hi bros, i think i have just made something that will help to cure my left wards curve. Its really simple it took me 30 minutes to make, the idea popped into my head today at work today, as soon as i got home i started work on it and i am really happy and proud of it. I've had it on for an hour...
i've been using sizegenetics for five weeks and some jelqs against the bend but it doesnt seem to get my bend out
my bend is from the middle to the end bend down and i want it to go up slightly, some kegels more jelqs or other jelqs ?
I'm new to PE and I have been reading a lot in this forum for the last days/weeks. My aim is especially to fix my curve which is going to the right (from birth) and for the beginning I dont really care about gaining girth or length (length of course for my shorter side, but in the best...
Hi all,
I'm struggling with an annoying leftward curve that I've been attempting to fix for the past 4 weeks. I believe there has been minimal improvement which is expected as I hear curvature correction takes time.
I read about DLD bends for girth, I was wondering if the same ideology could...
When flaccid, my penis is straight. However, when erect, it curves to the left. I wish to correct my curvature. Most PE forums suggest doing erect bends against the curve , erect jelqs against the curve and stretching against the curve. After doing this however, my penis even while flaccid...
So I'm trying to correct a natural curve in my penis. I'm wondering if clamping would help with this?
I have a SG already and was thinking maybe do like a superset of SG than clamping. Would this stretch the penis and then fill it with blood (thus maintaining the stretch) ?
Or am I totally out...
Hi guys, I'm new here but not to exercise. I've tried stretches and exercises before in the past (about a year or so ago) but stopped. Now I've picked it back up, or rather gone all out with it compared to before, spending a good 30-45 min. a day for about 2 months now, and also using my new...
I know some feel as though my absence and cryptic messages have been less than they deserve from someone who owns and operates the worlds largest mens sexual health site and I can't blame you. It pains me greatly to have to be away and not be forthcoming with what my life has become but you...
girth gains
length gains
sexual health
hey all im fairly new 2 the blog but ive been a lurker of pe websites....i have grown from 6 1/2 BPenis EnlargementL to 7 1/2 BPenis EnlargementL...cant tell you the month or years i started pe since 04 but i have been on and off...i love using weights and one of my favorite ways to hang is...
I am 3 weeks into using SG to straighten out my curving penis but just yesterday I finally realized how to use the device correctly so the last 3 weeks I consider stretching warmups and practice. Now I have the device configured right and it is marking 900g at the top notch. I am having a...
Dear all,
I've always been aware of my curve. It bends to the left slightly and looks perfectly normal. My NBP EL was 7.1" and my BPenis EnlargementL was 7.5". Just now, I straightened my curve with one hand and measured with the other to find that when perfectly straight, by NBPenis...
If Matters of Size were going to create our own extender what types of improvements-additions would you like to see? For me I would like to see even thicker, heavier hardware. The FastSize has extremely heavy hardware and it really stands on it's own in this department, MOS hardware would have...
My penis isn't crooked along the shaft or nothing, it is just at an angle (from the base) that now favors the right.
Here's what I have been doing.
After over a year of Penis Enlargementing, I have recently increased my jelqing from 10 minues of 3 second jelqs and am now doing 20 minutes of 3...
I'm such a heal :) I posted this exercise before but I thought it would make more sense with a photo and a better explanation. I have done this exercise since I stopped doing steady penis enlargement routines. It seems to have not only helped keep my length solid but it has also brought...
Hi, I just started Penis Enlargement about a week ago and I just noticed when erect my penis now bends to the right. It has always been perfectly straight.
I am assuming I have unintentionally done more stretches to the right, or perhaps used more force for the ones to the right.
Is this...
I think I might need to sort out the curve in my penis.
I was having sex yesterday with my GF, and it was hurting her in doggy. I tried moving to different angles to find the sweet spot but found I was just hurting her. I wasn't going at it hard, I was just testing her reactions. In the end she...
My penis has a "natural" (not Peyronies) curve to the left. I have been doing erect bends against the curve for around a month now for 10 minutes a day, applying quite a bit of pressure. So far, I have not noticed even a slight change in the bend. I'm planning on stepping up the intensity of my...
I've noticed i'm starting to get a some desired upward curve, i want to stop it's progression, i once thought i read Slow Squash jelq is good for fixing, any truth? or anything else?
My penis leans to the left a little when erect, not curves. just points a little in the wrong direction one could say, but not too much, basically I've heard of other posts of curves and such being corrected, and I wanted to know if anyone could give me a couple tips on how I can point it...
I know this has been talked about before. But I'm wondering if anyone has successfully fix a curve in there dick. Mine hooks to the left and it pisses me off. I do some of the jelq and bend exercises every once in a while but I haven't seen a change. If any of you guys have fixed a curve and...
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