Technology THE NEW FACEBOOK ! :D Nice!


Nov 1, 2009
Hey guys i just found the sickest site sitetalk, its like Facebook but it has alot more feuteres. it combine skype, msn AND FACEBOOK.
you can videochat with the persons you are writing with. its amazing really.

Also you can make money on the site as well, and earn points and use them in the store, there also are on the site. its really sick, i think its quite new, i have never heard of it before.

if anny of you are using it pleace become my friend <--- thats me in real life lol .. you can also register using the link to my profile, you just push the sign up bottom to the rigth..

also apparently both google and facebook wanted to out buy them, but they refused, and now they are getting bigger and bigger!

oh and the best part? its totally free just like facebook, but you get so much more really.

Just wanted to share the next big social community

Great so you are a gigantic nerd promoting the site you worked on....
Isnt FaceCrap not enough???
Do we need more fake relationship sites, and friends who are not really our friends?
FaceBook is basically a bunch of narcissist's people posting insignificant blurbs about their extra-exciting lives.
Moved to technology section. My advice is be WARY of these social networking sites because oneday when your older and have family plus career it can haunt you whatever is posted, especially with Googles caching service that literally stores things it shouldnt in memory for god knows how long. I dont use any of the shit. Check our thread HERE on facebook .

O yea PIDDLER seems to be the only positive private alternative to Facebook
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