Testosterone boosting and maintenance during PE


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Super Moderator
Feb 8, 2024
More and more brothers are reaching a point in their lives where Erectile Dysfunction (various level of issues of ED), sudden drop of total testosterone level due to lifestyle, or even odd cases of wild swing of testosterone because of where we live and what we ate aside from the lifestyles (such as too much drink, suffering PIED because we watch too much adult entertainment, or overstress our hormone levels because of sexual pleasuring). Whatever the case may be, we need to find the root causes and bring our testosterone levels back. There is no magical pill, method, or routine we can use to bring our testosterone levels back. It's a lifestyle change we have to adopt, adapt, and maintain throughout our lives.

I'll bring the cases from all over the world in the past decade, while adding insights among the brothers and those who successful restore their lives back to normalcy, myself included. Let's start breaking things down. I'll add more along the way through editing to make the article more complete.


This is a no brainer. If we enjoyed ourselves too much in some fashion, such as over-drinking, over-eating, over-pleasuring, something will break, give, or self-destruct. We must bring the lifestyles back to the natural states again. The natural states that our body intended to sustain. This is not based on the natural state of the ancient past. This is the natural state of the current modern days since we are being exposed to so many things that could, can, and will kill us as males. So, what are the main lifestyle changes?
  • Stop with the over-indulgences. Cut back little by little and not completely. Allow the body to balance out. Cut out 20% for the first month, then 10% for every month there later. Why? The term "cold turkey" don't work for everyone on everything. It takes the body time to come out of an addiction.
  • Allow the body to reset. If you ate/drink/perform too much of something, the body will need time to reset. It can take a few weeks, months, or even years depending on how complex the situation is.
  • Bring the body back to the healthy level through physical routines. Our bodies are not meant to be relaxed and dormant in all stages of life. If you sit around like a sack of meat in watching shows/social media/nonsense, your body will dull itself out. Get out and move! Exercise! The opposite is true. If you're stressed out, overworked, being hyper mobile, time to calm down, rest, and allow your body to relax. Too much of a bad/good thing is always bad for the body.
  • If you have emotional, psychological, or physical conditions in life, you must bring yourself to a state of balance. Relationship is a great example. In a great relationship, you'll find balance for your PE. If a toxic relationship, you'll destroy yourself in PE. Why? Desperation, bad expectation, dire needs to achieve something in too short of a time span. You are placing your penis on a death journey, not a PE journey.
  • Sleep hours! For heaven's sake, rest! If you don't have a good complete REM (rapid eye movement) cycle, you can't get achieve the required rest. Some needs 1, other needs 2, most needs 3. That means you need a solid 40 to 90 minutes of full rest. You can only achieve REM in total relaxation, isolating your brain from all kind of life issues. 90 minutes of pure REM may need 3 hours of pure bliss sleep, and some may need up to a full 9 hours of sleep just to achieve 1 REM cycle. Your body cannot generate good level of testostorone without rest.
  • Exercise. Yes, it was mentioned, but you need to exercise. Speficially, muscle building.

Dietary balance:

Just like lifestyle, we cannot over-indulge ourselves, or deprive ourselves, or the essentials. Eating too much meats, too much alcohols, too much sugars, too much proteins, too much vegetable (you go it), etc. and you end up taking things out of balance.
  • Diabetic can and will kill your penis and sexual health.
  • Being overweight will kill your sexual health.
  • Overconsumption of salt, sugar, and any thing that brings your body out of balance will kill your sexual health. No matter amount of PE will compensate for it.
  • Being poor is not an excuse to destroy yourself through PE. I was poor. I had nothing to my name during my initial PE journey. But it didn't excuse me from making sure to eat properly with a poorman's diet. Ever forage? I did. I ate much more healthy than those who spent tons of money at the market to buy perfect looking foods, vegetables, and fruits. You be surprised what you can find locally as natural foods, poor looking crops, and need to fight with the animals to secure your portions of the real foods in the world deemed as survival of the fittest.
Supplemental balance:

