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does ejaculation ruin or shrink your results i find when i have sex an d ejaculate i tend to measure smaller then when i do these exercises and dont were you having sex or masturbatibg during these exercises or should you suffest it ???

I normally reward myself with ejaculation at the end of the day. It doesn't affect your penis size in any way.
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I am unable to get a good wrap and till now I have not even start my routine :(
I have seen some wrapping videos in the forum but every videos have different materials being used. In your video I can see that you have the yellow theraband and the ace bandage that I got in my LM package. Can you do a wrapping video with these pls?

For me the LM keep slipping because I am uncut and my penis is smaller compare to most wrapping video I have seen, they all have long flaccid penis like yours and wrapping seem easier🫤
If you are uncut do not be tempted to pull back your foreskin not even a little it will not work no matter how hard you try it must remain in its natural position.
it feels wrong to start with as you only feel your stretching skin but this is a process you must go through and it will last a week or so you must trust the process here.

A good wrap is one that feels comfortable and does not pinch it’s just preference.
I use a sleeve with ace on top it works a treat.
Hope this helps.
If you are uncut do not be tempted to pull back your foreskin not even a little it will not work no matter how hard you try it must remain in its natural position.
it feels wrong to start with as you only feel your stretching skin but this is a process you must go through and it will last a week or so you must trust the process here.

A good wrap is one that feels comfortable and does not pinch it’s just preference.
I use a sleeve with ace on top it works a treat.
Hope this helps.
I was pulling my foreskin,
so tomorrow I will try again without pulling back my skin.
I am confident that this time it will work. Thanks you
Today I have try without pulling foreskin back and the LM works wells without slipping but one main problem is that my penis does not stretched to its maximum.
I even try it for measurements:
BPFSL (foreskin pullback) I am at 15.7 cm and BPFSL (without pulling foreskin) I am at 14.7 cm, so that's 1 cm difference when foreskin is not pull back.
So I came to the conclusion that despite being uncut, It will be better for me to pull my foreskin back to get maximum stretching from the LM.

This time I pull foreskin back and add a silisleeve then the theraband and bandage, I tight my LM a lot to reduce slipping and it works, I just feel a bit discomfort on my gland when stretching (maybe I tightened my LM too much). But I will keep practicing till I got a good grip and get used to it and then I will start my routine seriously.
Today I have try without pulling foreskin back and the LM works wells without slipping but one main problem is that my penis does not stretched to its maximum.
I even try it for measurements:
BPFSL (foreskin pullback) I am at 15.7 cm and BPFSL (without pulling foreskin) I am at 14.7 cm, so that's 1 cm difference when foreskin is not pull back.
So I came to the conclusion that despite being uncut, It will be better for me to pull my foreskin back to get maximum stretching from the LM.

This time I pull foreskin back and add a silisleeve then the theraband and bandage, I tight my LM a lot to reduce slipping and it works, I just feel a bit discomfort on my gland when stretching (maybe I tightened my LM too much). But I will keep practicing till I got a good grip and get used to it and then I will start my routine seriously.
If this works for you that’s great new!!
Going to try the technique for wrapping that was mentioned here.
Theraband then ace wrap.
I’m uncut, but I pull the skin back.

I was having a hard time with comfort and slippage with the LM, but I think I found what I am going to use for my wrap and it was awesome for me.
Just be careful with the pressure on the glans

I have both a Stealth stretcher type head attachment and the Silistretcher.

I used this.
Attach the stealth stretcher as if you are going to hang
So head wrap, then enter the stealth stretcher head attachment and roll your sleeve onto your penis.

I was about to hang and I just thought what if I put the LM hanger attachment behind the stealth stretcher head attachment and bam.

I was ready to stretch after this with no slippage at all.

Just be careful with the glans pressure as mentioned.
Going to try the technique for wrapping that was mentioned here.
Theraband then ace wrap.
I’m uncut, but I pull the skin back.

I was having a hard time with comfort and slippage with the LM, but I think I found what I am going to use for my wrap and it was awesome for me.
Just be careful with the pressure on the glans

I have both a Stealth stretcher type head attachment and the Silistretcher.

I used this.
Attach the stealth stretcher as if you are going to hang
So head wrap, then enter the stealth stretcher head attachment and roll your sleeve onto your penis.

I was about to hang and I just thought what if I put the LM hanger attachment behind the stealth stretcher head attachment and bam.

I was ready to stretch after this with no slippage at all.

