case study Thrombosed Veins

Alright brothers just wanted to post a fair warning about pumping too hard. I'm pretty sure I've thrombosed a vein right at the base of my glans that leads up a little by the frenulum. It's hard as hell and clear by the looks of it. I have a second smaller one on the top side of my shaft but it's much smaller and easier to the touch and will fade with massage.

So if I am correct, please heed this warning.


The same night I got this thrombosed vein (or two) was the same night I got fluid retention on my foreskin (thankfully minor and rubbed out with a massage) and do you know why. Because I was an idiot and got cocky. Funny how that works. Anyway, don't be like me and learn the hard way. Take this advice and utilize it for your benefit.

As always, much love brothers.

Shit I didn't know I was going to be turned into a case study haha nor did I actually realize that it is that serious, guess my warning really is that important.
Yes, your trouble is actually so common that it should be flagged as a case. Most other forums don't flag this nor warn about this. We need to collect all these cases together as we go so we can point the brothers directly to this subforum, dedicated to assist.
@cocky_coffee_lover, do you think your progression was to steep/intense and this was the reason you developed this?

By the way, how is it going now?
Yeah I definitely went too hard too fast on pumping, pushed myself up to 10Hg for quick bursts in the Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) session that caused it and noticed it when I started to do my next one a couple of days later.

Funny enough it only makes itself known when I'm erect, flaccid I can hardly feel it, let alone see it. I'm currently taking @oldandlively's advice and taking aspirin and am engaging in shiatsu massages with coconut and vitamin E oils, which is a little difficult due to the placement of the vein on the glans, but I'm making it work. Will keep you brothers updated on whether it subsides or not.
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After a little further research, it may very well be this, let's hope so 🤞
No worries you will recover. Just be patient with your penis.
As I said before I got almost no expansion when I was starting out.
our tissue needs to get used to the vaccum pressure. In the beginning with Hydromax 5 I got almost no expansion, it took some time to see any substantial expansion.

I have a post somewhere that shows this....will see if I find it.

Yes here is the post.

Just because you use more vacuum pressure not always = more expansion.
No worries you will recover. Just be patient with your penis.
As I said before I got almost no expansion when I was starting out.

Just because you use more vacuum pressure not always = more expansion.
Thanks SIM! I'll read over the start of your journey. I'm already getting noticeable results like better EQ, and a slight increase in length and girth and that's what may have fueled my desire to push myself too hard. It's like "I got this with that? Well let's push this thing and try to get more." Lesson learned.
Thanks SIM! I'll read over the start of your journey. I'm already getting noticeable results like better EQ, and a slight increase in length and girth and that's what may have fueled my desire to push myself too hard. It's like "I got this with that? Well let's push this thing and try to get more." Lesson learned.
Sometimes to big is not the solution, but to make penis enlargement a part of your life, in order to keep your penile health and performance at the top.
Sometimes to big is not the solution, but to make penis enlargement a part of your life, in order to keep your penile health and performance at the top.
Absolutely brother. Gains comes second to health.

But here's a question for ya. I saw that you recommended removing the comfort insert for max expansion in the Bathmate, do you recommend the same for the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System?
Absolutely brother. Gains comes second to health.

But here's a question for ya. I saw that you recommended removing the comfort insert for max expansion in the Bathmate, do you recommend the same for the Mityvac?
There is no comfort insert for MityVac.
There is no comfort insert for MityVac.
I was referring to the MitySleev that goes on at the base of the cylinder.

I was referring to the MitySleev that goes on at the base of the cylinder.

Have not even seen the purpose of it.

Of course you should not use that, if you want maximum expansion.
I'm not using it.
No worries you will recover. Just be patient with your penis.
As I said before I got almost no expansion when I was starting out.

Just because you use more vacuum pressure not always = more expansion.
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