Modern day processed foods take out the essential needs than what being put in. Heating and preservatives kill and denature the natural amino acids, proteins, vitamins, catalysts, and slowly degrade our bodies from using the consumed materials at the optimal levels. We have to find supplements that are gentle and easily absorbable for usages. It will be a bit pricy but rather having the materials absorbed than having them leave through urination and defecation. What we waste will add up quite fast.
  • Brother @Haursen is a great example in keeping logs of vitamins and supplements. I'll mention others as we go along.
    • NOW Foods brand:
      1. Adam multivitamin
      2. Hawthorn (both berries and bark extracts): great for cellular repairs and testosterone boosts
      3. Testo Jack 100 (well, that's for free testosterone boosting). Just be careful in consuming too much as it can reach a point of diminishing returns wher it harms you than help you.
    • Adaptogen: great to convert estrogenic components, or hinder them from being absorbed, and allow testosterone to pick up.
    • Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Glycinate: It helps to relax your muscles and organs to a state where free and total testosterone can be generated in a most constant load.
    • Doctor's Best: Nattokinase. This is a bit under controversy as it's has more influence of phytoestrogen in reducting the testosterone as a whole. But limited quantity does help the body to bring gut health to optimal that actually help with testosterone boosting. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
    • DMSO cream (mix of castor, coconut, & black seed oil mix, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, aloe and many more). DSMO has been used in this brotherhood going far back in 2010 and ealrier. Due to the property of DMSO, it acts as a delivery chemical going straight and deep into the penis. But what does it have to do with testosterone? Less burden on the body to heal means less stressfule hormones generated. Less stress hormones mean more beneficial hormones being generated. The rule of thumb is, for every 1 portion of the stressful hormones generated, 3 or more times the beneficial hormones needed to balance out the stressful hormones. Strange isn't it?
    • If you want his complete list, here is is: https://mattersofsize.com/attachments/current-supplements-pdf.1836358/ (do be careful to read up on phytoestrogen for the ingredients being used in the products)
    • Brother @TCDreamer suggested Enclomiphine Citrate. This does help a few. Is it a natural supplement or pharmaceutic medication? It's actually both, but more on the supplemental side originated from the Amazon's plants and roots. However, over the years, pharmaceutical companies refined through synthetic means and it becomes more of a concentrated medication to assist with women and men alike.
  • Additional supplements for thoughts:
    • HMB + Vit D3: boost your natural muscle restoration during active hours and rebalance your testosterone loading for both free and total.
    • Infrared light therapy (from lower 400nm to the high 900nm). This boost cellular repairs but at the same time, activate cellular activities that cannot be done through supplements and dietary regiments.
    • Fluid! Don't think a few glasses of water a day will help you. An average body needs around 3 liters or close to a gallon of water a day to promote good blood flow. Adding a hit of salt (with iodine) and a bit of citrus will help the body to absorb the water a bit faster. Think about adding just a bit of electrolyte into your hydration will allow your system to take advantage of fluid even more.
    • Iodine (kelp) is something we tend to leave out of our diets, yet, it's essential to keep our healthy optimal. Most supplements don't have absorbable iodine. Why not? I have no clue.
    • Trace minerals. Men's mega vitamins have these, but are they enough? This is where you must ask your physicians to assist with. Why? We don't know where you are in the scheme of things.
    • Contrast temperature: this can be for shower, baths, or even during pumping. Why contrast? It promotes blood flow. This is a practice done by many culture over the course of millenia. Little do you know that your body suffer contrast thermal fluctuation since the dawn of man as well, when we were buck naked. Your body retract the penis back into the body to preserve your penis, but during excitement, your penis receives lots of good old body core temp to get the blood flowing. Why not do it daily to promote penile health?
    • Prostate masssages. This is highly controversial for straight men, but it's a known fact that gay men have much better prostate health and high free testosterone level comparative in ages. Why is that? There are tools as well as manual works.
    • Gua sha scraping. This is another sensitive topic that most don't like to use. If you use the right stainless steel scraping tool, smooth edges, but with proper angles, the gua sha promote light scraping against the weak epidermal tissue and refocused pressure on the lower fascias (lower skin layers) to break the collagenic bonds. This promotes blood to divert macrophages and repairing resource from the blood to add extra layers of repairs. But the amazing thing is, the body also send a rush of testosterone loading to get the blood flowing.
    • L-citrulline or L-citrulline malate (quite sour but absorb at least 3 times faster). This is to promote blood flow. Your body naturally responds to the increase of nitric oxide in the blood stream in sending out elevated testosterone.
    • Collagen supplements. Brothers are using all kind. If you have a good dietary intake, it's not required. But if you believe you need that extra boost of collagenic load ready for usages by the system, go for it. Collagen supplements does help to add an extra layer of cellular repairs all over your body and not just your penis. By helping with the repairs, you body has more resources to boost your testosterone level as your cortisol level decreases.
    • Look for nuts, fruits, and food rich in flavonoids, polyphenols. BUT, be warned that there are fruits and nuts used chemicals to process them. These chemicals do harm us by placing the body into defensive mode, stressing it out. An example is the strawberry. Some countries allow rippening agents to make the strawberries to grow faster and ripe quicker. This disrupts our body in causing the androgens to switch to estrogen production. Some nuts, like the walnut and almonds, can cause gut distresses. This is where your own research comes into play.
    • Be VERY careful of chemicals in your country that flags your CYP19A1 gene to produce estrogen instead of testosterone. It can be chemicals in your foods, packaging, pharmaceutic medication, processed materials and clothing, and worst of all, hygeine products and aersol in the air caused by males and females wanting themselves smell like flowers. Look up for CPV1 chemicals and pesticides used in your part of the country. You'll be surprised how bad it is. They are all over the place in various concentration.

