A little bit of a bulge on the side of my shaft


Feb 1, 2024
Hey guys, as I’ve been progressing in the past few weeks, stretching, pumping and jelqing. I have noticed some times a slight bulge starts to form after a pump and jelq session on the upper side of my shaft about a half an inch below the head.
It’s not very pronounced, There is no pain whatsoever, and it seems to go away within hours. I have healthy erections and I feel like I’m making great progress. I’m wondering if this is just part of stretching, pumping and jelqing or if I should be cautious about this?
It feels almost like a hard fiber, like a tight string that runs down the side then over to the top of my shaft….but I’m not convinced it’s a vein.
Is this normal with stretching, pumping, and jelqing? Or should I back off and give myself some recovery time to prevent injury?
I don’t think so, I’ve definitely had my fair share of fluid retention. This is like a hard fiber I can feel.
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I’ve seen it before and it went away. Today this morning, I went from doing 2x2x5 to 3x3x5 and I suspect it maybe just a little bit of temporary inflammation I’m gonna keep a close eye on it and continue pushing to see if I can continue my progress. If it results in an injury then I’ll stop.
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continue pushing to see if I can continue my progress. If it results in an injury then I’ll stop.
thats similar to what i said. now i wrap my junk up in a sock cause it has zero life in it , and i can hardly ever use it or it burns. life was really awesome . now i just pray i make it to bedtime everyday. literally. for over a year . you have no idea what this can end up like overnight
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Hey guys, as I’ve been progressing in the past few weeks, stretching, pumping and jelqing. I have noticed some times a slight bulge starts to form after a pump and jelq session on the upper side of my shaft about a half an inch below the head.
It’s not very pronounced, There is no pain whatsoever, and it seems to go away within hours. I have healthy erections and I feel like I’m making great progress. I’m wondering if this is just part of stretching, pumping and jelqing or if I should be cautious about this?
It feels almost like a hard fiber, like a tight string that runs down the side then over to the top of my shaft….but I’m not convinced it’s a vein.
Is this normal with stretching, pumping, and jelqing? Or should I back off and give myself some recovery time to prevent injury?
That is definitely fluid retention. You can make it goes away faster by doing tight wrapping after all your routine steps are done. This is a compress, similar to those who have fluid retention on their arms and legs. You can simply use your hands as well, but it can be quite uncomfortable as you need quite a bit of squeezing force. Using THERABAND or flex tape, wrap tightly and allow the natural compressive pressure from the TheraBand or flex tape to disperse the fluid back to the veins or into the body through cellular diversing drainage. It only takes 20 to 30 minutes.
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Can you post a picture of concern?
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Can you post a picture of concern?
It already went away… i think it was just some temporary inflammation from switching to a different pumping and jelqing routine.
It feels fine, looks fine other than some busted little red veins, which is pretty typical.
Im resting for tonight, no stretching or anything.
I may go for a pump and jelq session in the morning, if I experience it again I’ll post a picture.
I honestly think just one side of my shaft got a bit inflamed and then it went away.
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It already went away… i think it was just some temporary inflammation from switching to a different pumping and jelqing routine.
It feels fine, looks fine other than some busted little red veins, which is pretty typical.
Im resting for tonight, no stretching or anything.
I may go for a pump and jelq session in the morning, if I experience it again I’ll post a picture.
I honestly think just one side of my shaft got a bit inflamed and then it went away.
Thank God!
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thats similar to what i said. now i wrap my junk up in a sock cause it has zero life in it , and i can hardly ever use it or it burns. life was really awesome . now i just pray i make it to bedtime everyday. literally. for over a year . you have no idea what this can end up like overnight
Man, this started as me just wondering about some inflammation and really became more about you as far as I’m concerned.
I have some questions.
How old are? How long have you had this injury exactly? No rounding up.
Have you seen a doctor?
how did you injure yourself exactly?
Are you doing any therapeutic routines?
How’s your diet?
Do you get any exercise?
Do you take any medications?
Years ago I had my pelvic floor muscles injured due to a small surgery, all of a sudden I was left incapable of achieving erections. What followed was a fear of never being able to perform sexually and never being able to have love.

I decided, that would heal completely, i eliminated all fear from my mind and knew that I was healing, and healed.
With in 6 months my sexual prowess came back tenfold.
I will tell you man, that after you heal completely, which I personally believe PE done correctly can help you do.
Really fully embrace a mind body connection, feel, and communicate with your body.
It’s a marathon not a sprint, you can always nerd out like me and ask everybody a million questions every time you notice the slightest little thing. Lol
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Man, this started as me just wondering about some inflammation and really became more about you as far as I’m concerned.
I have some questions.
How old are? How long have you had this injury exactly? No rounding up.
Have you seen a doctor?
how did you injure yourself exactly?
Are you doing any therapeutic routines?
How’s your diet?
Do you get any exercise?
Do you take any medications?
Years ago I had my pelvic floor muscles injured due to a small surgery, all of a sudden I was left incapable of achieving erections. What followed was a fear of never being able to perform sexually and never being able to have love.

