Newbie with questions


Mar 24, 2024
Hi guys. I'm new here. A little about me. I'm 39yo, avg build, non smoker. I've been dealing with general/health anxiety for about 5 years now. I've also struggled with ED on and off for the last few years. I believe the ED is from my anxiety as sometimes I can get super hard, but can lose it fast if my mind gets in the way. Last year my wife basically told me she wished I was bigger as she couldn't feel me as much anymore. I think part of that is her having 2 kids and my anxiety makes it not as hard sometimes. Anyways, I'm trying to increase my girth. I am currently 6.5" pressed to my bone and 5" around in the middle of my shaft when erect. I bought a couple different pumps last fall and have tried them on and off. I actually feel like they've weakened my erections some so I've been scared to keep using them. My wife bought me some rings which felt like they worked at least during sex. What is the best and safest way to increase my girth permanently? Or are my tools the right ones but I'm using them wrong? Thanks for any help.
Hi guys. I'm new here. A little about me. I'm 39yo, avg build, non smoker. I've been dealing with general/health anxiety for about 5 years now. I've also struggled with ED on and off for the last few years. I believe the ED is from my anxiety as sometimes I can get super hard, but can lose it fast if my mind gets in the way. Last year my wife basically told me she wished I was bigger as she couldn't feel me as much anymore. I think part of that is her having 2 kids and my anxiety makes it not as hard sometimes. Anyways, I'm trying to increase my girth. I am currently 6.5" pressed to my bone and 5" around in the middle of my shaft when erect. I bought a couple different pumps last fall and have tried them on and off. I actually feel like they've weakened my erections some so I've been scared to keep using them. My wife bought me some rings which felt like they worked at least during sex. What is the best and safest way to increase my girth permanently? Or are my tools the right ones but I'm using them wrong? Thanks for any help.
Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

Attach SilliRing to retain girth
Thanks SIM. I did see that while browsing last night. A couple questions. Are my dimensions solid to start with? I mentally feel small especially in my girth. Is getting to 6" in girth a realistic goal? Also what can I do to try and get and keep a better erection to do the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3)? I seem to lose mine really quick which would make this technique hard to do. I tried the pumps but I wasn't sure if those were causing my weak feeling erections or if it is all mental.
Thanks SIM. I did see that while browsing last night. A couple questions. Are my dimensions solid to start with? I mentally feel small especially in my girth. Is getting to 6" in girth a realistic goal? Also what can I do to try and get and keep a better erection to do the 5x5x3? I seem to lose mine really quick which would make this technique hard to do. I tried the pumps but I wasn't sure if those were causing my weak feeling erections or if it is all mental.
I don't know. Maybe take KSM-66, I believe that give us men a boost, that works for me. I like to watch naked women masturbate...that drive my erection up.

Hard girth work can make your erections less powerful (going hare multiple days in the row). Then just take 1-2 days rest and continue. Strategic planned rest are as important as active penis enlargement. Without any rest it's hard to grow. But there needs to be a balance.

What kind of pumps did you buy?

But one thing you must realize is that you will always feel small, if you do not fix the underlying "problems". You must find a way to feel enough as you are.

Last year my wife basically told me she wished I was bigger as she couldn't feel me as much anymore.
Maybe this are messing with you mentally.

Do not believe in realistic goals. If you want it you will get it.
Thanks again for all the info. First pump I bought was the Tracey cox edge automatic with no pressure gauge. Then I bought the leluv manual pump with a gauge on it. The auto one has a more comfortable silicone base on it that does a better job of keeping my nuts from getting sucked up, but I like knowing what my pressure is too. What is the right hg to be going up to?

Yes what my wife said to me has been a boner killer. We've been working on that part so it's been slowly better. Part of my other problem was thinking I was doing damage to my penis by pumping and making my erections worse. I have noticed though that when I take a break the firmness comes back. So that is normal for it to be less hard after using the pump?
I guess I'm not sure what going hard is. Was using it for about 10-15 min per day for a while. Had it pumped up pretty high, just before it would be uncomfortable. Maybe I would miss a day or 2. I still think the mental part has the most effect.
I guess I'm not sure what going hard is. Was using it for about 10-15 min per day for a while. Had it pumped up pretty high, just before it would be uncomfortable. Maybe I would miss a day or 2. I still think the mental part has the most effect.
But were you using the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory program is program to do this work? SRT Needs to be implemented in one way or another.Even if you have to reduce the amount of work the exercises themselves will bring you to any size you desire
But were you using the SRT program is program to do this work? SRT Needs to be implemented in one way or another.Even if you have to reduce the amount of work the exercises themselves will bring you to any size you desire
What is the SRT program? Is there a link?
What is the SRT program? Is there a link?
I was not following any program. That is why I came here to see if what I have been doing is incorrect and to learn better ways.
I was not following any program. That is why I came here to see if what I have been doing is incorrect and to learn better ways.
I hope you understand and love the program.I posted because it's just the most powerful way to get to where you want to go.There's nothing faster
I appreciate that DLD. I will check it out.
I appreciate that DLD. I will check it out.
You're so welcome
I’m still pretty new to this too. It’s a deep rabbit hole, so take your time and try no to get overwhelmed. From what I can tell 6.5x5 is above average, so head up and chest out!
Unsolicited Advice:
-the 5x5x3 referenced above is the way to go for girth. Again it take a little time to get used to the process/dynamic of getting in/out of the pump and finding your SSJ technique.
-the MOS store sells a replacement base for the pumps that worked great for me in preventing my sack from getting sucked up. Love it, changed my attitude towards pumping.
-maybe try a duro ring to hold the erection, that’s what I do. Not sure if others would think this is a good idea. Works really great for me.
- I also cut a silisleeve (about an inch and a quarter) and use to strap my balls into place, like a more comfortable ring for the scrotum.
-I needed to read SRT multiple times over the course of a few months for it to completely sink in. Like I said there is a lot to consider.
-How would your wife feel if you insinuated that her vag isn’t as tight as it used to be?