Extreme measures:

Wait, what!? When something is broken, we replace. When something is damaged, we repair. When something goes wrong, we fix. When our sexual health is compromised, we need to go the distance in diagnosing and depends on medical grade aids. This is pharmaceutic arena, such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), sexual dysfunction therapy (SDT), and possible surgery. No one wants to go there as the courses are costly and dangerous. This is why we stick with the middle ground by testing out penis enhancement (PE) methods first. There are risks, but the risks are far less than the drastic measures. This is why this brotherhood is here. This brotherhood is here to lead you safely through the PE journeys. There are many TRT, and also unconventional treatments:
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy: talk to your doctor about this. 90% of the time, it does help. The 10% of time, it will be based on the body's reaction to the TRT. This is simply to bring your total testosterone up. Free testosterone response for intense erection is a different story.
  • Low Intensity Soundwave Therapy (LIST): what does this have to do with testosterone? It actually does. When you have blockage, such as plagues or scars, your body attemps to find ways to circumvent the blood flow and causing massive amount stresses such as elevated blood pressure, resulting in emotional and psychological upsets that elevate the low beneficial hormone; cortisol. LIST helps to reduce the stress loading by correcting the body's issues.
  • PE tools with routines. There are many. This is up to your research to go with the appropriate tools for your needs.
  • Medication: sometimes, a quick fix is all you need. Cialis, Viagra, Trimix, etc. It's just to boost your nitric oxide loads up through pharmaceutic products. Will your body adapt to the medication? Yes it can. But for some, they can go for many years without seeing the body adapting to the medication. But at times, you need at extra coperation using testosterone cypionate through TRT, and medical grade enclomiphine citrate.
  • Surgery for corrective actions: this is the least of the favorite choice. But what surgery? Cancer, plagues, scars, you name it.

In this brotherhood of MOS:
  • Do not pursue PE through desperation. Leave your emotional and psychological issues at the door.
  • Do not pursue PE because of desperation.
  • PE is not a short term process for maximum gains. It's a long journey for many gains.
  • PE is not for the ill-disciplined. You come here to learn new type of disciplines. It requires you to have a consistent commitment.
  • PE is not for the lazy. 1 or 2 hours a day is just a starting point. It will require you to spend quite a bit of time and efforts. It's not just about the penis. It's a full body improvement, including emotional and psychological health.
  • PE is a brotherhood. Leave arrogance at the door. We are here as one brotherhood. We are not here to compare to each other, but to encourage each other to reach personal potential objectives. We all have our needs and our wants. We do not put each other down but rather pull each other up to the best that we can.
  • PE is based on knowledge, wisdom and person experience from all areas of expertise throughout ages. If you need evidence, we'll do our best to provide it. If you need support, we'll collaborate. If you need help, we are here to provide the assistance. Do not expect us to be professionals with MD, PE, PhD, etc. We are not being paid to be those over-educated professional. We are here as volunteers with decades of info.
Last edited:
More and more brothers are reaching a point in their lives where Erectile Dysfunction (various level of issues of ED), sudden drop of total testosterone level due to lifestyle, or even odd cases of wild swing of testosterone because of where we live and what we ate aside from the lifestyles (such as too much drink, suffering PIED because we watch too much adult entertainment, or overstress our hormone levels because of sexual pleasuring). Whatever the case may be, we need to find the root causes and bring our testosterone levels back. There is no magical pill, method, or routine we can use to bring our testosterone levels back. It's a lifestyle change we have to adopt, adapt, and maintain throughout our lives.

I'll bring the cases from all over the world in the past decade, while adding insights among the brothers and those who successful restore their lives back to normalcy, myself included. Let's start breaking things down. I'll add more along the way through editing to make the article more complete.


This is a no brainer. If we enjoyed ourselves too much in some fashion, such as over-drinking, over-eating, over-pleasuring, something will break, give, or self-destruct. We must bring the lifestyles back to the natural states again. The natural states that our body intended to sustain. This is not based on the natural state of the ancient past. This is the natural state of the current modern days since we are being exposed to so many things that could, can, and will kill us as males. So, what are the main lifestyle changes?
  • Stop with the over-indulgences. Cut back little by little and not completely. Allow the body to balance out. Cut out 20% for the first month, then 10% for every month there later. Why? The term "cold turkey" don't work for everyone on everything. It takes the body time to come out of an addiction.
  • Allow the body to reset. If you ate/drink/perform too much of something, the body will need time to reset. It can take a few weeks, months, or even years depending on how complex the situation is.
  • Bring the body back to the healthy level through physical routines. Our bodies are not meant to be relaxed and dormant in all stages of life. If you sit around like a sack of meat in watching shows/social media/nonsense, your body will dull itself out. Get out and move! Exercise! The opposite is true. If you're stressed out, overworked, being hyper mobile, time to calm down, rest, and allow your body to relax. Too much of a bad/good thing is always bad for the body.
  • If you have emotional, psychological, or physical conditions in life, you must bring yourself to a state of balance. Relationship is a great example. In a great relationship, you'll find balance for your PE. If a toxic relationship, you'll destroy yourself in PE. Why? Desperation, bad expectation, dire needs to achieve something in too short of a time span. You are placing your penis on a death journey, not a PE journey.
  • Sleep hours! For heaven's sake, rest! If you don't have a good complete REM (rapid eye movement) cycle, you can't get achieve the required rest. Some needs 1, other needs 2, most needs 3. That means you need a solid 40 to 90 minutes of full rest. You can only achieve REM in total relaxation, isolating your brain from all kind of life issues. 90 minutes of pure REM may need 3 hours of pure bliss sleep, and some may need up to a full 9 hours of sleep just to achieve 1 REM cycle. Your body cannot generate good level of testostorone without rest.