I decided, that would heal completely, i eliminated all fear from my mind and knew that I was healing, and healed.
With in 6 months my sexual prowess came back tenfold.
I will tell you man, that after you heal completely, which I personally believe PE done correctly can help you do.
Really fully embrace a mind body connection, feel, and communicate with your body.
It’s a marathon not a sprint, you can always nerd out like me and ask everybody a million questions every time you notice the slightest little thing. Lol
How old are? How long have you had this injury exactly? No rounding up.----50 ,14 mo
Have you seen a doctor? yes
how did you injure yourself exactly? jelq or pump
Are you doing any therapeutic routines? yes
How’s your diet? excellent /very healthy
Do you get any exercise? yes
Do you take any medications? vitamins
Years ago I had my pelvic floor muscles injured due to a small surgery, all of a sudden I was left incapable of achieving erections. What followed was a fear of never being able to perform sexually and never being able to have love.

ive had zero luck healing this. my nerves appear to have seen better days. i will be doing zero PE.its done nothing except kill me . im completely worthless and 150% stressed out every day . just a kind warning. it aint worth it
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Man, I have to confess, your drive to stay on this website solely to warn people seems a little odd to me, but to each their own I don’t judge.
My heart goes out to you, I imagine you must have pushed yourself to a pretty extreme level, I have injured myself a few times, and I have pushed myself with some force but have never experienced anything equating to nerve damage.
Being in your 50s makes me wonder about your hormone levels, testosterone and GH both contribute to the building of new tissue.
Based off what you’ve said, though I don’t know what your doctor’s diagnosis was. It would seem that you make solid and healthy choices.
I don’t see much room for any helpful suggestions I could give, you seem pretty certain of your condition.
But I will say this…. Bruce Lee was bedridden and paralyzed, told by doctors he would never perform martial arts again, and with in a year through meditation was a greater martial arts master then ever.
For healing meditation I highly suggest the book Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza.
While I do appreciate your concern, I see your story as more of a cautionary tale rather than up and deciding PE and this community isn’t worth it.
I see multiple men here that have pursued this goal and have succeeded greatly.
Even achieving being in the top 1% of dick size in the world.
I will continue this journey with a healthy cautious but positive, hopeful and enthusiastic mindset.
I hope the best for you and wish you a full and speedy recovery.
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sorry . i dont have much left. its ruined me. it has left me shrunken and limp in the smallest of states. my feeling is half gone which actually is still sort of ok during sex, but it seems to aggravate the glans afterwards, then it completely shrinks for weeks on end. some how my feeling just seems to get a little worse as time goes on, not better. maybe somehting is changing, although it seems im stuck like this now. i have zero, and i mean zero feeling of having a penis while in clothes all day, nor any arousal whatsoever. theres not a worse way to end up , and still have to go on and try to provide for your family/kids.
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and i guess i did push a little that last time, which did it. it didnt seem like it at the time at all though. nor did i feel an ounce of pain. i never realized i was even hurt for weeks other than some shrinkage during the day at first. the feeling was still strong. was for a few months actually. im still trying and praying to find some way to get out of this hell. its hard to keep hope when everything and i mean everything you try to do is seriously effected from it.
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I am a firm believer in mind over matter.
Everything I have set my mind to achieving and believed in completely including healing my genitals I have fully succeeded at.
I realize that this is a significant trial in your life, but when I see you make statements like (I’m completely killed, and ruined, and worthless.)
Name to me a single great man in history that accomplished anything significant with that mindset? There aren’t any.
There is testosterone injection, healing Peptides like BPC 157, a Growth Hormone secretagogue MK677.
Every success story starts with insurmountable odds and ends with unimaginable achievement.
And the highest likelihood is you haven’t found the solution to your healing journey just yet.
Start to sit quietly in a crossed leg sitting position, breathe slowly and deeply and feel everything part of your body relax starting from your head, chest, abdomen, legs to your feet.
After you are fully relaxed visualize and feel with each breath waves of energy flowing up from your feet through your body all the way to your head.
Now visualize healing energy flowing around your genitals and healing you completely.
Visualize your powerful amazing erections and sexual prowess and feel the joy and excitement of knowing that you are that man.
Carry that feeling all day, and any moment of fear or insecurity that arises, release it and reassure yourself, you are not only healing, but healed and more powerful than ever.
Check out Joe Dispenza books You are the Placebo… or Becoming Supernatural.
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I believe in you man. You can do it.
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I am a firm believer in mind over matter.
Everything I have set my mind to achieving and believed in completely including healing my genitals I have fully succeeded at.
I realize that this is a significant trial in your life, but when I see you make statements like (I’m completely killed, and ruined, and worthless.)
Name to me a single great man in history that accomplished anything significant with that mindset? There aren’t any.
There is testosterone injection, healing Peptides like BPC 157, a Growth Hormone secretagogue MK677.
Every success story starts with insurmountable odds and ends with unimaginable achievement.
And the highest likelihood is you haven’t found the solution to your healing journey just yet.
Start to sit quietly in a crossed leg sitting position, breathe slowly and deeply and feel everything part of your body relax starting from your head, chest, abdomen, legs to your feet.
After you are fully relaxed visualize and feel with each breath waves of energy flowing up from your feet through your body all the way to your head.
Now visualize healing energy flowing around your genitals and healing you completely.
Visualize your powerful amazing erections and sexual prowess and feel the joy and excitement of knowing that you are that man.
Carry that feeling all day, and any moment of fear or insecurity that arises, release it and reassure yourself, you are not only healing, but healed and more powerful than ever.
Check out Joe Dispenza books You are the Placebo… or Becoming Supernatural.
I love testosterone, been on TRT for about 20 months now, all from home, no Doctor visits.
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