F26 - Newbie Q&A


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @F26, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
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Hey DLD and all other MOS members,

appreciate your welcome and happy to be in the Brotherhood now :)
I'll do a short intro here and later switch over to an own Newbie Thread/Log with my stats and update every now and then there how everything is going.

Short info about me and what I want to change in stage 1:

1) I just searched for the correct technical term right now that you all understand what I mean, so sadly I have a 'turkey neck'.
It's kind of annoying. And as I've started to learn the exercises today, I just found out it's complicating stretching and jelqing - the two main exercises for newbies...
Why it is a problem in my opinion? Because when I'm stretching, it's not only stretching my dick, but also the skin of the turkey neck and I really don't want even more skin there.
When I'm jelqing, it's also pulling the skin with every jelq. So as I've tried it today multiple times, the best way is that I use two hands which isn't so much comfortable. One hand to hold back the skin and the other one to perform the stretching/jelqing exercises but I still have a bad feeling that it will cause more skin/bigger turkey neck.

2) Flaccid penis not hanging 'correctly' - maybe also because of the turkey neck(?)
So instead of hanging down normally (170° or 180° angle), it's hanging down between 110° to 130° degrees. It's really not cool in public showers after swimming/sauna and so on.

3) Flaccid length could be better, I have a blood penis. So as I'm searching for ways to get rid of the turkey neck, at least I hope there's a way, I'm trying to gain some more length in flaccid state.
My thoughts are: The bigger the dick in flaccid state, the lower it should hang, thanks to gravitation.

4) Right now I'm doing some weightloss anyways, trying to go down to 8-12% body fat, so my natural testosterone production is at it's peak.
Less fat = less fatpad = bigger flaccid length = maybe hangs lower, because more dick 'weight' pulls it to the ground.

While trying to solve the problems above, I really wouldn't have a problem getting a bigger dick in general, like who would at all? LOL

As I'm serious about to change the things above I bought some PE gadgets:
- penimaster pro - use for passive flaccid length gain
- lengthmaster - use for manual stretching and hanging later
- penispump (air) - maybe after jelqing or during sets
- bathmate hydromax x30 - for length gains
- bathmate hydromax x40 xtreme - for girth gains
- vitallus plus - using for passive flaccid girth/length gain

I'm especially excited how the 2 passive gadgets will work (Penimaster/Vitallus Plus). Will try to wear them at home as often as I can.
Would need some advices to make the best routine out of the gadgets I listed above, maybe even in combination with manual exercises.
But when I'm short in time I really want to make sure that I still do some gains with those 2 tools. For example everytime I'm sitting at the computer, I would wear one of them. Maybe I could even use the Penimaster outside the house and maybe maybe if I find a comfortable way - wear the Vitallus Plus during sleep.

I'm sure this will be a longterm investment of time and hard work, but for me it will def. be worth it, if it works out in the end.
Thanks for welcoming me in the MOS fam. and as I'm willing to spend lots of time here and learn from the experienced people, feel free to send me messages :)

It would be awesome if some experienced people can give me advice.
Cheers, F26
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The fact that you are going to be able to use those cool ass toys, I already don't like you. Bahahaha.

Nah, I hope you find all the info you need here brother. Any questions, feel free to ask away. Plenty of extremely knowledgeable brothers here.

Man.... you are gonna have fun bro. JELLY!!!
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Wishing you great gains! Put those tools into use.

I've personally tried the Vitallus Plus; I wouldn't spend too much time with that. At least don't spend money on those new cylinders, you're better of with the regular pump and Hydromax units.
Better utilize that PMP and Lengthmaster!
Set up a progress log and lay out a routine. Or you can ask for help, overall the SRT and Newbie routine sets are great way to go with, you can adjust things to your personal liking in some sense. But follow the SRT protocol anyway.

You could alternate with length and girth. Or you can go for length first and then target girth, several men have gone that route.
The fact that you are going to be able to use those cool ass toys, I already don't like you. Bahahaha.

Nah, I hope you find all the info you need here brother. Any questions, feel free to ask away. Plenty of extremely knowledgeable brothers here.

Man.... you are gonna have fun bro. JELLY!!!

Thanks buddy! Gonna read through the night in the forum here and getting some knowledge :)

Wishing you great gains! Put those tools into use.

I've personally tried the Vitallus Plus; I wouldn't spend too much time with that. At least don't spend money on those new cylinders, you're better of with the regular pump and Hydromax units.
Better utilize that PMP and Lengthmaster!
Set up a progress log and lay out a routine. Or you can ask for help, overall the SRT and Newbie routine sets are great way to go with, you can adjust things to your personal liking in some sense. But follow the SRT protocol anyway.

You could alternate with length and girth. Or you can go for length first and then target girth, several men have gone that route.

SRT seems to be perfect for me with all the gadgets.
I have mostly only thought about the Vitallus Plus at night or maybe after a girth session as kind of passive gadget so thatI can do other things beside wearing it (computer/reading/watching netflix/learning/sleep). What do you think about that?

My idea for fast cementing/cell rebuilding with passive PE gadgets:
after stretching sessions until girth sessions --> PMP (as long as I can)
after girth sessions --> Vitallus Plus / maybe PMP, depending on your experiences and advice

So to summarize that I understood it right, please correct me if I'm wrong:


- manual length training
- lengthmaster
- hanging

after AM session: PMP to keep everything in a comfortable stretch

- manual girth training
- all pump gadgets

after PM session: could wear Vitallus Plus for 'cementing' the upcoming length/girth gains

Upcoming questions:
1) When to use the Bathmate? I'm showering in the morning to feel fresh and become awake. Can I use the bathmate after length training before wearing the PMP or is it a bad idea?
2) Should I wear the PMP after girth training or having on the Vitallus Plus for the next few hours until sleep?
3) What kind of gadget should I use during sleep?

Please correct me if I'm wrong :)
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You just need a badass utility belt for all those gadgets.

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Hey Fam.,
had been up almost all night and read across the forum - this ist pure gold! Love it.
Also the people in here are awesome, this will be a cool journey.

As I've written in the chat I had an idea, and that's also why I've ordered the tools. I want to have my dick as much as I can in passive pe gadgets.
I got to know that manual training is necessary and most people are doing great gains just with manual training.
So why did I make this decision?