Dietary balance:

Just like lifestyle, we cannot over-indulge ourselves, or deprive ourselves, or the essentials. Eating too much meats, too much alcohols, too much sugars, too much proteins, too much vegetable (you go it), etc. and you end up taking things out of balance.
  • Diabetic can and will kill your penis and sexual health.
  • Being overweight will kill your sexual health.
  • Overconsumption of salt, sugar, and any thing that brings your body out of balance will kill your sexual health. No matter amount of PE will compensate for it.
  • Being poor is not an excuse to destroy yourself through PE. I was poor. I had nothing to my name during my initial PE journey. But it didn't excuse me from making sure to eat properly with a poorman's diet. Ever forage? I did. I ate much more healthy than those who spent tons of money at the market to buy perfect looking foods, vegetables, and fruits. You be surprised what you can find locally as natural foods, poor looking crops, and need to fight with the animals to secure your portions of the real foods in the world deemed as survival of the fittest.
Supplemental balance:

Modern day processed foods take out the essential needs than what being put in. Heating and preservatives kill and denature the natural amino acids, proteins, vitamins, catalysts, and slowly degrade our bodies from using the consumed materials at the optimal levels. We have to find supplements that are gentle and easily absorbable for usages. It will be a bit pricy but rather having the materials absorbed than having them leave through urination and defecation. What we waste will add up quite fast.
  • Brother @Haursen is a great example in keeping logs of vitamins and supplements. I'll mention others as we go along.
    • NOW Foods brand:
      1. Adam multivitamin
      2. Hawthorn (both berries and bark extracts): great for cellular repairs and testosterone boosts
      3. Testo Jack 100 (well, that's for free testosterone boosting). Just be careful in consuming too much as it can reach a point of diminishing returns wher it harms you than help you.
    • Adaptogen: great to convert estrogenic components, or hinder them from being absorbed, and allow testosterone to pick up.
    • Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Glycinate: It helps to relax your muscles and organs to a state where free and total testosterone can be generated in a most constant load.
    • Doctor's Best: Nattokinase. This is a bit under controversy as it's has more influence of phytoestrogen in reducting the testosterone as a whole. But limited quantity does help the body to bring gut health to optimal that actually help with testosterone boosting. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
    • DMSO cream (mix of castor, coconut, & black seed oil mix, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, aloe and many more). DSMO has been used in this brotherhood going far back in 2010 and ealrier. Due to the property of DMSO, it acts as a delivery chemical going straight and deep into the penis. But what does it have to do with testosterone? Less burden on the body to heal means less stressfule hormones generated. Less stress hormones mean more beneficial hormones being generated. The rule of thumb is, for every 1 portion of the stressful hormones generated, 3 or more times the beneficial hormones needed to balance out the stressful hormones. Strange isn't it?
    • If you want his complete list, here is is: https://mattersofsize.com/attachments/current-supplements-pdf.1836358/ (do be careful to read up on phytoestrogen for the ingredients being used in the products)
    • Brother @TCDreamer suggested Enclomiphine Citrate. This does help a few. Is it a natural supplement or pharmaceutic medication? It's actually both, but more on the supplemental side originated from the Amazon's plants and roots. However, over the years, pharmaceutical companies refined through synthetic means and it becomes more of a concentrated medication to assist with women and men alike.
  • Additional supplements for thoughts:
    • HMB + Vit D3: boost your natural muscle restoration during active hours and rebalance your testosterone loading for both free and total.
    • Infrared light therapy (from lower 400nm to the high 900nm). This boost cellular repairs but at the same time, activate cellular activities that cannot be done through supplements and dietary regiments.
    • Fluid! Don't think a few glasses of water a day will help you. An average body needs around 3 liters or close to a gallon of water a day to promote good blood flow. Adding a hit of salt (with iodine) and a bit of citrus will help the body to absorb the water a bit faster. Think about adding just a bit of electrolyte into your hydration will allow your system to take advantage of fluid even more.
    • Iodine (kelp) is something we tend to leave out of our diets, yet, it's essential to keep our healthy optimal. Most supplements don't have absorbable iodine. Why not? I have no clue.
    • Trace minerals. Men's mega vitamins have these, but are they enough? This is where you must ask your physicians to assist with. Why? We don't know where you are in the scheme of things.
    • Contrast temperature: this can be for shower, baths, or even during pumping. Why contrast? It promotes blood flow. This is a practice done by many culture over the course of millenia. Little do you know that your body suffer contrast thermal fluctuation since the dawn of man as well, when we were buck naked. Your body retract the penis back into the body to preserve your penis, but during excitement, your penis receives lots of good old body core temp to get the blood flowing. Why not do it daily to promote penile health?
    • Prostate masssages. This is highly controversial for straight men, but it's a known fact that gay men have much better prostate health and high free testosterone level comparative in ages. Why is that? There are tools as well as manual works.
    • Gua sha scraping. This is another sensitive topic that most don't like to use. If you use the right stainless steel scraping tool, smooth edges, but with proper angles, the gua sha promote light scraping against the weak epidermal tissue and refocused pressure on the lower fascias (lower skin layers) to break the collagenic bonds. This promotes blood to divert macrophages and repairing resource from the blood to add extra layers of repairs. But the amazing thing is, the body also send a rush of testosterone loading to get the blood flowing.
    • L-citrulline or L-citrulline malate (quite sour but absorb at least 3 times faster). This is to promote blood flow. Your body naturally responds to the increase of nitric oxide in the blood stream in sending out elevated testosterone.
    • Collagen supplements. Brothers are using all kind. If you have a good dietary intake, it's not required. But if you believe you need that extra boost of collagenic load ready for usages by the system, go for it. Collagen supplements does help to add an extra layer of cellular repairs all over your body and not just your penis. By helping with the repairs, you body has more resources to boost your testosterone level as your cortisol level decreases.
    • Look for nuts, fruits, and food rich in flavonoids, polyphenols. BUT, be warned that there are fruits and nuts used chemicals to process them. These chemicals do harm us by placing the body into defensive mode, stressing it out. An example is the strawberry. Some countries allow rippening agents to make the strawberries to grow faster and ripe quicker. This disrupts our body in causing the androgens to switch to estrogen production. Some nuts, like the walnut and almonds, can cause gut distresses. This is where your own research comes into play.
    • Be VERY careful of chemicals in your country that flags your CYP19A1 gene to produce estrogen instead of testosterone. It can be chemicals in your foods, packaging, pharmaceutic medication, processed materials and clothing, and worst of all, hygeine products and aersol in the air caused by males and females wanting themselves smell like flowers. Look up for CPV1 chemicals and pesticides used in your part of the country. You'll be surprised how bad it is. They are all over the place in various concentration.

