

Aug 26, 2003
Personally, the title doesn't bother me, not much does actually, but I've got a few name change suggestions, just to thicken the mix a little bit. When minimized these titles would show and you could use the supplied "alternative" explanations if you wanted to:
1) Hang Dong....chinese take out
2) The Clamp-Its...Beverly Hillbillies fan site
3) Yankees Place.....Baseball, d'uh
4) The Big Tug....for moving aircraft carriers around
5) What's Girth Worth?....dieting
6) Pain for Gain.....weightlifting
7) The Pump Dump....environmental issues
8) So Long Sucker......divorce advice
9) The Final Stretch......horse racing
10) BLASTER'S.....Explosive Ordnance Disposal
and finally, for you political types:
11) The Biggest Dick.....Vice President Cheney
12) Overwhelming Bush......c'mon that's a "gimme"!

Hope this helps.
Q258 said:
I just got scammed by Deuce187 for a ViMax he was selling on this forum.
If he tries to sell you guys anything don’t trust him, I’m going to have paypal run an investigation and try to get some help from DLD on this matter so this will not happen to someone else.

Was this just one item? What was the problem?
Thanks for replying DLD....Well if you go back a few posts you will see Deuce187 post about selling a Vimax. I made him an offer on it for $100 on 1/26/06 and paypal him the money, I sent him a shit load of PM asking him if he sent the package out, he told me he sent it out on the 1/28/06, I haven't got shit yet. I asked him for a tracking number, He said he sent the package ground UPS and there is no tracking number which is BS, It only takes 5-6 days tops to send a package ground UPS from Cali to Virginia Beach. I’m going to have paypal investigate on this matter. If I can get his IP number from you can give it to paypal.
bad news, I was going to buy it, but i backed out
pretty pathetic someone has to rip someone off over the net
yeah it sucks hard I trusted this guy like a dumb ass....I hope I can get my money back it was on a credit card payed with paypal:(
well that guy is a Deuce Bag and will get what he deserves just remember what goes around comes around.
(edit) for benefit of a doubt
maybe it is an honest mistake, mail does get lost, before anybody makes accusations, maybe we should listen what the boys gotta say first?
sweets said:
maybe it is an honest mistake, mail does get lost, before anybody makes accusations, maybe we should listen what the boys gotta say first?

Good point, we will wait and see.
I have no dog in this fight. I only want to say that I thought everything sent UPS had a tracking number. Is this not true?
I have no dog in this fight. I only want to say that I thought everything sent UPS had a tracking number. Is this not true?

Also, for what it's worth, I do think UPS has shitty-as-a-buttfuck service, so I wouldn't doubt that they might have lost something or shipped it to fucking Egypt first.
Texan said:
I have no dog in this fight. I only want to say that I thought everything sent UPS had a tracking number. Is this not true?

Yeah, UPS Is the worst. The Box probably broke open and the Driver is most likely wearing your Vimax and making gains on his delivery routes.

On a Serious note though, if You don't see your package or hear from this kid by the middle of next week, let me know and I'll give you his IP.
Thanks allot guys this is a great site and very cool people im happy to be a part of it:) I'm kind of new to the online shopping thing my first transaction with paypal and I get scammed amazing that’s my luck hehe...If you guys can give me some info on what to do it would be great. Can I get my money back if it’s on a credit card I hate to lose $100 that would suck:)
Q258 said:
Thanks allot guys this is a great site and very cool people im happy to be a part of it:) I'm kind of new to the online shopping thing my first transaction with paypal and I get scammed amazing that’s my luck hehe...If you guys can give me some info on what to do it would be great. Can I get my money back if it’s on a credit card I hate to lose $100 that would suck:)

People are generally good and sometimes things go out of their control. You are being a patient man right now and there is pride in that...the trust of another human.
I shipped the item,didnt recive a tracking number from UPS,iam not out to rip anyone off,i had told him various times when the itemw as gonna be shipped and even told him when the item went out....i dunno what else to do to prove that it was shipped other then get a recipt for proof of shipment from UPS.
Well you better call paypal and have them send you a affidavit because it's a pain in the azz to get your money back from paypal. trust me, i know
Try and get a tracking number call UPS up.I was told by UPS it only takes 5-6days tops for the package to come from Cali.All I would like man is some kind of proof you sent it and when it's going to be here thats all,I'm not trying to get scammed,I'm not trying to be a dick,but it's been like 16 days now man.
Maybe I'm jumping the gun UPS might have some prob,But just call and find out what the deal is thats all.
I think that Q is right Deuce. You should call UPS asap. Also, how did you manage to not get a tracking number from UPS?

This all seems a bit fishy to me. I'm not saying that Deuce is trying to scam you Q but maybe Deuce got scammed himself.

Either way I recomend you getting in contact with Paypal about this as a precaution. Hope you guys can sort this out. :)
Never send anything of significant value without getting the tracking information.
I don’t see how hard it is man to call UPS up and get the tracking number or some kind of info on where this package is...One thing that gets to me Deuce187 is your lack of communication and your procrastination...You have your money and you acted quick to accept the $100 on 1/19/06..Well I guess it doesn’t matter about my end you got your money 25 days ago. Time is not on your side,because I filed a clam with paypal and gave them your IP number so as we speak they are running an investigation on you. So if I where you I would act on this quick so we can resolve this matter and close this clam....BTW... I’m not trying to drive people crazy on this forum, but you don't answer your PM I sent you the past few days why??
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