Will I make gains on the newbie routine without cementing with ace bandage, etc, at night before bed? I think I am overthinking it but I read that to really cement gains you need to keep your penis in an extended state but when I go to bed it scrunches up. Lol........
Anyway, what else besides...
I've been away for quit some time but now I want to resume training from the 3rd of May. I'm 7.2 inches in length and I want to concentrate on girth only. I intend doing 2 girth sessions daily but I will first of all start off with 1 session daily until I'm well conditioned. Also I will be...
Im trying to find the cable clamp online i cant find it anywhere! ive been googling and searching for it I cant find anything! Where can i buy a good clamp or the cable clamp?
Recently I've gotten pretty bored with my exercises and decided to try something a little different. Since I've been focusing girth, I've been clamping, pumping, bundling, slow-squash jelqing, you name it. So for the last 3 days I've been doing this exercise that has just absolutely...
so a couple of months ago i started this routine wich consisted of pumping 5 minutes and the slow squash jelqs 5 minutes 3 times
and then wear an elstic cockring the rest of the day
after some time i noticed that it was harder for me to get an erection so i stopped for a while
for the past two...
Havent really been a part of this community in a while and I was wondering if the Ring of Power is still being talked about? If so can someone give me a real life story and maybe where I can buy one or how I can make one myself? Thanks!
Hello! I recently got a cold & hard flaccid. It's like my penis isn't relaxed. And i can feel my penis without touching it, it's an annoying feeling. Is there any good info about this that can help me? It's like my penis has really bad circulation. I will defenitly take a longer break now. Is...
I have been doing lazy stretch several hours a day and I think a straight traction device would be more effective. Let me know what is possible with extenders for fattys. I want the quality of SG, but i need a wider base.
Following the SRT to heal in a passive state with a cockring. I basically don't know in which erection state and how tight i should put the cock ring on after a workout? Should i put it tight enough so the penis doesn't shrink at all and the blood is stuck, like when you clamp, only that i let...
What's up beautiful people?
I don't know if anyone tried this or done this, but I was wearing my SG (Just added a 1/4" rod WHOOP WHOOP) and being that I called out of work today I had nothing productive to do so I figured to watch adult entertainment. Obviously in doing so I began getting erect, now my penis...
I lately bought a silicone cockring that is very easy to stretch and seems like it does a good job when it is initially just placed around my penis right after a workout. The problem is i lose the expansion very fast, say about 5 minutes after and then my dick just looks even smaller than my...
I'm on a girth kick this week. So I decided to air pump for 45 min's 3x at a low to mid level psi this week (every other day). On intermittent days I would do regular stretches and bundles. I would try to hold all this down with a 24/7 cockring. Now I'm getting very good expansion. I'm...
Hello. I'm 20 years old . At the outset, I apologize for my poor English . This is not my native language :) For some time I have a problem with the veins on the penis . They are highly visible even at rest ! ( picture below) I would add that I have weak erections during the day .Nieraz penis at...
hello manes
in the last four months i have been trying to gain girth but without luck
i have been doing bundled stretches before every girth session then 15 - 20 minutes of pumping with the dp 4000
i really like this pump
for those that dont know this pump it is a pump where you can set the time...
Up to 8.125" BPEL.
Very happy that I've added another rod to my SG. I bought extra rods in september and have been using them since.
At the moment, I have three LONG bars on each side, with a tiny one too. As in three of the really long bars and then one of the really tiny ones.
Always using...
Hey brothers,
I am new here, only 2 months in pe. And i own the bathmate xx30.
I am doing daily religiously bathmate sessions of 5 mins in bathmate, and 5 mins slow squash jelks. I see nice temporary gains . But the problem is with my erections that i lost . I used to do it with my girl 6...
For a couple of months now I've been looking into how one might be able to reproduce a controlled priapism without much luck until last night. My normal routine these days consists of normal stretches, (2) sets of bundles, then finishing off with either a flacid or erect hang session at 5-7...
OK, we have decided to carry a line of Cock Rings and we need everyones input on which rings are best and which we should include on the site. You can post pictures or give links in this thread to show what you like best. You can also post a picture. There are so many ways to go so I want to...