Extreme measures:

Wait, what!? When something is broken, we replace. When something is damaged, we repair. When something goes wrong, we fix. When our sexual health is compromised, we need to go the distance in diagnosing and depends on medical grade aids. This is pharmaceutic arena, such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), sexual dysfunction therapy (SDT), and possible surgery. No one wants to go there as the courses are costly and dangerous. This is why we stick with the middle ground by testing out penis enhancement (PE) methods first. There are risks, but the risks are far less than the drastic measures. This is why this brotherhood is here. This brotherhood is here to lead you safely through the PE journeys. There are many TRT, and also unconventional treatments:
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy: talk to your doctor about this. 90% of the time, it does help. The 10% of time, it will be based on the body's reaction to the TRT. This is simply to bring your total testosterone up. Free testosterone response for intense erection is a different story.
  • Low Intensity Soundwave Therapy (LIST): what does this have to do with testosterone? It actually does. When you have blockage, such as plagues or scars, your body attemps to find ways to circumvent the blood flow and causing massive amount stresses such as elevated blood pressure, resulting in emotional and psychological upsets that elevate the low beneficial hormone; cortisol. LIST helps to reduce the stress loading by correcting the body's issues.
  • PE tools with routines. There are many. This is up to your research to go with the appropriate tools for your needs.
  • Medication: sometimes, a quick fix is all you need. Cialis, Viagra, Trimix, etc. It's just to boost your nitric oxide loads up through pharmaceutic products. Will your body adapt to the medication? Yes it can. But for some, they can go for many years without seeing the body adapting to the medication.
  • Surgery for corrective actions: this is the least of the favorite choice. But what surgery? Cancer, plagues, scars, you name it.

In this brotherhood of MOS:
  • Do not pursue PE through desperation. Leave your emotional and psychological issues at the door.
  • Do not pursue PE because of desperation.
  • PE is not a short term process for maximum gains. It's a long journey for many gains.
  • PE is not for the ill-disciplined. You come here to learn new type of disciplines. It requires you to have a consistent commitment.
  • PE is not for the lazy. 1 or 2 hours a day is just a starting point. It will require you to spend quite a bit of time and efforts. It's not just about the penis. It's a full body improvement, including emotional and psychological health.
  • PE is a brotherhood. Leave arrogance at the door. We are here as one brotherhood. We are not here to compare to each other, but to encourage each other to reach personal potential objectives. We all have our needs and our wants. We do not put each other down but rather pull each other up to the best that we can.
  • PE is based on knowledge, wisdom and person experience from all areas of expertise throughout ages. If you need evidence, we'll do our best to provide it. If you need support, we'll collaborate. If you need help, we are here to provide the assistance. Do not expect us to be professionals with MD, PE, PhD, etc. We are not being paid to be those over-educated professional. We are here as volunteers with decades of info.
So much knowledge and wisdom in this post, its worth is in gold. God bless you brother.

