This isn't Penis Enlargement related, but last weekend I pinched a nerve in my lower back. Over the next few days I experienced slight knee pain until Wednesday, when it exploded. Since then the pain expanded all over my right leg, and also into the right side of my dick. At this point I pretty...
Ive read somewhere and quite a few people on the internet say that Penis Enlargement can cause impotence!!! with the stretching, hanging, clamping and Jelqing, saying it is messing all of the tubes or watever (insides of the penis) up!!?
Is this true, can Penis Enlargement do this?
i dont...
hey guys does anyone know about any long term effects of Penis Enlargement. Many places on the net put gains down to scar tissue and blood leaks and say that in the long run it could cause impotence. Just wondered what anyone else knew.
Ugh, okay guys get this..
My girlfriend told me shes a virgin, and we've been going out for a few months now, and knowing that shes a virgin, I haven't engaged in sexual intercourse with her yet, also.. we only see eachother each 2nd weekend, but she loves me a lot and shes very attached and I...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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