You may know about that tradition in which females are lengthening their neck
- and it works. But they are not doing some kind of short manual training and that's it - they wear some kind of 'manual fitted spirals' 24/7 and stack up their rings every now and then + manually adjust them while getting older. The procedure starts when they are around 5 years and mostly goes on lifetime.
Link: Kayan people (Myanmar) - Wikipedia

The neck consists of some bones, muscles, tissue, cartilages, tendons, veins and arteries and obviously skin (maybe not 100% the correct expressions, but hope you understand what I'm talking about). They are still able to stretch it over the years, so PE most likely works too, if you think logically about it.
Also it should normally be easier to gain some length and girth than stretching your neck.
Why? Because it's built of:
1) Corpora cavernosa
2) Corpus spongiosum
3) Glans
4) Tunica albuginea
To explain it easier: No bones, mostly consists of tissue.

So if we are thinking rational and logical now: It should 100% be possible.
Now we are thinking about all the experience and results from people who just did manual training or let's better say - mostly did only manual training. They have done it successfully!
If we want to maximize the results, why shouldn't we try to keep it in a stretched/pumped state for as long as we can during the day/night - depening if we are working on length/girth?

If you do some stretching, you'll see it will go back to normal length over time = called turtling. Don't we want to stop this? So that it stays in a kind of streteched state for as long as possible and builds new cells and tissue + heals the micro stretch wounds/cracks over time?
I mean nothing different happens when we grow our muscles. At first we hurt them, get exhausted and then they grow (with the correct nutrients and enough calories).
I'm not experienced, so I can't say if the dick needs more rest, but normally from rational logical thinking - it should be possible with a little stretch.
I'm not talking about a full stretch, maybe 10-30%, so that it's comfortable but still keeps the tissue in a stretched state without hurting while doing it over hours.

That had been my thoughts - then I actually read about @DLD 's SRT routine, in which he exactly tells about it, his experience and also did and experiment with some members. I haven't found the results about the members so far sadly (can somebody sent me a link to the results?) but I know that it worked because since that time from 2011, @DLD has a public SRT thread up and it's one of the 2 main exercise routines, especially for beginners.

Yesterday I've also asked in chat why it's often recommended to not do length exercises after girth exercises. It was an expression mistake, I more meant wearing an extender or other gadgets to keep it to a 10-30% stretch. I've just read about dick rings which keep the blood in it, but what's the difference to a strap/extender on 10-30% easy stretch then?
I know that a dick ring keeps the blood filled up in there, so it helps getting girth gains.
But if a person wants to focus on length, wouldn't it be better to use a stretch? Also, maybe it even helps for girth because after girth exercises= dick is bigger = more tissue to stretch, so maybe it builds more tissue then in length and girth, compared to normal stretching with 0% EQ?

Lots of questions, but in my opinion the most important :)
It would be more than great when @DLD @Lightning or @REDZULU2003 or somebody of the other very experienced members could give his opinion or answer about it.

Wish you all a phenomenal sunday evening!
Awesome work, brother. You are obtaining great knowledge, and all these little things will come together to give you the birds-eye view that is needed in PE.

The Top Boys will definitely be chiming in, to give you some insanely knowledgeable tips. Start up a progress thread, and they will come.

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Upcoming questions:
1) When to use the Bathmate? I'm showering in the morning to feel fresh and become awake. Can I use the bathmate after length training before wearing the PMP or is it a bad idea?
2) Should I wear the PMP after girth training or having on the Vitallus Plus for the next few hours until sleep?
3) What kind of gadget should I use during sleep?

The answers to some of the questions you have posted are going to be personal preference.
1. If you use the bathmate before using PMP, just know you are going to be thicker and will have to adjust your PMP accordingly. I personally prefer to keep Length Workouts separate from Girth Workouts - meaning I like to put them on separate days. If you decide to do both in 1 day, I would split it up by doing length in the morning, girth in the evening.
2. I'm not familiar with Vitallus Plus but it does seem to advertise that you can wear it at night. I would play around with it......see what you like.
3. Try different gadgets out and see what you like. Some guys like to wear gadgets at night.....some don't. I personally prefer wearing a simple Silisleeve because it stays on easily and doesn't interfere with my sleep.

I don't use bathmate for length workouts. Just thought I would throw that in there. I feel that while you can gain length from Bathmate.......there are other exercises and gadgets that I think could help you gain length faster......if that's what you are after.
The answers to some of the questions you have posted are going to be personal preference.
1. If you use the bathmate before using PMP, just know you are going to be thicker and will have to adjust your PMP accordingly. I personally prefer to keep Length Workouts separate from Girth Workouts - meaning I like to put them on separate days. If you decide to do both in 1 day, I would split it up by doing length in the morning, girth in the evening.
2. I'm not familiar with Vitallus Plus but it does seem to advertise that you can wear it at night. I would play around with it......see what you like.
3. Try different gadgets out and see what you like. Some guys like to wear gadgets at night.....some don't. I personally prefer wearing a simple Silisleeve because it stays on easily and doesn't interfere with my sleep.

I don't use bathmate for length workouts. Just thought I would throw that in there. I feel that while you can gain length from Bathmate.......there are other exercises and gadgets that I think could help you gain length faster......if that's what you are after.

Hey Barracuda and thanks for your reply,

1) Is there any reason why you are doing this? Does it harm the length gains or is it really just a own preference? Because my thoughts are, if we are stretching the thicker dick, isn't it possible then that it builds more cells compared to stretching normally? I mean just keeping it in a very light stretch with an extender, so that it's still comfortable because I understand you all :D it does feel a little weird on the glans especially after some jelqing when I've tried to stretch it like normally yesterday.
2) Will do. But mostly I think I'll go with the PMP because I don't know how loud the pump is and wearing a pump during night seems much more difficult to me compared to the PMP.
3) Will do! But first step is trying to wear them multiple hours in the day that it doesn't bother me so much. Because I imagine when I'm using gadgets, it may effect my sleep and maybe I can't fall asleep or so. Will be lots of trying as soon as it comes.
Hello again,

so today I just ordered some oils for dick skin care which I found yesterday in @TuffDong 's Log :) thank you again!
1) Vitamin E
2) Sheabutter - no oil, fat normal Skincare Butter, to protect after hard sessions
3) Combo-Pack of Oils - each 100ml - almond oil, apricot kernel oil, arnica oil, avocado oil, calendula oil, castor oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, hemp seed oil, macadamia oil.
I've made sure it's good quality and no bad chemical ingredients in it. Instead of the combo package I could buy just 1 or 2 oils, but as there was a package of those 10 oils, I wanted to try. Maybe some have better effects than the others or are feeling better as I've never used them before and can't say.

