beginning of August and whenever we would have sex I would last anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, and with head I could last about 45 minutes. But as of about 3 weeks ago I literally haven't been able to hold it in!!! I cum within...
I have a few questions just to keep going with my journey to a longer and thicker penis!
I find Penis Enlargement totally awesome but i hate the skin creeps! I know DLD has avoided skin creeps and still gained very good. I want to know what are the ONLY and BEST methods needed to avoid skin...
Just wondering if any others have noticed they don't penetrate as far into a FL as they thought they would...
Measured BPEL, I'm 7.75" MEG 5.2", however when trying to see how far I go into the FL (by sticking my finger in the other end), it seems I'm only penetrating around 7". I also...
deep into my wifes pregnancy and sex is slim to none, i decided to order a new fleshlight with express shipping haha. last time i used one my dick was like an inch thinner so hopefully i dont rip it! im actually pretty excited :)
I've been at this PE thing off and on for years, done intense routines, bathmate, all that, and never once have I grown more than .2" temporarily. It makes me question a lot of people's gains. I don't see how some guys are putting on inches when I've done both more and less than them, varying my...
I've noticed that a lot of the exercises seem to get lost in the general discussion of pe. So I was wondering if there could be a separation between actual exercises and the rest. Maybe a separate forum or maybe a stickied thread with links to all of them. Obviously a sticky would be easier on...
i started airpumping again and i was thinking about use a heat source which it could be eihter infrated lamp or heating pad while i am pumping.for better expansion and better results.what do u think about that and which one is the besto use?
Hello everybody!
I'm stuck with a question and need some help.
After i do my routine :
5min strecht and warmup with the bathmate (not with full presure)
10min jelqing
10min SSJ
15min Bathmate (19-21cm, i always go flaccid in it sometimes full or semierrect)
10min jelqing combined with SSJ...
Check your stroke.
Seriously, lopsided girth gain can very easily be caused by going at it too hard in any one particular area of the shaft. Literally countering your efforts to make gains. This leads me to believe that sex after a routine or a Fleshlight can have a similar effect on the whole...
I read corn flour is to be put onto the fleshlight to keep it in good condition
Maize flour is similar and its all I have, am I good to go with using that?
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