Good luck DD85.
I’m still pretty new to this too. It’s a deep rabbit hole, so take your time and try no to get overwhelmed. From what I can tell 6.5x5 is above average, so head up and chest out!
Unsolicited Advice:
-the 5x5x3 referenced above is the way to go for girth. Again it take a little time to get used to the process/dynamic of getting in/out of the pump and finding your SSJ technique.
-the MOS store sells a replacement base for the pumps that worked great for me in preventing my sack from getting sucked up. Love it, changed my attitude towards pumping.
-maybe try a duro ring to hold the erection, that’s what I do. Not sure if others would think this is a good idea. Works really great for me.
- I also cut a silisleeve (about an inch and a quarter) and use to strap my balls into place, like a more comfortable ring for the scrotum.
-I needed to read SRT multiple times over the course of a few months for it to completely sink in. Like I said there is a lot to consider.
-How would your wife feel if you insinuated that her vag isn’t as tight as it used to be?

Good luck DD85.
One more thing. Start doing a kegels regimen. This will help everything and very well could be a source of any issues you may be having.
Thanks a lot 7o9. My wife and I have talked about all of these issues. I did mention to her kindly that she didn't feel the same either. I will check out the other tools as well.

In regards to kegel, I saw something about doing reverse kegels. I think that might actually be what I need as I sit all day for my job and I am usually tensed up from my anxiety.
Hi @DD85

Welcome to the forums.

Thank you for sharing what your current challenges are.

I would like to ask what is your food consumption like, water intake, and how are you sleeping?

Are you currently taking any supplements and if you are what are those?

In addition, when you and your wife have intimacy is it in the morning or in the evenings or afternoons and do you feel rushed?
Hi Haursen.

My food is a mix of everything. We try to buy all organic food. I eat oatmeal with berries every morning, sometimes a small salad for lunch, and dinner can be anything. We mostly cook our own and don't go out much. I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible.

Water is almost all I drink all day. 2 to 3 glasses in the morning, I bring 2 large bottles to work and 2-3 glasses in the evening.

I have bad allergies that have been made worse by my anxiety. My new allergist has me on a multivitamin from seeking health. I take 10000iu of d3 and k2 each morning. I also am taking a methylated folate.

I am on a daily dose of xyzal (antihistamine) for my allergies. I do know this makes my anxiety worse and contributes to some of my erection/ pelvic floor issues.

Sleep is OK, sometimes my anxiety will keep me awake.

Our intimate time is almost always in the evening as we both get up early for work and have 2 younger kids at home. Yes sometimes I feel rushed.
Hi Haursen.

My food is a mix of everything. We try to buy all organic food. I eat oatmeal with berries every morning, sometimes a small salad for lunch, and dinner can be anything. We mostly cook our own and don't go out much. I try to stay away from processed food as much as possible.

Water is almost all I drink all day. 2 to 3 glasses in the morning, I bring 2 large bottles to work and 2-3 glasses in the evening.

I have bad allergies that have been made worse by my anxiety. My new allergist has me on a multivitamin from seeking health. I take 10000iu of d3 and k2 each morning. I also am taking a methylated folate.

I am on a daily dose of xyzal (antihistamine) for my allergies. I do know this makes my anxiety worse and contributes to some of my erection/ pelvic floor issues.

Sleep is OK, sometimes my anxiety will keep me awake.

Our intimate time is almost always in the evening as we both get up early for work and have 2 younger kids at home. Yes sometimes I feel rushed.
I think you should use the pumps that you are using regularly and consistently regardless of erection level. The pump will allow angiogenesis to take place, more blood will be able to enter your penis and your erections will improve with time.
And with even more time you will see an increase in penis girth.

I hope your intimate life with your wife improves from PE and I hope you get the results you want.
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