On top of that I've ordered a sportsgel which says it's warming up the tissue and a PE gel which says to also warm up, provides a better blood flow and does some skincare.
So I will have lots of stuff for testing around I would say.

My last question about the oils:
Which one(s) are you using for jelqing? Used some normal skincare cream now but I have to put every 1-2min more cream on my dick because it's drying out so fast. So I would think an oil would work much much better than normal cream.
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Surprised there isn't Argan oil in that mix.

I dry jelq, so I haven't any input regarding which would be best. For myself, the combination of Cocoa Shea and Palmers Vitamin E with Argan creates an unbelievable slick that lasts a good while.
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Me too @TuffDong ! Argan Oil is good stuff, I haven't "promoted" it as of late. Actually ran out of the stuff, I will see if I can order it soon enough.

Regarding @F26 's routine, I think it looks good! I am not so experienced to say anything about routines, as my own sets have been very lazily put together. I've got gains during the years but I couldn have pushed the envelope a whole lot more. ;)

I agree with @barracuda94 about keeping length and girth exercises spaced out. It's possible to try utilizing the PMP after a girth session but it's often tricky that way around. One thing would be to go for length gains first, as in not doing much girth exercises until you reach your length goal.
Several have experienced that this is an "easier" route to do that trying to grow both length and girth in equal amounts at the same timespan.
Length workouts will target girth in the end in some amount though and vice versa.
Staying consistent and following a routine is the main thing for now!

Night time I have personally devoted to "just" great sleep. If you are able to use some tools without interference while sleeping, great!
But do give a plenty amount of time for rest. In order to get gains, one must let his penis sleep at times. :)
You can always add more force and time into play but to substract either is unnatural signal for the body.

Regarding the oils: Castor and Coconut oil are what will likely stay the slickest for longest. Castor has way more drag though.
Just try them out. Be sure to clean yourself off if you have possible comedogenic issues (oily skin by nature etc..) as both Castor and Coconut oil, while great oils, can clog your pores. Apricot kernel oil and hemp seed oil should be pretty safe when it comes to comedogenic index.
Hello my brother I’m wondering if you want me to rename this thread as your progress thread and move it into the progress and routines section?
Me too @TuffDong ! Argan Oil is good stuff, I haven't "promoted" it as of late. Actually ran out of the stuff, I will see if I can order it soon enough.
I concur with what ark said. Castor is a very thick oil, and using alone is a sticky situation. Cut with a thinner oil, and you have magic.


Alright, ordered it too LOL Also ordered Hydrocortisone cream and Bacitracin cream (or at least something similar).
So I think I'm really prepared now with everything, so I can focus on some gains.

Regarding @F26 's routine, I think it looks good! I am not so experienced to say anything about routines, as my own sets have been very lazily put together. I've got gains during the years but I couldn have pushed the envelope a whole lot more. ;)

I agree with @barracuda94 about keeping length and girth exercises spaced out. It's possible to try utilizing the PMP after a girth session but it's often tricky that way around. One thing would be to go for length gains first, as in not doing much girth exercises until you reach your length goal.
Several have experienced that this is an "easier" route to do that trying to grow both length and girth in equal amounts at the same timespan.
Length workouts will target girth in the end in some amount though and vice versa.
Staying consistent and following a routine is the main thing for now!

Exactly that's what I'm researching right now in lots of threads, logs and posts - length before girth or 50/50? Or maybe 80/20 or something like that?
Some say do length first if you really are planning to train for a long time and later follow up with girth. Others and even @DLD says that we should go 50/50 length/girth during the workouts.
People also write that from length training it's possible to gain some girth too and people write that from girth training you're also gaining some length. I'm still doing some research about tunica and all tonight, so probably tomorrow I'll have some new knowledge about it. Just understood so far that I should try to gain some BPFSL first and then later 'fill it up' with girth training.

Hello my brother I’m wondering if you want me to rename this thread as your progress thread and move it into the progress and routines section?

Hey @DLD :) I'm still searching for some answers which I posted above - if my routine would be okay like that with the pe tools, if I should focus more on length first or do 50/50 and also will have some questions here and there over the next few days as I'm currently reading a few hours a day in this forum.
So mostly this thread here will be a kind of question & answer thread for me/us with lots of discussing about all sort of PE, tricks & tips.
Will start a seperate trainingslog soon!
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One hand washes the other in PE. Length gives girth, girth gives length. While manual stretching may not give you girth throughout, it does help with the base.

This is my personal observation, through my own personal journey.

Like I have said, you have your mind in the perfect place for this journey. I applaud you for your very wise start on this path. Take it slow and meticulously.

Blessings, my brother....
I'm so much motivated because of you crazy people! Reading at least 12hrs a day right now in the forum and taking down notes and bookmarking many threads, it's like a secret library filled up with hidden knowledge :D
Because of that I already got a few ideas which I'll test over the next few days and then share with you(like) Two of them could already be a little gamechanger for many if it will turn out well.

Still waiting for some tools to be delivered tomorrow and the day after tomorrow :) Learning lots of the exercises, theories and about the anatomy of the dick in the meantime.
Consistency and Determination - how are you all doing it?

So I'm trying to 'prepare' myself for this kind of journey. This also includes to sort out possible future mistakes and cases with could come into my way. Some of you are training since months, many since years and some rare people even since decades. If you give an average person the only task to just draw a line every single day for multiple months or even years, most of them would fail - just by doing a simple line and a time investment of a few seconds.
So my question is, what are your tricks & tips? How do you keep your willpower and determination on such a rare high level? What do you tell yourself in situations in which you maybe aren't motivated to work out? How do you get sh*t done?

