What kind of weight do you use to hang?


Mar 21, 2004
I'm curious as to what kind of weights everyone uses to hang with. I wonder if I should go out and buy a cheap weight set of some kind or should I use stuff from around the house?
i bought 4 2.5lbs plate's at walmart for $1.38 each when I was buying the stuff to make my wench.
I use gallons of water. They are the easiest to add/subtract weight gradually with.
My cat, he goes about 10 lbs after a big bowl of kitty crunchies, gives a good tug.
lol @ sasquatch!

Those gallon water jugs sound like a good idea. Easy to add/subtract weight and they're cheap! How much does a full gallon jug weigh btw?
Bryson said:
lol @ sasquatch!

Those gallon water jugs sound like a good idea. Easy to add/subtract weight and they're cheap! How much does a full gallon jug weigh btw?

8.33 lbs
Just some Hand weights that I picked up. 5 lbs for a buck.
I stack 1.25 lb plates on a piece of 1" shaft I welded up. The most I've hung is a 16 lb Olympic shot-put.
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