Penis Health Injury using penis pump

Will infrared Light help in faster healing???
Depending on how deep the damange is. Red light does accellerate the healing process to a higher extent over natural healing. Think of it as rocket fuel for your cells. Do know that not all units are the same. The nerve branching and ending goes as deep as 6mm, practically outside of the blood chambers (corpus cavernosa). Most red light therapy, even the best on the market can't go past 3mm red light in the 600nm range alone. If you have a combo of NIR+ (I have the BioMax900), theoretically, it can go as far as 30mm when the light is literally touchhing your skin. It's all depending on what red light power rating for your equipment, and if it's verified.

The MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY has a rating of 10W per LED. The 10W with 810nm can go as deep as 3cm (30mm), which pushes past most center of the penis. This covers all the possible underlying branches that may be missed by weaker red light therapy system.
Yes, it will show the penis shaft hidden under the fat layer at the pubic area. If you are already skinny, no it doesn't do anything more.
Weight loss will be a powerful way to exposing the full flaccid size
Depending on how deep the damange is. Red light does accellerate the healing process to a higher extent over natural healing. Think of it as rocket fuel for your cells. Do know that not all units are the same. The nerve branching and ending goes as deep as 6mm, practically outside of the blood chambers (corpus cavernosa). Most red light therapy, even the best on the market can't go past 3mm red light in the 600nm range alone. If you have a combo of NIR+ (I have the BioMax900), theoretically, it can go as far as 30mm when the light is literally touchhing your skin. It's all depending on what red light power rating for your equipment, and if it's verified.

The MOS Red has a rating of 10W per LED. The 10W with 810nm can go as deep as 3cm (30mm), which pushes past most center of the penis. This covers all the possible underlying branches that may be missed by weaker red light therapy system.
I have noticed something..
I can see a small different color patch on top of penis to side urethra.. basically on penis top...
Small patch is more darker.
And it feels uneasy when I touch it..

Now I can know thata Basically this patch is issue was hurting me from last few months..when it was pressed against jeans..

And I feel pinch and uncomfortable in exact same position...when I masturbate.

Basically it's the issue.
Any suggestions for that
only way ive got any relief is waiting. its Been a year, and im still way way off from where i was. suggestion. never do PE again. it has ruined my entire life. EVERY day of it sucks from here on out. i had a great life until i ran across this and destroyed my life in seconds.
I have noticed something..
I can see a small different color patch on top of penis to side urethra.. basically on penis top...
Small patch is more darker.
And it feels uneasy when I touch it..

Now I can know thata Basically this patch is issue was hurting me from last few months..when it was pressed against jeans..

And I feel pinch and uncomfortable in exact same position...when I masturbate.

Basically it's the issue.
Any suggestions for that
Are you resuming PE before full healing occur or is this new symptoms coming up without PE?
This is not new symptoms..
I was seeing it from quite long time.
Now I feel problem is this patch.
It got hurt while pumping.

I haven't resumed pe
This is not new symptoms..
I was seeing it from quite long time.
Now I feel problem is this patch.
It got hurt while pumping.

I haven't resumed pe
How long ago did the darker patch came about?
It's not that dark..
Slight difference from rest of glans color.
Even skin in that patch is Lil soft that patch
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It's not that dark..
Slight difference from rest of glans color.
Even skin in that patch is Lil soft that patch
Ah, this is the discoloration we're talking about right now.

Ah, this is the discoloration we're talking about right now.

More than discolor... Patch is causing pain and uncomfort from last 5 month.
Nerves got injured in this patch area.
Suggest me cream which I can use to cure this thing
It's about pain in that area.

When I used to masterbate..I use to feel pain in this area...pain is like something getting disconnected or torn
More than discolor... Patch is causing pain and uncomfort from last 5 month.
Nerves got injured in this patch area.
If the flaring pain remains, that means there's continuation of nerve damage. Only time can heal that. As we have discussed earlier, there are supplements that you can use to accelerate the healing process. Unfortunately, there's no magical healing. We're not living in the world of sword, magic, and monsters like the isekai novels out there.

Suggest me cream which I can use to cure this thing
It's about pain in that area.
There's is no magical cream. You can use cream to dull the pain for a few hours at a time, like Dr. Numb or various formulated numbing cream. You can also wear the SiliCap to prevent the nerve from sending misfiring signals due to touches. Time will heal. Other than that, look for the focused low intensity shockwave therapy (LIST) at the local clinics near you. India, China, part of Europe, Taiwan, and Mexico are the only countries I know will do some crazy things to experiment with cures and enhancements.

When I used to masterbate..I use to feel pain in this area...pain is like something getting disconnected or torn
Yes, if nerve is broken and attempting to heal, masturbation will feel like your penis is being jabbed by needles. That's nerve misfiring.
If the flaring pain remains, that means there's continuation of nerve damage. Only time can heal that. As we have discussed earlier, there are supplements that you can use to accelerate the healing process. Unfortunately, there's no magical healing. We're not living in the world of sword, magic, and monsters like the isekai novels out there.

There's is no magical cream. You can use cream to dull the pain for a few hours at a time, like Dr. Numb or various formulated numbing cream. You can also wear the SiliCap to prevent the nerve from sending misfiring signals due to touches. Time will heal. Other than that, look for the focused low intensity shockwave therapy (LIST) at the local clinics near you. India, China, part of Europe, Taiwan, and Mexico are the only countries I know will do some crazy things to experiment with cures and enhancements.

Yes, if nerve is broken and attempting to heal, masturbation will feel like your penis is being jabbed by needles. That's nerve misfiring.
Will red therapy device listed on matters of size store will work same as LIST..

I didn't masturbated for 20 days..
Since you told me here.

I did 2 night ago and again started feeling pain in glans
Will red therapy device listed on matters of size store will work same as LIST..

I didn't masturbated for 20 days..
Since you told me here.

I did 2 night ago and again started feeling pain in glans
I was feeling normal for 20 days.
So I felt good

2 nights ago.

Again started feeling pain
I am taking Vitamin 12 tablets and Ashwagandha tablets from 20 days
ive taken all that stuff plus red light for months on end with nothi ng to show for it.. if theres a way out of this , i cant seem to find it.
ive taken all that stuff plus red light for months on end with nothi ng to show for it.. if theres a way out of this , i cant seem to find it.
What happened to you ??..
I may not be that worst..
I am getting erection..
It's just after 30-40 min of masturbation..
I start feeling tinch in penis glans
pumping i guess. i get erections, just have to manually do it if daytime. shriveled up all day otherwise. feels like i have nothing in my pants all day. impossible to get used to
pumping i guess. i get erections, just have to manually do it if daytime. shriveled up all day otherwise. feels like i have nothing in my pants all day. impossible to get used to
What about sensation and pain in glans on having erection..
Still same ??
Or improvements??
its a constant battle i cant seem to win. it goes away sometimes, and just when i think this time is different, its there again. i fully hate satan, and curse the day he got in my head to convince me i should try to improve my erection with this hocus pocus crap. somehow im still alive a full year later. all i have left is praying. i literally feel like a 5 yr old unless im actively having sex
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