My current plan is to at least spend 30min a day now for the next 30 days. I've read threads of some of you who are working out multiple hours a day, I honestly don't know if I can do something like that for multiple days, weeks or even months. I'm not talking about one single week, I'm talking about a consistent habit. So what I want to do or have planned to do, is to keep the bar low at the beginning, but make sure that it's 100% consistency, no matter what. Every day will mean every single day. If I wouldn't find the time over the day I could subtract 30min away from my sleeping time in the shortly before sleep in the worst case :)

If I find more time or have the motivation to do more, I can also train longer. But I would always want to make sure to get those 30min every single day. I'm talking about manual training here btw. Passive PE tools like wearing an Extender, Mummy/Wrap or a ring after girth sessions are not included here.

What do you think about my thoughts? How have you started building this habit and getting such a 0% excuse determination with this high level of willpower?
My life experiences have trained me to be as motivated, determined, dedicated, and consistent as I am. I have spent my whole life, reflecting my talents onto others. Never taking credit for my achievements, but instead giving that honor to others who really weren't deserving of it.

I thought this would bring me happiness, but instead it took what happiness I had away. I never once put myself first, and really never thought about, or asked myself, what I wanted.

Having children, becoming a parent, and then having to do it completely alone, took dedication. Waking up every morning and first thing tending to them, then to my work, then back to them. Day after day, this took consistency. Looking into their eyes, seeing myself, and doing everything in my power to make sure they have everything they will ever need, and that they would never go through the horrors, depravity, and neglect that I did. That took determination.

Motivation, well I have always had that, and it REALLY SHINES when I have a passion for something. Whether it was gardening, creating something so beautiful and potent that helped ease pain, stop seizures, saving lives. Or constructing something custom, elegant, and just admiring it once completed.

My life experiences have given me these tools. I am 36 years young, and finally realized that I deserve to have a taste of what I have learned. It's my turn, and I will appreciate all of it so much more than others did.

I may have gone way outside the barrier here, but that is my answer. My own personal explanation regarding my willpower and determination in PE, and everything else in my life that I care for.

Some tools and dick skincare products already arrived, directly had to test and experiment with it of course :)
Also I've read some more threads about BPFSL -> BPEL - length before girth theories and experiences here.

Tools tested so far:
1) Lengthmaster
What a great product. So much easier to stretch for lazy people like me. Also I've read some threads about the different exercises you can use it for. Even for hanging later (fire)
2) Penimaster Pro
Love it! If I can really make it to work over time wearing that thing nearly 24/7 or at least 18h a day beside sleeping, it would be phenomenal.

Belt expander: Perfect for beginners like me. You can adjust the intensity on stretch easily, even when it's already on, takes a second. It's a comfortable fit, even when walking with it. I still have to accustom my dick to it, because it's unusual to have a permanent stretch on it. I had to much intensity in the beginning and then it hurt a little, but not too bad. I think the secret here is to have a slight stretch, but over a long time.
Rod expander: Not as comfortable as the belt expander, but it's more accurate, because you can adjust the intensity of the stretch based on the amount of rod pieces you put togehter. Also you can't move with it as good as with the belt expander, mostly because you can only wear it in 2 directions - fully up or fully down. Maybe I will use the rod expander while sitting in front of my notebook and doing short sessions, but more intense. Like manual stretching sessions.

The only problem I have so far is that my glans get swollen a little bit. I don't know the right word for it. It also happens when I'm doing intense manual stretching and grabbing directly below the glans. It get's kind of swollen, feels like water? Researched a little bit, lymph or something like that? After some jelqing or after letting it relax it always disappears. Does my dick needs to accustom to it or what can I do that it doesn't happen anymore?

3) Air pump
Got a conical cylinder and a good pump. But in my opinion people could easily also use normal vacuum manometer handpump for a cheaper price and then buying a cylinder and a pvc hosepip + connector on a pe tool site.
It's always written in the threads that you should stay erect in the pump, but how is it possible you guys doing 5-10 sets of up to 20min each set? Do you watch adult entertainment beside or do you take something like viagra and cialis? ?
Paid attention that I only start slow and went only up to 2.5hg pressure and like 5-10min for 2 sets with jelqing during the break.

4) Original Uncle Jims Wrap / Ace Wrap / Bandage Wrap
Ouch, I don't like the material of the Original Uncle Jim Wrap as it's scratching my skin. It's very long, like normal bandages, but I can't/don't want to destroy it because it has velcro at the start and end of it.
It's the same material like ACE bandage, which I also don't like. It's too raw for my skin and scratches. Maybe I'm wrong and my dick has to accustom to it but I really don't like it that much so far.
I've tested normal thin bandages yesterday and wrapped it, at first I taped it in the end that it's not unwrapping, but it annoyed me as I have to unwrap and wrap it again every 30-60min as I get a cold glans. So I went to the pharmacy and bought some kind of "connectors", it's a fixiation band of tape/iron which is grabbing like 1mm into the bandage at the start and end of it, re-usable as often as you want. Time to make it connect or disconnect: 1 second! Love it.
It felt amazing, didn't scratch at all and is very cheap. For sure they won't last as long as a thick material bandage like the Uncle Jims Wrap but gives me much more comfort and I can adjust the size of the wrapping. Cut the normal bandage in half and it's still enough cause a bandage like this is 2m long.

Manual Training Experiences so far:
1) Basic Stretching
Easy to learn, but I have a question. If I increase the intensity, then my glans gets 'swollen' a little bit. Researched and found out it's maybe water/lymp? After some jelqing or relaxing it disappears.
Learning the most common stretching exercises and experimenting with the intensity.

