My erection angle is too high. Makes sex positions difficult and makes my penis look shorter. I am doing newbie workout, will this lower the angle. In fact, I wouldn't care if my angle stayed the exact same, I just want to be able to pull my dick down without pain like I have now.
Every time I see someone talk about their quick gains I think "fuck you, you dick" haha, I'm kidding. But on a serious note, who else here is a hard gainer? I've been going at it for 2 months and only have an occasional increase in EQ and temp gains after using my BM. Thinking about it made me...
Started my P.E. again after my frenulum healed.
I use medium size of bell of phallosan
But now after creating the vaccum as I wear my belt my penis just pulls away from the bell. I have double checked my n procedure. I am doing the same way I used to do earlier. Device is okay as I checked...
Just wanted to do an update on using the VLC and throw a few questions in as well. I've be using the VLC religiously for the last 3 weeks after a short hiatus right after I got it. I love this thing. I use it for at least 12hrs a day with hardly any issues. I do my stretch routine in the morning...
I know this question has been asked about a billion times but I suppose it's worth a shot to ask again. I've been doing PE for almost 2 years and had a pretty pronounced curve to the right. Through doing erect bends / clamped bends / edging with my right hand against the curve I have just about...
Dear MOS,
I've been practicing PE for like 6 years, but more serious lately. A year and a half ago I tried semi erect bends during a session, I was a little fatigued, and felt a sharp pain in my left corpus cavernous chamber so I took a week off. Recently I've taken up constricted bends, slow...
Can anybody tell me approximately how much time will be necessary to gain 0.6 inch in girth? Look, I know it depends from person to.person, but anyway share your girth gains in ratio GAINS - TIME if you want of course. Thanks in advance brothers. :)
ok so my mom knows i do pe i live with my fam and im 18 but anyways she said she had a dream that i woke her up crying saying i fucked up a blood vessel or vein of somesort and was fucked for life ..... can i get a perment problem or just temeproary injury .... im not doing anything insane just...
I'm new to PE and I have been reading a lot in this forum for the last days/weeks. My aim is especially to fix my curve which is going to the right (from birth) and for the beginning I dont really care about gaining girth or length (length of course for my shorter side, but in the best...
When I get erect and watch my penis from above, its kinda small from that view and my NBPEL is 6.9, anyone here with same "problem"? Plus I'm tall 189 cm. Thanks
Hello guys!
First post here...and first injure as well.
I started PE three days ago, and in my second day of exercises I used too much strength on the opposite side of my curve ( I have a left-curved penis), and I got a sharp pain -like when you hit your balls- in my left nut. The thing is...