Good Morrow Gents,
I've done quite a bit of research but unfortunately when it comes to the subject of penis enhancement/growth, the material becomes extraordinarily contradictory. I am 24 years old; in great physical shape: my penis is slightly above average at 7.2" L. I haven't measured the...
Hey guys I will link you this vid,,
I feel bad because my penis has the exact same curve,, maybe even pointing up more,, any suggestions? Is there any positives out of this situation? Please help thx guys
Hello all,
Just joined the forum today, so I'm really new to Penis Enlargement. I Watched a couple of DLD's videos and got inspired, and I've now been jelqing for about a week. I'm an attractive guy (or so I hear) but my penis is alarmingly small -- I'm in 19 and it's right around 5" and not...
So I'm a real newb with all this. Does anyone have exercises that i can use to reduce the curve of my penis. It bends to the left (quite a lot) about half way down the shaft, really self conscious about it.
Can anyone help me out???
sooo ive been doing dlds beginner routine for a little over a month now and ive noticed that my head is starting to look different and i have no clue why. ive been doing exactly everything im supposed to, the only thing different, is when doing stretches i slide up my penis throughout it because...
okay so a little background. been doing p.e for a while now, but have never really been fully dedicated for a long period of time. i also used to wear very tight boxers, limiting gains (srt theory). i so far haven't gained at all apart from a 0.1 inch girth gain. i've also tried curvature...
I have just begun looking at Penis Enlargement in a serious light, but I have been reading in these forums about it. A few things have occurred to me throughout the process of investigating the methods, and the anatomy and physiology of all of this. Please correct me if I am wrong in any of...
i've been experimenting with doing types of lazy ass stretches before going to sleep or after waking up, tucking my dick under my leg or butt and laying down on it as with the sitting up variation. came up with this excercise when i woke up with morning wood, do you think it does anything?
I was wondering I developed peyronies disease 6 months ago & have Been takin vitamin e for 5 I have no curve while hard But I do feel the scar tissue on the top & right side of my penis. If anyone knows how to get rid of the scar tissue is appreciate it. But my question is while jelqing in the...
Hey people,
After being here for nearly about a year, buying and using the Bathmate for a few months and Penis Enlargementing on and off. Even after reading sooo many positive testimonies, call it being scared or frightened to try out something new but im still kinda sceptical that an extender...
I have quite a bad curve in my penis, there is a clear curve on the left side but also the glans are slightly twisted, with the frenulum slightly off to the right rather than in the centre as it should be. Ive attached a photo of a semi so you guys can see what i mean.
I was just if there was...
I have been dabbling with bundled stretching in my extender for a half hour 180 degree turn to the left fallowed by a half hour 180 degree turn to the right.. I personally have been having some success doing so!! It seems that it is allowing the penis to have more elasticity!!! Right after I...
Hi guys, I'm new here but not to exercise. I've tried stretches and exercises before in the past (about a year or so ago) but stopped. Now I've picked it back up, or rather gone all out with it compared to before, spending a good 30-45 min. a day for about 2 months now, and also using my new...
Just coming on to the forum and i'm greeted by this site is a malicious site!!! Someone messing about with the site? This message is recieved on firefox and google search......
From google
What is the current listing status for
Site is listed as suspicious - visiting...
Hello folks, I'm 19 and new to this forum. I am circumcised but am unhappy about that, so I have been employing foreskin restoration techniques for just over a year now.
To be clear, at this time I'm not interested in enlargement. I have a mild curvature that leans to my left. If viable, I...
Hi Guys,
I was wandering if anyone has actually bought this and what is the communities thought in general on it. It appears to be good. Gives your hands a rest and dont get sore or crampy.
They say it helps correct the up or down. But what about left or right...
I am here because I have Peyronie's Disease which is a bad curvature to my penis caused by a plaque formation (thick scaring tissue) which in turn causes the bend. I lost over an inch due to the fact that the plaque not only causes the bend but also constricts the blood flow to my glands thus...
Hey everyone, had to take some time off of everything Penis Enlargement related, so now i am back and starting from scratch. again lol
I would like to just start with hanging for the time being, about three weeks, to gain a little bit of length and prep my penis for Penis Enlargement. No girth...
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