2) Jelqing
Started jelqing with some normal skincare cream, but as some oils arrived today, I'll switch over to oil because the cream always lost being slippery after 1-2min. Slowly start to increasing the EQ during jelqing. Started off a few days ago with 30-50% EQ and now increasing day by day a little.
Problem I have so far is that I always directly get fully errect when I start jelqing and have to think at some unerotic things to stop being erect. Will that stop over time or how do you guys do it?
Another question: Is it normal that the skin of the fatpad goes like 1-2 inch in the same direction like my jelqs? It feels like it is very much skin and that's why I need to use 2 hands for jelqing. But as that was kind of annoying and keeping focus away from my jelqs. Also I have a kind of turkey neck, so some skin of my ballsack goes up my dick and it also seems like that there is lots of skin around my base.
I searched for a way around with skin annoying me during the jelqing training, so now I sit on my balls to hold them back - so the skin also gets hold back and I can easily jelq with 2 hands instead of 1 hand always holding back the skin. Is it normal that there is lots of skin showing up when you do jelqs?
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Nice, brother!

I have never been a fan of wrapping. Tried it, didn't like it. You should get a silisleev, or a few actually. Sooo comfortable, and keeps you elongated through the day as well as overnight.
I was asking you if you want me to move this thread into the progress and routine section.
I was asking you if you want me to move this thread into the progress and routine section.

Hey @DLD :) I've already answered you here: https://mattersofsize.com/threads/welcome-to-mos-f26.1819707/post-1861292
Maybe you haven't seen it because I've quoted 3 posts at the same time, sorry, my mistake here.

I'm starting a personal log/progress thread very soon, no worries. I just don't want to spam my upcoming training log with all the questions which are still coming up every few hours as I'm taking lots of time right now reading through lots of threads, theories and methods. I want the log more focused on the training instead of all my beginner questions.
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Testing the Tools - Day 2:
5) Bathmate Hydromax 7

Tested it for 5min in the shower. Sitting on the ground as it feels the most comfortable for me compared to standing. If I'm standing the weight of the bathmate and water increases the pressure of my dick, at least it feels like that. When I'm sitting it's only the pressure of the bathmate, think that's how it should be. For sure there's the Shower strap, but honestly I still don't feel comfortable with it and also it doesn't feel comfortable showering, washing hair and body while wearing it. I prefer to have 100% focus on my training.
I slowly increased the pressure every min, dang, this thing is a suction master. Couldn't go to the max as it really can build up a lot of pressure and I want to increase the time and intensity slowly day by day as it feels like most safe to me.
After pumping my dick was a little bit thicker in flaccid state and a little bit red (lots of blood in it, nothing bad). Also the skin on my dick felt more soft and thick.

6) Bathmate Hydromax Extreme X40
Well, just imagine all I wrote above but even a stronger pressure LOL This thing literally is a beast as you have a vacuum hand pump attached to the normal pump and can build even more pressure with it. Of course you can also use the Extreme X40 without the vacuum hand pump and just use it as every normal bathmate. Sadly I can't use the vacuum hand pump on my Hydromax X7 which is smaller in size (length and girth), because it has another valve size on the top and it isn't possible to switch them.

Why have I bought 2 different sizes?
A) Got them for a much cheaper price than they sell it usually.
B) Wanted to train length in the Hydromax 7 as it has less girth so the dick is forced to increase more in length. For more intense girth sessions I will use the Extreme X40, because it's more wide. And as far as I know, in pumps the dick is enlarging at first in girth and then in length.

7) Vitallus Plus
Feels good man! An automatic pump which is connected via hose to your Vacuum Extender (Pump Cylinder), which is fit on your measurements which you send over to the company. The maximum pressure is 100Mbar which is 2.9-3HG. But there's also a pressure regulator if it's too much pressure, so it's easy to regulate. Does it make sound? Yes it does! So if you're living with some other people in a flat I wouldn't recommend if you don't want that they will ask you sooner or later what is causing that sound. Don't get me wrong, it's not very very loud. But in the beginning as the vacuum extender is connecting to your fatpad, it's very noticeable. You can speed up that process to a few seconds if you push the vacuum extender to your fatpad.
I've just used it for 30min, but my dick felt very well blooded afterwards and had some pump. The pressure doesn't feel as intense as in a normal airpump or bathmate because the vacuum extender consists of an inner silicone extender and an outer plastic cylinder. So that's their 'secret' why they say it's possible to wear over night, 8 hours or even longer without problems, if you're accustomed your dick to it over time.

Let's come to the usage: Wearing that thing at night? Hmm, I really have to test it but right now I can't imagine that. In sleep we're often turning around and then it would fall off. Guess what happens when the cylinder goes off your fatpad? It makes noisy sounds which are not very quiet. So maybe I will wake up then and if that happens more often I won't have any good relaxing sleep. But that's just what I'm thinking right now. If it wouldn't be possible to use while sleeping it still would be great wearing it after a girth session, but let's see.

Problems and current Questions:
Love it the most currently as 'passive pe tool'. Feels amazing, easy to use, nothing to do wrong with it (injuries) and it's not a problem wearing it outside in public. Depending on how much intense you wrap it, I need to unwrap it every 30min, doing some heli shakes and wrap it again.
Unwrapping takes approximately 10 seconds, wrapping takes around 30-45 seconds, so it's really pretty simple and you can do that everywhere where a toilet is available.

Problem: Had an intense wrap at home, fallen asleep on the couch, woke up 4hours later and couldn't feel my dick anymore :O took me around 1-2min that I had the feeling back. Was feeling cold but still had the normal skin color and everything, so not a blue or black dick as I've imagined the first second when I woke up. So I really need to pay attention that I'm not falling asleep while having it on an intense stretch, else it could maybe end very bad? I don't know what injuries it could have cause if it would have been 8hours. What would you say? So I'm kind of feared wearing that a night as I can't rewrap it every 30-60min to get it warmed up again.

I'm still in a battle with myself to do Length before Girth, I can't really tell you exactly why as lots of people made huge gains who did 50/50 length/girth, but I have a feeling about it.
Some thoughts about it:

1) The thicker the dick, the more intensity is needed to get an intense stretch, because obviously the flaccid size of a thick dick has more volume than the flaccid size of a thin dick. More volume = needs more intensity to be stretched at the same level of intensity, or am I wrong?
Compare it to thera bands, textile or normal tissue of our body.
2) If the dick needs only to increase in length and replace the tissue which is based on your girth, wouldn't it be easier for the body to replace the tissue of 1mm length from a thin dick compared to the tissue of a dick with a lot of girth? I don't know if our body has a maximum of tissue/cells which it can build hourly/daily/weekly on our dick?
3) If the dick is increasing in length first, then I would have more length which I could train for girth in that moment. So as there is a longer dick, it has more tissue and cells which will expand during girth workouts. So the volume increase would be much more from a long and thin dick compared to a short and thick dick as my theory 1 above is correct?!