True, Most came to PE out of desperation and low self esteem, many left because of rush, but those who learned trought it found out that they learned much more than just growing a member.
More and more brothers are reaching a point in their lives where Erectile Dysfunction (various level of issues of ED), sudden drop of total testosterone level due to lifestyle, or even odd cases of wild swing of testosterone because of where we live and what we ate aside from the lifestyles (such as too much drink, suffering PIED because we watch too much adult entertainment, or overstress our hormone levels because of sexual pleasuring). Whatever the case may be, we need to find the root causes and bring our testosterone levels back. There is no magical pill, method, or routine we can use to bring our testosterone levels back. It's a lifestyle change we have to adopt, adapt, and maintain throughout our lives.

I'll bring the cases from all over the world in the past decade, while adding insights among the brothers and those who successful restore their lives back to normalcy, myself included. Let's start breaking things down. I'll add more along the way through editing to make the article more complete.


This is a no brainer. If we enjoyed ourselves too much in some fashion, such as over-drinking, over-eating, over-pleasuring, something will break, give, or self-destruct. We must bring the lifestyles back to the natural states again. The natural states that our body intended to sustain. This is not based on the natural state of the ancient past. This is the natural state of the current modern days since we are being exposed to so many things that could, can, and will kill us as males. So, what are the main lifestyle changes?
  • Stop with the over-indulgences. Cut back little by little and not completely. Allow the body to balance out. Cut out 20% for the first month, then 10% for every month there later. Why? The term "cold turkey" don't work for everyone on everything. It takes the body time to come out of an addiction.
  • Allow the body to reset. If you ate/drink/perform too much of something, the body will need time to reset. It can take a few weeks, months, or even years depending on how complex the situation is.
  • Bring the body back to the healthy level through physical routines. Our bodies are not meant to be relaxed and dormant in all stages of life. If you sit around like a sack of meat in watching shows/social media/nonsense, your body will dull itself out. Get out and move! Exercise! The opposite is true. If you're stressed out, overworked, being hyper mobile, time to calm down, rest, and allow your body to relax. Too much of a bad/good thing is always bad for the body.
  • If you have emotional, psychological, or physical conditions in life, you must bring yourself to a state of balance. Relationship is a great example. In a great relationship, you'll find balance for your PE. If a toxic relationship, you'll destroy yourself in PE. Why? Desperation, bad expectation, dire needs to achieve something in too short of a time span. You are placing your penis on a death journey, not a PE journey.
  • Sleep hours! For heaven's sake, rest! If you don't have a good complete REM (rapid eye movement) cycle, you can't get achieve the required rest. Some needs 1, other needs 2, most needs 3. That means you need a solid 40 to 90 minutes of full rest. You can only achieve REM in total relaxation, isolating your brain from all kind of life issues. 90 minutes of pure REM may need 3 hours of pure bliss sleep, and some may need up to a full 9 hours of sleep just to achieve 1 REM cycle. Your body cannot generate good level of testostorone without rest.
  • Exercise. Yes, it was mentioned, but you need to exercise. Speficially, muscle building.

Dietary balance:

Just like lifestyle, we cannot over-indulge ourselves, or deprive ourselves, or the essentials. Eating too much meats, too much alcohols, too much sugars, too much proteins, too much vegetable (you go it), etc. and you end up taking things out of balance.
  • Diabetic can and will kill your penis and sexual health.
  • Being overweight will kill your sexual health.
  • Overconsumption of salt, sugar, and any thing that brings your body out of balance will kill your sexual health. No matter amount of PE will compensate for it.
  • Being poor is not an excuse to destroy yourself through PE. I was poor. I had nothing to my name during my initial PE journey. But it didn't excuse me from making sure to eat properly with a poorman's diet. Ever forage? I did. I ate much more healthy than those who spent tons of money at the market to buy perfect looking foods, vegetables, and fruits. You be surprised what you can find locally as natural foods, poor looking crops, and need to fight with the animals to secure your portions of the real foods in the world deemed as survival of the fittest.
Supplemental balance:

Modern day processed foods take out the essential needs than what being put in. Heating and preservatives kill and denature the natural amino acids, proteins, vitamins, catalysts, and slowly degrade our bodies from using the consumed materials at the optimal levels. We have to find supplements that are gentle and easily absorbable for usages. It will be a bit pricy but rather having the materials absorbed than having them leave through urination and defecation. What we waste will add up quite fast.
  • Brother @Haursen is a great example in keeping logs of vitamins and supplements. I'll mention others as we go along.
    • NOW Foods brand:
      1. Adam multivitamin
      2. Hawthorn (both berries and bark extracts): great for cellular repairs and testosterone boosts
      3. Testo Jack 100 (well, that's for free testosterone boosting). Just be careful in consuming too much as it can reach a point of diminishing returns wher it harms you than help you.
    • Adaptogen: great to convert estrogenic components, or hinder them from being absorbed, and allow testosterone to pick up.
    • Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Glycinate: It helps to relax your muscles and organs to a state where free and total testosterone can be generated in a most constant load.
    • Doctor's Best: Nattokinase. This is a bit under controversy as it's has more influence of phytoestrogen in reducting the testosterone as a whole. But limited quantity does help the body to bring gut health to optimal that actually help with testosterone boosting. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
    • DMSO cream (mix of castor, coconut, & black seed oil mix, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, aloe and many more). DSMO has been used in this brotherhood going far back in 2010 and ealrier. Due to the property of DMSO, it acts as a delivery chemical going straight and deep into the penis. But what does it have to do with testosterone? Less burden on the body to heal means less stressfule hormones generated. Less stress hormones mean more beneficial hormones being generated. The rule of thumb is, for every 1 portion of the stressful hormones generated, 3 or more times the beneficial hormones needed to balance out the stressful hormones. Strange isn't it?
    • If you want his complete list, here is is: https://mattersofsize.com/attachments/current-supplements-pdf.1836358/ (do be careful to read up on phytoestrogen for the ingredients being used in the products)
    • Brother @TCDreamer suggested Enclomiphine Citrate. This does help a few. Is it a natural supplement or pharmaceutic medication? It's actually both, but more on the supplemental side originated from the Amazon's plants and roots. However, over the years, pharmaceutical companies refined through synthetic means and it becomes more of a concentrated medication to assist with women and men alike.
  • Additional supplements for thoughts:
    • HMB + Vit D3: boost your natural muscle restoration during active hours and rebalance your testosterone loading for both free and total.
    • Infrared light therapy (from lower 400nm to the high 900nm). This boost cellular repairs but at the same time, activate cellular activities that cannot be done through supplements and dietary regiments.
    • Fluid! Don't think a few glasses of water a day will help you. An average body needs around 3 liters or close to a gallon of water a day to promote good blood flow. Adding a hit of salt (with iodine) and a bit of citrus will help the body to absorb the water a bit faster. Think about adding just a bit of electrolyte into your hydration will allow your system to take advantage of fluid even more.
    • Iodine (kelp) is something we tend to leave out of our diets, yet, it's essential to keep our healthy optimal. Most supplements don't have absorbable iodine. Why not? I have no clue.
    • Trace minerals. Men's mega vitamins have these, but are they enough? This is where you must ask your physicians to assist with. Why? We don't know where you are in the scheme of things.
    • Contrast temperature: this can be for shower, baths, or even during pumping. Why contrast? It promotes blood flow. This is a practice done by many culture over the course of millenia. Little do you know that your body suffer contrast thermal fluctuation since the dawn of man as well, when we were buck naked. Your body retract the penis back into the body to preserve your penis, but during excitement, your penis receives lots of good old body core temp to get the blood flowing. Why not do it daily to promote penile health?
    • Prostate masssages. This is highly controversial for straight men, but it's a known fact that gay men have much better prostate health and high free testosterone level comparative in ages. Why is that? There are tools as well as manual works.
    • Gua sha scraping. This is another sensitive topic that most don't like to use. If you use the right stainless steel scraping tool, smooth edges, but with proper angles, the gua sha promote light scraping against the weak epidermal tissue and refocused pressure on the lower fascias (lower skin layers) to break the collagenic bonds. This promotes blood to divert macrophages and repairing resource from the blood to add extra layers of repairs. But the amazing thing is, the body also send a rush of testosterone loading to get the blood flowing.
    • L-citrulline or L-citrulline malate (quite sour but absorb at least 3 times faster). This is to promote blood flow. Your body naturally responds to the increase of nitric oxide in the blood stream in sending out elevated testosterone.
    • Collagen supplements. Brothers are using all kind. If you have a good dietary intake, it's not required. But if you believe you need that extra boost of collagenic load ready for usages by the system, go for it. Collagen supplements does help to add an extra layer of cellular repairs all over your body and not just your penis. By helping with the repairs, you body has more resources to boost your testosterone level as your cortisol level decreases.
    • Look for nuts, fruits, and food rich in flavonoids, polyphenols. BUT, be warned that there are fruits and nuts used chemicals to process them. These chemicals do harm us by placing the body into defensive mode, stressing it out. An example is the strawberry. Some countries allow rippening agents to make the strawberries to grow faster and ripe quicker. This disrupts our body in causing the androgens to switch to estrogen production. Some nuts, like the walnut and almonds, can cause gut distresses. This is where your own research comes into play.
    • Be VERY careful of chemicals in your country that flags your CYP19A1 gene to produce estrogen instead of testosterone. It can be chemicals in your foods, packaging, pharmaceutic medication, processed materials and clothing, and worst of all, hygeine products and aersol in the air caused by males and females wanting themselves smell like flowers. Look up for CPV1 chemicals and pesticides used in your part of the country. You'll be surprised how bad it is. They are all over the place in various concentration.