Just be careful with the glans pressure as mentioned.

You get used to the discomfort on the glans. I can't clamp down lower in the length master, and I have been told that you get used to the discomfort and the pressure on the glans.
Maybe I can try to do something similar with the Phallosan forte, as you mentioned above.
is it ok to stretch penis after ejaculation...
Yes indeed! I did this often when I did my broomstick routine/hand stretches, my penis felt soft and pliable/stretchable and the stretches where really intense. It was easier to stretch the inner penis.

But with the lengthmaster I have discovered that this softness directly after ejaculation, can create some more pain in the penis when stretching, and I have also discovered that it's harder to clamp it down in the chamber.

Always clean your penis with mild soap and water, before attaching it in the lengthmaster. In that way you will keep the lengthmaster, THERABAND and bandage clean. If the THERABAND gets slippery (fat layer) you can wash them carefully in warm water (not to hot), with no soap.

Do what works for you!
Yes indeed! I did this often when I did my broomstick routine/hand stretches, my penis felt soft and pliable/stretchable and the stretches where really intense. It was easier to stretch the inner penis.

But with the lengthmaster I have discovered that this softness directly after ejaculation, can create some more pain in the penis when stretching, and I have also discovered that it's harder to clamp it down in the chamber.

Always clean your penis with mild soap and water, before attaching it in the lengthmaster. In that way you will keep the lengthmaster, THERABAND and bandage clean. If the THERABAND gets slippery (fat layer) you can wash them carefully in warm water (not to hot), with no soap.

Do what works for you!
Excellent advice
I have a wrapping video of the theraband and the bandage that came with the length master. The video is 3:13 long. I've been trying to upload it on this thread but it's not working.

Is a video of 3.13 too long to upload?
If the video is bigger then 100 MB it's not going to be able to be uploaded.
I have tried many times, but I always have been forced to reduce the filesize to under 100 MB.
I want to inform everyone that I offer paid coaching service. I will supervise you as you train daily. With my guidance, you can easily gain 2.5 to 3 inches length and 1 inch in girth in one year. With my guidance, you will not fall off your routine or take an holiday from PE, you will always have the drive to keep on training. I will be guiding you and coaching you daily on WhatsApp and I will also be doing videos calls with you on WhatsApp and show you how the exercises are done as per your request.

If you watch the video of the downward bundled stretches, at 0:46 I did 3 rotations/twists with the length master to both sides. That is proof that I'm over 8 inches in length. I went from 6 inches bone press to 8.25 inches bone press with the length master. The proof is in the 3 rotations/twist.

If you are interested in my coaching service, all you need is a length master and a Bathmate or Mityvac. I won't be charging much. Anyone interested should send me a PM.

More video would be uploaded soon.
I'm 9inches and can twist it 2 1/2 turns the stretch is so intense
I want to inform everyone that I offer paid coaching service. I will supervise you as you train daily. With my guidance, you can easily gain 2.5 inches length and 1 inch in girth in one year. With my guidance, you will not fall off your routine or take an holiday from PE, you will always have the drive to keep on training. I will be guiding you and coaching you daily on WhatsApp and I will also be doing videos calls with you on WhatsApp and show you how the exercises are done as per your request.

Let me know what you think.

All you need is a length master and Bathmate or Mityvac penis pump.
I want to inform everyone that I offer paid coaching service. I will supervise you as you train daily. With my guidance, you can easily gain 2.5 inches length and 1 inch in girth in one year. With my guidance, you will not fall off your routine or take an holiday from PE, you will always have the drive to keep on training. I will be guiding you and coaching you daily on WhatsApp and I will also be doing videos calls with you on WhatsApp and show you how the exercises are done as per your request.

Let me know what you think.

All you need is a length master and Bathmate or Mityvac penis pump.

How long do you think it would take to gain half to a full inch of length and girth?
Half inch 2 months for some and some 3 months. Half inch in girth 6 months. 1 inch in girth, 12 months.
Following a specific routine or in general? I'm on my 4th month 5 days a week (manual stretching, BM for one 15 minute session the jelq for 10 min) and haven't seen definitive results. And is it possible to not get the donut penis using BM?
Following a specific routine or in general? I'm on my 4th month 5 days a week (manual stretching, BM for one 15 minute session the jelq for 10 min) and haven't seen definitive results. And is it possible to not get the donut penis using BM?

In general but it also depends on your level of intensity as you train and gain further. Yes it's possible to not get the donut penis. Just don't use too much pressure.
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