Welcome to MOS, DaveedBeckham


Jun 3, 2003
Welcome to the Brotherhood, @DaveedBeckham, I am @DLD. I encourage you to get involved and start making gains by reading through these two important threads, The Newbie Routine and the SRT Routine. The goal is to create a routine, If you need help in writing a routine let me know.

Once you decide upon a routine, start a Routine and Process Log stating all your beginning measurements, your goals, your routine and any other information. This is what we encourage new members to do.

How big are you now and how big do you wanna get? We’re here to help make it happen. If you need help with anything, just ask.
i want to do the newbie routine 2 times daily in the morning and in the evening. could it? because i have the time.
I wouldn't see why not, but it's good to ease up into a routine, especially if you're just starting.
One must learn to listen to his body, feel the Positive Indicators and remember to rest as well.

Maybe you could do the whole set in the morning and a bit less in the evening. You can always add intensity and force, but taking it away is much harder. Just looking out for you that you don't hit plateau too soon!

Masturbation in a way can help to loose the ligaments if you're doing length work. Before more girth oriented work it's best not to blow your load.

I'm sure others will chime in as soon as possible.
I always have trained multiple times of the day and I’ve always made consistent size gains. I think if somebody becomes conditioned to train multiple times a day with practice over time, is fine. In my first five years I trained sometimes the entire day. I realize that the more work I got in the faster I gained.

After having an orgasm your penis is in a state of refractory, a period of time where you are in able to get an erection. During this refractory period your penis can not hold back the stretch. Stretching becomes much more effective because the pelvic floor muscles are too tired to hold back on the stretch. You will also notice that your penis is in a much more malable state, allowing for extreme intense stretching.
well i will rest tonight and begin at 5 am tomorrow and tell you guys how its goes.

Have a pleasant evening my brother and we will see you tomorrow. Enjoy your rest I think I’ll join you LOL
I like to train intensely and then give my body time to heal...if you have a Phallosan, you'd be able to heal in an elongated state
Hello, welcome to MoS

Newbie routine is a nice place to start

Please ask questions
I hope you are getting our messages❤️
yes sir
Just finished my first session i am so sore found it difficult to do the stretches because i constantly got erect but managed to push through. i used a chair to enhance my stretches by stretching over the edge. The jelqing was interesting though i jelqed using my left hand only and did the strokes very slow though they were time consuming, i got to a 400. But i am not that sore just a little. I will tell you guys how the morning session goes.
yes sir
Just finished my first session i am so sore found it difficult to do the stretches because i constantly got erect but managed to push through. i used a chair to enhance my stretches by stretching over the edge. The jelqing was interesting though i jelqed using my left hand only and did the strokes very slow though they were time consuming, i got to a 400. But i am not that sore just a little. I will tell you guys how the morning session goes.

If you’re still getting erect during stretching then I say just stretch erect. Another thing you can do is wait to stretch until after you have had an orgasm. The Refractory Period Is usually enough time to get into some good flaccid stretching. When you’re stretching off the side of a chair like that you’re doing a fulcrum stretch, this type of stretch gives you twice the intensity because you’re using a fulcrum point. If these types of stretches interest you I suggest you look through the power If these types of stretches interest you I suggest you look through the power assist exercises as they are all fulcrum exercises. If you need any other help please just ask.
alright thanks for the advice

No problem my brother! I hope all this helps you gain the size you desire. If you ever get snagged up or need some help please just ask. Looking forward to seeing how well you gain.
hey guys happy new year when it comes. Now here is what i will be doing i will be P.E.ing every single day upon till December 31st 2019 and i will post everyday in ths thread to hold my self accountable. Again guys happy new year when it comes."Nuff love and Respect" sorry had to add it in i am Jamaican.
I suggest strongly you create a progress log over at Routines and progress forum

Happy New Year to you too! Here it changed about 4 hours ago, lazy New Year for me, weather outside is stormy. Never been a big party person really, hanging mostly by myself suits me. :)

I wish you the best of gains and happy training! Remember that rest also accounts for gains, so don't be discouraged if one day slips by. Just keep at the forums and in your routine!

Jamaica man! :love:
hey guys happy new year when it comes. Now here is what i will be doing i will be P.E.ing every single day upon till December 31st 2019 and i will post everyday in ths thread to hold my self accountable. Again guys happy new year when it comes."Nuff love and Respect" sorry had to add it in i am Jamaican.

Welcome my Jamaican brother! Happy New Year’s to you also! I like that you said you’re going to keep yourself accountable because that’s very important but if you don’t I will be bumping your thread every day until you get back to work LOL much love and respect back at you & make God bless you!
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