Hi guys, does anyone know what the best topical vasodilator is ?
I've seen vein oil and leech oil but don't know if they are any good due to the lack of reviews.
i would like a vasodilator that keeps the penis pumped like a cock ring replacement, or even a vasodilator that keeps it hard for a...
Hi guys!
Made my first injection with IGF 1-lr3 today.
2 injections were made. One in right side of cc and one in the left side.
I was so damn scared when I did the injection haha.
Thought I was going to die haha.
When I penetrated the "hard" part of the penis it hurt a bit but the injection...
I am a 74 year old guy with ED. Fifteen years ago my wife and I were quite sexually active. She decided she wanted me to have a larger penis so, like most guys, I thought that it was a great idea. I started messing with Penis Enlargement. I tried a number of different types of mechanical...
Hi guys,
I need your help. I has a problem with my cock because i can't get my erection to work. When I used to watch adult entertainment and when I met sex a girl before we had a sex, my cock was going to stay hard but not anymore. When I watch adult entertainment, my erection didn''t seen to work which it didn't make my...
What's up all? Gotta quick question here. I've decided to stop masturbating but edging is a part of my Penis Enlargement routine. I've read in numerous places that edging can cause Erectile Dysfunction. When combined with jelquing, kegels, slow squash jelquing, and the use of a Bathmate, can...
My penis is 14 cm I developed a belief that average penis size is 15 cm . Problem is I want to stop Penis Enlargement but I cant stop thinking about reaching 15cm. I assume that some of you will say why not do Penis Enlargement to reach that 15 cm - but I dont want to I want to stop but I cant...
erectile dysfunction
fat pad
newbie routine
okay um... we i started pe'ing my penis was 6.5" in length, i dnt bone press wen i measure, girth 4" i knw skinny... now im 7" length an 4.5" girth... my length hits my baby right.... but i think i may be lackin some girth... guys give me the best way to gain the most girth i can.... with only...
Hey guys,
This is my first post on the forum!
Background - I've always been very shy about my flaccid penis' size. From a young age, I noticed that most boys had larger hanging tools than me, and it really had an impact on my confidence levels. I was in a swimming team for 7 years. Needless to...
What is it about our penises that determine whether we're growers or not? Does it have to do with having a thicker tunica? Anybody have any input they'd like to share?
I've used EDEX several times in the last year, with mixed results. I have 10mcg dose. The problem has been when it worked too well. So well that I've 2 erections last more than 4 hours! Each one was painful and i didnt even want to screw with an engorged painful dick...
I got this line on my penis shaft.
My average routine: Bathmate- 3-4 times per week (5 mins of 3 set per day) Sizegenetics- everyday for average 8-12 hrs
I discovered I have this line on my penis quite some time back but did not care abt it. Now the line seems to be longer....
I am going to try not to watch any adult entertainment or masturbate for an entire month. My journey starts tomorrow May 14, 2013. I want to have a clear mind and get a better erection with women. I feel like adult entertainment has desensitized me in a way. This will be no easy task but I know it will improve my EQ. I will...
Hey guys. I have recently been reading throughout the forum. I wanted to make a thread where all the people with EQ problems could find their solutions. I read through the net and am now giving you all the info I got. Hope this helps.
Not having a good libido. This is when you are...
Looking for the cheapest legit site to buy them from online. I plan on using it for girth work because sometimes I just can't maintain an erection, especially in the shower.
Hey all, hope this is the right section
I joined this site about 5 years ago. I had a daily routine of stretching, jelqing and kegeling. I was Penis Enlargementing for about a month (saw a nice .75 length increase :) Shortly after, I couldnt get a boner at all. Since then, i have stopped fully...
I have bruising and scar tissue around my shaft because of this one awkward incident of my penis being bent downwards while erect. Now there is a dark band right before where my head begins and my erections are very weak. In fact my penis head goes to normal size and my shaft doesnt expand...
I have a problem.
I am unable to stay hard during intercourse. After like 30 seconds, I start to lose my erection, then I start to think about it, then it's just over.
Anyone have any tips or tricks for me? Exercises?
Does anyone who hangs experience this problem?
Missionary position is...
Before i begin, thanks to all who replied to my threads, appreciate the help and advice but sadly this has been a terrible experience for me..
I started Penis Enlargement at the beginning of 2012, just jelqing to start off, got 0 gains so gave up for a while and started researching into it more...
Anyone on here have any experience using DHT cream?
I have some concerns about it and I want to know if anyone can help claryfing them:
1. I have a concern with the potential for hair loss. Anyone experience this? If so, can it be countered or reversed?
2. Ive read that it affects how the...
Hi guys,
I have been using the Bathmate for 3 months now (along with manual excercises) and I've become extremely sensitive to sexual stimulations e consequently very fast in reaching the orgasm ( approx.one minute). The feeling that I have (having sex) is that there is too much pressure inside...
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