Hey, guys I was reading about how regular masturbation is healthy, but of course you don't want to over do it. Here is a comment I found on pegym forum by a member named kingpole. Do you guys really think regular masturbation can prevent ED if done right?
I think if your not a...
I am currently following the beginner's routine and was wondering, will adding edging into the end of my workouts be beneficial to gaining. I dont plan on ejaculating afterwards either. Also, how long is a good time to edge? I added a little 10min session after my workouts. I used to do 30min...
I would like to add Clamping to my routine or should I wait until I see some efficient gains like in 3 months?
If I do or for future reference how can edging been done after clamping or before?
After taking at least two weeks off from PE I got thought urge to continue where I left off. I guess what really made me jealous was seeing other guys with bigger dicks than myself. After all I just want a healthier and bigger dick.
My routine consists of 30 minutes of stretches and jelqs...
Is there any fluid retention thread?
Or info I should know?
Not always, I try not to get to the point of fluid retention, but sometimes I get there.
Is it good? bad? neutral?
I really don't mind having it unless is gonna delay or hold me from gains.
Last week I bought Lisa Ann's Fleshlight the lotus texture and the minute I got home I opened it and started to fuck it. I have to say it really feels like a real vagina, unlike the previous toy I bought years ago that gives more aggressive sensations. I think this kind of Fleshlight is a great...
Due to years of watching adult entertainment and masturbating (from age 11 to now, 26) I find it difficult to achieve an erection without adult entertainment. After losing weight and feeling a bit more confident (still a big guy. 320 lbs lbs 6 ft), I began to date. Our first few times were embarrassing as I found it...
Hey, guys I know the negative effects adult entertainment has such as ED (Erectile Dysfunction) and many more negative effects, but I recently been edging to adult entertainment on my rest days. I recently stopped edging because of PE, but this past weekend I have been edging my socks to pornographic material. I know of guys...
Hello everyone!
I've been doing PE for a few months now on and off, I've done the break in routines and I'm ready to get serious.. only problem with this is, is that I find myself slacking majorly with consistency. Which is why I've come here. I'm hoping that posting a progress thread that it...
When I first started penis enlargement I was 19 years old but now I am 22 years of age. At 19 and 20 I played around with different exercises always getting frustrated and giving up. The same thing happened when I was 20 years of age and of course I gave up on penis enlargement for awhile.
Do you guys think masturbation will hinder or hurt PE gains in the long run? Personally I have been masturbating like crazy for the past two weeks. It seems when I stop masturbation my night and morning woods vanish without a trace.
But every time I get off my EQ is back in action the next day...
Hello newbies, hello MOS brothers!
I was recently thinking a lot about PE, and I came up with some good conclusions about entire PE thing.
Im about to write up my opinion and fundamentals in general...
This is for newbies, I didn't came up with anything new, just what I've learned in past...
Should edging be the form of accurate measuring? Or should we leave it to just a solid 10/10 erection.
When I edge I measure myself before the PONR and I hit a 0.25" increase in BPEL. I'm currently 7.25" BPEL with a 8/10-10/10 erection.
Or should we stick to just the solid erections
Hi guys, the length exercises are paying off, I'm happy, my flaccid hang is great, but I feel like I'm getting nowhere on girth, not even getting much expansion. Any tips for manuals?
I feel like I can't even do the SSJ correctly :(
So...for almost a year now I've been doing PE. I've noticed edging is super difficult for me immediately after my workouts. I can't go very long at all...or if I can I'm constantly at a start stop pace.
Within the past 3 months I've really been trying to increase my stamina to an hour with the...
Been jelqing for about a year, went from 71n to almost 10. i go hard when i jelqso i usually end up exloding cum eveverywhere. But idefintely does work, and in short period of time.Sorry i didnt have ruler, so i just compared to an arizona tea can. btw my dick isnt fully hard in this pic
Mr Python
I know I over did it. I have a bathmate xtreme x30. I would leave it on 30 minutes at a time without taking it off. I would maintain the pressure as tight as I could the whole 30 minutes. I wouldn't cause pain just slight discomfort. I used it for 3 or 4 months like this.
About a month...
I have a masterbation addiction, its so hard to stop.I usually touch my dick 3-4 times a day. However I never cum, I always hold my cum back due to edging I'm pretty good at edging. Is that hindering my gains?
Hey there,
I'm looking for a stretch that will lengthen the skin of my shaft, so my balls will hang lower and the hairy part will go down. Who knows, maybe it will speed up gains. Also, I've recently started to pump with cold instead of hot water, I found that I can get bigger inside with cold...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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