I'm not talking about 100/0 length/girth training, my idea would be more to increase BPFSL as much as possible first and fill it up with girth training then. I would do some daily jelqing and erect stretches to fit the BPEL to the BPFSL length. Maybe some short pumping once a day, but mostly focusing on getting BPFSL gains. No long or too intense girth sessions.
What do you guys think about it based on my thoughts you just have read by now?
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You have definitely done your research, and have generated your own theories. I applaud you, brother.

I seriously think you should take @DLD advice, and have this thread moved. I say this because all this cool info, and motivation will be lost to this section, buried for all eternity.

You are doing such a great job bro!

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You have definitely done your research, and have generated your own theories. I applaud you, brother.

Thanks a lot Tuff! For sure normally it's often practice > theory but in the case with PE I really don't want to do mistakes which can cause injuries if I can prevent it by getting a lot knowledge about it and read around 12h a day since around Sunday in that forum.
On the other side I also really want to be as productive as I can, so the more I know and can put into practice, the better for me :)

I seriously think you should take @DLD advice, and have this thread moved. I say this because all this cool info, and motivation will be lost to this section, buried for all eternity.

Well, if you're all thinking it would be better to move into another channel or sub, then I would be the last person who denies it, so let's move it then!
I will keep using this thread anyways as my thread in which I will mostly ask all questions I have, when I need your opinion or help and also to share some ideas which are flying through my mind permanently.

So @DLD you have my ready to move :D Maybe you could also change the title then to something like "F26 - Newbie Q&A" or something like that. Whatever comes to your mind.
Mummy vs Extender:
To the experienced people of you, do you think an Extender is much better compared to an intense wrap? Somehow I felt in love with wrapping bandages at the moment. It's the most comfortable way and as said, especially if you're out in public there is really not any problem with it. The only thing is that you should go to the toilet every 30-90min (time based on the intensity of your wrap), do some heli shakes to get blood in it again and warm it up for 30-60 seconds and rewrap it - that's it.
So especially for wearing it outside the house - this thing is nuts!
Do you think/know if an extender with a slight stretch is much better than a mummy/wrap?

I will try to wear the extender all the time at home beside training, will go up with the time every day a little bit until the goal is reached + also wearing it at night, because I've told you what happend to my dick when I wear the wrap when I had been fallen asleep for a few min.
Outside in public I really prefer the mummy/wrap right now. There are multiple advantages of it.

Mummy/Wrap: More comfortable, hidden in the pants - not as much noticeable like an extender, you don't need to have any equipment with you to put it on again, afterhaving a pee. Unwrap and wrap, that's it. It's more soft than a extender, because it's out of comfy textil.

Extender: You can get much more intensity because you can adjust the intensity, you don't have to take it off all 30-90min and can basically wear it as long as you want if you don't need to go to the toilet, because it won't get cold (at least from my experience so far). But it's not as much comfortable as a mummy/wrap and it's more noticeable under your pants.

But again, I don't try to get a very intense stretch over the whole day as it would be too much. In my manual off time I will try to have a slight but consistent stretch over multiple hours and would love to go nearly 18-24/7 here :) So what's your opinion about mummy/wrap outside in public and extender at home + wearing it at night?

Theory: Slowly raising the dick during the stretching workout better than a direct intense stretch?!

What I got so far from DLD is to prepare your tunica before the stretching sessions, start your sessions with some nice tunica stretches (bundled stretches) and then start your stretching workout. Everybody is talking that we really need to stretch on high intensity, mostly starting from the beginning. But I have the feeling that when I started stretching with a too much intensity right from the beginning, there's a resistance in my dick coming up what kinds of pulls it back to my body then. You especially feel it if you flex your pc muscle down there. Even if you don't flex your pc muscle, it automatically flexes when I stretch too much and it feels like my dick kind of puts that resistance up at that point.

However when I'm starting slowly and raise up the intensity of the stretch every few seconds a little bit, it seems like there is no resistance coming up during the raising process. For sure I feel a resistance, but from my feeling, this point is in a more extended state compared to the state I've written above, when I would stretch with much intensity from the beginning.

Did you also ever experience something like that?
You are getting your first taste of "tugback" it seems.


Bib has a theory, called the L.O.T. theory, Loss of Tugback. Here is the theory..

"The shorter, tighter or higher the ligs, the higher the angle required to lose ‘tugback’ when stretching the penis and kegaling at the same time.

The shorter, tighter, or higher the ligs, the more ‘inner’ penis, and the more quick, easy gains which are possible, and possibly the more total gains which are possible as the ligs are lengthened.

The longer, looser, or lower the ligs, the less ‘inner’ penis, and the harder the gains and possibly less total gains which are possible.

The longer time spent PEing, the lower the angle at which tugback is lost due to a lengthening of the ligs. This assumes PE is performed at lower angles, at least somewhat, by all subjects.

The less time spent PEing, the higher the angle at which tugback is lost because ligs have not been stretched.

For those with shorter, tighter, or higher ligs, a lengthening of the ligs correlates with a lowering of angle of tugback loss, and an increase in penis length."
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It is your unit's instinct to tug back when being tugged on. It will become accustomed to it with practice. I still get it at very specific angles when stretching. Actually, recently I have been getting it with straight-out manual stretching. Just checked, and yup. Baby tug here and there. Not strong, but it's a kegel I cannot control. Could this be due to my routine? Am I unlocking more of something truly wonderful? The experts will need to chime in to help answer these questions.

Oh, and in that GIF, you are the guy on the left, while your pecker is the dude on the right.. LOL
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Here we go brother!!!

