It's GREAT to be back!
For the benefit of my own sanity, as I can't fathom anyone actually taking the time to read this jumble of wordage without immediately pressing the back button with vigor, I would like to structure this Progress Doohickey in a series of sub-sectioned updates, being...
So the wife and I went Christmas shopping tonight. I'm 48 and she is 38. We have 2 children and are not planning anymore. She brings up that she thinks I should get a vasectomy. Now let me say needles such as shots, tattoos (have several) do not bother me. But when I have a mental image to sharp...
I'm not looking at making PE an alcohol event like golf or bowling, but I was wondering something. I'm not saying getting stinking drunk and working out, but a few drinks just enough to thin the blood out a bit would make a better workout. The thinner blood moving easier and getting into the...
girth gains
I used to. Then I met cock rings.
If you have turkey neck and you want it gone, a loose fitting cock ring worn all day will gradually train it away. It also can help your girth if you're doing any sort of girth work. The key factor is tightness. You should be able to urinate normally while...
I am currently working a routine that uses a vac extender at a high tension and in an effort to preserve my glans I am consistently taking breaks every 30 minutes. I am not noticing a higher tolerance building up so that's likely to be a trend and even if it weren't, I still would remove it once...
Is my assumption correct that being if you use a SG and/or UJW you can turn out being more of a shower than grower? I currently fall in the category of a grower but I would like to be the shower.
I've been wanting to post a thread on this a while now. After reading the powerifting on EQ thread and I want to start my own discussion without hijacking the thread.I'd like to keep this thread OPEN minded and not turn into a debate on fitness and health on EQ but dissect the specific area at...
Disclaimer: With this thread I don't want to advise against Kegeling by any means. I strictly refer to the special case that my PE career represents and maybe a small group of other PErs who may have made the same observations
The last weeks I did what is generally considered very unwise in the...
So I'm starting this log, like many others before me, to keep track of my gains and to keep me motivated for my goal to being a stud in between the sheets.
Back story: I started to get into PE for many personal reasons. The main 3 reasons being:
1) When I got an erection it still had some...
i bought this device several years ago and never could get the device to fit right. it either cut the blood flow to my head(very cold skin), numbing sensation, difficult to attach or twisted on me. i just started back doing pe a couple weeks ago and want to try the bib hanger again. any...
Hi guys,
I am new to matter of size and need help like everyone. I have LOTS of questions that i never asked so i am posting them all at once. Kindly help me in solving my problems.
I have been doing penis exercises for nearly 1 1/2- 2 years. My EQ quotient has been going down and i feel...
So, im told that I talk a lot, so why not write a lot? long presentation, hopefully worth it if you read, if you dont read it, I understand :)
Anyway lets begin.(& sorry for the bad grammar, not from an English speaking country).
Im 20 years old and from Scandinavia, Europe. Been lurking for...
This will be my new progress thread , i will be buying the length master monday offically to keep gains at maximal limit for length at all times . I definately beleive i can achieve the 10 length within now and the beggining of febuary as for girth ill have a better educated esitmate after i...
I'm currently using the Hydromax x30, but I keep messing up after a couple days of usage and will break a blood vessel on my dick. I pump the x30 until it gets uncomfortable and then let it rest for about 4 minutes then pump again until the discomfort returns, but sometimes I slip or flex and...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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