Now, we need to create a device blueprint thread. Put all of our ideas there. We will brainstorm some EPIC things bro. ???
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Today was a tough day, built my hanging construction to also stretch my dick upwards, thanks a lot to @TuffDong for the inspiration of it!
Upgraded my Lengthmaster hanging construction so that I can very easily go up/down with the weights during sets, takes only 2-3 seconds :) each weight is attached to a carabiner which I can connect to the carabiner of the Lengthmaster, pretty dope! I'm currently extremly excited for this journey and what's going to happen.
The other time of the day I spent reading more and more here, it just gets better day by day. So right now I'll think a little bit and then start to built my training routine over the day. The foundation of it will for sure be the SRT Routine of @DLD (like)

Testing the Tools - Day 2:
Bathmate Hydromax 7

It really can build up a lot of pressure, but right now I can't go to the maximum, it hurts. So I'm doing less pressure, so that it still feels comfortable.
Did another 5min, will slowly increasy that day by day!

Penimaster Pro
I really like the Belt System, should be good to go for daily action! Did wear it 2 sets of 1hour. As also written above, I'm going to slowly increase the time :) my ultimate goal is to wear the extender 18/7 (except manual training) so that my dick will heal in a stretched position. I would love to go 24/7 but I don't think I'm able to do this in the beginning because I really need some relaxing sleep.
Rod System is also great, you can build up an crazy strong pull.
The problem I experienced so far: The stronger you set up the pulling force, the more swollen the glans is. It's sad cause it would be pretty cool to use the rod system for heavy intense sessions and the rod system for light stretching, but for a very long time.

What a beast! You can do all kind of manual stretching with it, but with a very intense force - love it!
Beside that I use the bundle chamber for hanging. Need to find the correct technique for wrapping, but once it's done it feels pretty good.
Did first set 5min 2.5lbs and second set 5min 7.5lbs.

Mummy/Wrap with normal ACE bandage
I love it. Will try to either wear Penimaster or ACE bandage wrap as much as I can beside the workouts.

Manual Training:

Did try to do a lot of different Stretches to get used to it beside using the Lengthmaster. Sometimes still having to fight against an upcoming erection, but it's already much better than in the beginning a few days ago where I always got an instant direction :D
Slowly increasing the EQ during the jelqing session, using oil for the slippery.

Thoughts so far:
Everything is going pretty well, I'll try to build a habit now and slowly increasing the intensity and duration of the exercises.
Finally everything arrived and I also build the hanging construction, so I'm completely set now and just have to put a lot of hustle in!
About the Bathmate Hydromax Extreme X40, Air Pump & Vitallus Plus:
I still have to think about it but right now I don't think I'll use them in my first few weeks as i'm still thinking about Length before Girth theories.

Current Questions:
1) How to wrap the most comfortable way for hanging with the Lengthmaster? Right now it's not a big problem but when I will increase more weight, I think it will hurt.
2) Bathmate - do you directly go to your maximum pressure or do you slowly pump it up over a few minutes?
3) Penimaster Pro/Vacuum Extender - how do you deal with the pressure on the glans during high intensity? Is it a problem if my glans gets swollen and some lymph in it?
Wrapping will vary somewhat between men. Trial and error, pretty much. There are good wrapping guides on the forum!

Second, with Bathmate it's best to follow 5x5x3 routine. First pump set you could do in low intensity and then add force as you progress to last pump set.

About PMP I can't say so much. Some have used tape around the urethra to lessen the swelling. Play with the pressure, as you're starting I think it's best to remain at low vacuum.
Remember that with pretty much any exercise you can add force later on; don't go for the highest strength from the get-go.

I'll let other Brothers chime in.
Wrapping will vary somewhat between men. Trial and error, pretty much. There are good wrapping guides on the forum!

Second, with Bathmate it's best to follow 5x5x3 routine. First pump set you could do in low intensity and then add force as you progress to last
pump set.

Will definitely check 5x5x3 out :)
Yeah with wrapping, I think it's a skill thing. Getting used to it and trying to get better + reading some threads!

About PMP I can't say so much. Some have used tape around the urethra to lessen the swelling. Play with the pressure, as you're starting I think it's best to remain at low vacuum.
Remember that with pretty much any exercise you can add force later on; don't go for the highest strength from the get-go.

Sadly I need to use the vacuum 60-70% to get my glans into the glans chamber. Else it won't hold, the less the pressure of the vacuum = the less intense you can use it, else it slips out.

You and your fancy pants toys. I'm over at my thread with my ghetto builds. While I'm here though.......


On a serious note, awesome job man! I can't wait to see the routines you come up with. Keep at it brother. You will go far!!

Haha common bro, you got me to the ideas of even doing it and we help us out in increasing our DIY things LOL
I was assuming you were going to do that and that’s why I put it in the newbie section. I’m looking forward to creating progress thread.
To all the PE Vets here: Have you ever done something like Super Sets + 24/7 extender?
Caution: Definitely not for newbies or people who can't estimate how much they could go with their dick.

My thoughts currently are: What about super sets + wearing an extender/wrap afterwards as long as possible?
Getting the dick with manual stretching and Lengthmaster and maybe hanging to total fatigue. I'm talking here about very intense and long training sessions of stretching, not some usual training. Then directly put on all kind of regenerating creams and oils, do some massaging for relaxing of the cells and getting it warm and some bloodflow again for a better regeneration. Then directly put it into an extender/mummy which you only take off if you go to toilet or if your dick gets cold and you do some heli-shakes to get it warmed up again and then put it back into the extender/wrap. So the best way would be wearing it 24/7 except toilet and except manual training.

Shouldn't something like that bring the best possible gains? The dick will literally be forced to heal and regenerate in an extended state. For sure you need to be able to wear an extender/wrap for that amount of time and be a little experienced. But has anybody ever tried this over a long period of time like 1-3 months? The results should be crazy! There won't be any hour that the dick can actually turtle back, so after wouldn't that be a hardcore version to stop turtling back in just 1-3 months of time?
For sure this would demand a consistency only a few people could afford to the game. Also it will be super difficult because it takes lots of training that an extender doesn't slip off during sleeping or that we have a brutal determination and put it back on during sleep after having an erection in which we often take it off unconscious.


  • only healthy food - maybe even intermittent fasting for low glucose levels and maximum cell reproduction
  • consuming regeneration supplements - for maximum cell reproduction
  • meditating - for maximum relaxion of body and mind + killing all stress
  • visualization - believe in that thing and have it in front of your eyes
  • good and long deep sleep (Phase 4/Stage 4) - maximum regeneration process for body
  • dick skincare - getting the maximum care to boost your cell regeneration
  • less stress - best thing for reproduction processes

You don't think it's possible? Well, the body is a masterpiece and we still don't know the most of it. Especially if it comes to cells and smaller things and how everything is working with each other in a symbioses in a perfect way of vibrating and energy and so on.
There are some people who lose 50-60lbs or even more a month if they really dedicate themselves to fat-/weightloss. Sometimes it's easier for people to do 1-3 intense months instead of 1-3 years of dedication and sometimes it's also needed if they are in super unhealthy conditions and it's the only way to do so, else they will die due to overweight, blood levels and all.
Also it could build a huge boost in self-confidence in a very short amount of time which could have crazy impacts on their future lifes. During 'fasting' we're actually healing our body and the reproductions processes are way more up than usually (as far as I've researched). I'm talking about days or weeks not about forever.
This really would take a determination of insanity, but what would be possible?
How fast is the maximum level of cell regrowth/rebuilding/reproduction if we would focus on it and support it with all the ways we know?

@DLD have you ever thought about that or done this? Or do you know anyone in your 20+ years of PE who did this for some good amount of time?
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Pumping for Length:

As we all know, the dick or generally tissue expands in a vacuum. Most people are using pumps for gaining girth, but is it also possible to gain length only while pumping? Most likely people buy a cylinder which is more wide than their penis, in order to gain girth obviously.
But what about getting a cylinder which has the same girth like your dick or is minimal more wide (that it's not too uncomfortable while having an erection).
Can the dick also expand 2-4cm in length while pumping when focused on it with a tight/fitting cylinder?
Who has experience with it and train like that for length? Would love to experiment with that in the future as I'll go length before girth.
Yes, this is what many true pump fanatics do, and why you see so many cylinder sizes in the MOS shop. Once you pack the tube, there is only one direction for expansion. This is pumping for length.

If you wish to focus more on girth, then a wider tube is needed. If you want to put the whole package in there (ouch), then they have even larger cylinders for that sort of routine.

@REDZULU2003 seems to be a very experienced person in this field. Let's see if he can chime in as well when he has a chance..
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Yes, this is what many true pump fanatics do, and why you see so many cylinder sizes in the MOS shop. Once you pack the tube, there is only one direction for expansion. This is pumping for length.

If you wish to focus more on girth, then a wider tube is needed. If you want to put the whole package in there (ouch), then they have even larger cylinders for that sort of routine.

@REDZULU2003 seems to be a very experienced person in this field. Let's see if he can chime in as well when he has a chance..

Exactly Tuff :) just wondering if there are/were some people who just did pumping for length and had been very successful?
And indeed, if @REDZULU2003 could also give his opinion and experience about it, that would be awesome!
Creating a habit with PE:
As PE takes quite a lot of time, we can compare it with professional sports. Being consistent and determined is one of the biggest factors here.
So how can I create a habit which not only will last for a few days or weeks, but for months? I can't tell you that as I haven't done it before and also just started, but I want to keep it as simple as possible. Right now in the beginning I'm reading a lot, taking notes, asking experienced pe vets about tricks and what would be the best based on their experiences of years. i'm bookmarking as much as I can so if I ever want to check for that topic, I have it in my bookmarks. So in the beginning it's necessary to understand the topic, especially that you're not getting injuries! It will take some time, maybe around 1-2 weeks of intense reading or around 3-4 weeks of a little daily reading.

But how should it be possible for the average person to put in 1-2hours of manual training every freaking day over months or maybe even years besides normal life? And that it also doesn't affect normal life too much.
Let's say you have another hobby beside PE, like most of us all have - maybe for example going to the gym which is something you would maybe do every day or at least 3-4 times a week with approx 60-90min each. Then cooking, normal life, family/friends and all the other things we do?!
It's tough! I guess as with most habits, lots of people will fail in their first few weeks.

So i've had some thoughts about it. Trying to integrate it as good as I can into my day.

Relaxing and laying on the couch and watching series/movies? --> stretching
Showering? --> Bathmate + brush your teeth in the shower
In front of your computer/noteboook at home and working on studies or just hanging out? --> hanging weights
All the other time home or if you have balls, even in public? --> wear an extender with belt system
All the other time --> kegels

so the only time we actually would need to 'actively' put time in would be for following exercises:
  • jelqing
  • all kind of erect exercises
  • girth exercises
  • advanced stretching methods (+lengthmaster exercises)

Make that thing a daily passive habit. So instead of 1-2 hours PE a day like very advanced people are doing here, you do this proactive every single day and just have to invest around 10-15minutes maybe with jelqing and the other things.
If you're becoming more experienced you maybe need to put in more time, but for beginners that really should be enough.
No matter what, if you really decide to do PE, this is duty for you.
Before you haven't done your pe training you're not going to sleep. Sleep 15-30min less if there really wouldn't be any way you could do training today.
You don't want to do it today? - Cool, do it anyways with above listed methods.
You are really annoyed by it? - Maybe look into buying some pe devices which you could use in a passive way aka. you wear them while doing other things.

This is my experience/idea so far, for the lazy average Joe who still tries to make the best out of PE with the very most less time investment.
For myself I've set 30min a day as duty right now. Everything more I'll take it. But I won't go to sleep before not having done at least 30min of training.
Grower to a Shower:

How many people have successfully made this transformation?
I'm not talking about 1"-2" here.
I'm thinking more about 2.5"-3"+ in flaccid length gain.
Do you know anybody who has done that already? Sadly I haven't found anything here about those kind of gains in flaccid length.
Maybe some have already achieved it but haven't posted about it. Also I'm interested if those gains had been permanent and not just for the time during training or the days after training. Feel free to tag those people or post the links about their log here ?
Would also be super interesting how their training routines have looked like.
I definitely did. I never even let my ex see my niblit without me fluffing the lil bastard. I still carry that with me. Trying to break it, as it's all a mental issue.

Edit.... sometimes I would have like 1.5-2" of shriveled flaccid. Now, it fluctuates so much, it is hard to say what "true" flaccid really is. I can be rocking a 6" flaccid, or a 4". Weather plays a big factor.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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