Extreme measures:

Wait, what!? When something is broken, we replace. When something is damaged, we repair. When something goes wrong, we fix. When our sexual health is compromised, we need to go the distance in diagnosing and depends on medical grade aids. This is pharmaceutic arena, such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), sexual dysfunction therapy (SDT), and possible surgery. No one wants to go there as the courses are costly and dangerous. This is why we stick with the middle ground by testing out penis enhancement (PE) methods first. There are risks, but the risks are far less than the drastic measures. This is why this brotherhood is here. This brotherhood is here to lead you safely through the PE journeys. There are many TRT, and also unconventional treatments:
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy: talk to your doctor about this. 90% of the time, it does help. The 10% of time, it will be based on the body's reaction to the TRT. This is simply to bring your total testosterone up. Free testosterone response for intense erection is a different story.
  • Low Intensity Soundwave Therapy (LIST): what does this have to do with testosterone? It actually does. When you have blockage, such as plagues or scars, your body attemps to find ways to circumvent the blood flow and causing massive amount stresses such as elevated blood pressure, resulting in emotional and psychological upsets that elevate the low beneficial hormone; cortisol. LIST helps to reduce the stress loading by correcting the body's issues.
  • PE tools with routines. There are many. This is up to your research to go with the appropriate tools for your needs.
  • Medication: sometimes, a quick fix is all you need. Cialis, Viagra, Trimix, etc. It's just to boost your nitric oxide loads up through pharmaceutic products. Will your body adapt to the medication? Yes it can. But for some, they can go for many years without seeing the body adapting to the medication. But at times, you need at extra coperation using testosterone cypionate through TRT, and medical grade enclomiphine citrate.
  • Surgery for corrective actions: this is the least of the favorite choice. But what surgery? Cancer, plagues, scars, you name it.

In this brotherhood of MOS:
  • Do not pursue PE through desperation. Leave your emotional and psychological issues at the door.
  • Do not pursue PE because of desperation.
  • PE is not a short term process for maximum gains. It's a long journey for many gains.
  • PE is not for the ill-disciplined. You come here to learn new type of disciplines. It requires you to have a consistent commitment.
  • PE is not for the lazy. 1 or 2 hours a day is just a starting point. It will require you to spend quite a bit of time and efforts. It's not just about the penis. It's a full body improvement, including emotional and psychological health.
  • PE is a brotherhood. Leave arrogance at the door. We are here as one brotherhood. We are not here to compare to each other, but to encourage each other to reach personal potential objectives. We all have our needs and our wants. We do not put each other down but rather pull each other up to the best that we can.
  • PE is based on knowledge, wisdom and person experience from all areas of expertise throughout ages. If you need evidence, we'll do our best to provide it. If you need support, we'll collaborate. If you need help, we are here to provide the assistance. Do not expect us to be professionals with MD, PE, PhD, etc. We are not being paid to be those over-educated professional. We are here as volunteers with decades of info.
Massively incredible. This is what separates us from the rest. We are a loving brotherhood all here to help one another. We never give up on anyone, we are one family with one goal, to love and support one another no matter what.

This post shows brother Oldandlively great understanding Of all parts of the process that sets us apart. I want all brothers to contribute what they can as it might be just what someone needs. Ask questions and seek guidance from us and you will accomplish your desires.

@oldandlively this post is just what we all need. God bless you for your incredible dedication to the one and only brotherhood. from here we start a new way forward and I am so excited to work with you.

Always remember brotherhood I pray for us everyday that all men receive peace in all they do.

God bless the brotherhood 🙏🏽
Massively incredible. This is what separates us from the rest. We are a loving brotherhood all here to help one another. We never give up on anyone, we are one family with one goal, to love and support one another no matter what.

This post shows brother Oldandlively great understanding Of all parts of the process that sets us apart. I want all brothers to contribute what they can as it might be just what someone needs. Ask questions and seek guidance from us and you will accomplish your desires.

@oldandlively this post is just what we all need. God bless you for your incredible dedication to the one and only brotherhood. from here we start a new way forward and I am so excited to work with you.

Always remember brotherhood I pray for us everyday that all men receive peace in all they do.

God bless the brotherhood 🙏🏽
More and more brothers are reaching a point in their lives where Erectile Dysfunction (various level of issues of ED), sudden drop of total testosterone level due to lifestyle, or even odd cases of wild swing of testosterone because of where we live and what we ate aside from the lifestyles (such as too much drink, suffering PIED because we watch too much adult entertainment, or overstress our hormone levels because of sexual pleasuring). Whatever the case may be, we need to find the root causes and bring our testosterone levels back. There is no magical pill, method, or routine we can use to bring our testosterone levels back. It's a lifestyle change we have to adopt, adapt, and maintain throughout our lives.

I'll bring the cases from all over the world in the past decade, while adding insights among the brothers and those who successful restore their lives back to normalcy, myself included. Let's start breaking things down. I'll add more along the way through editing to make the article more complete.


This is a no brainer. If we enjoyed ourselves too much in some fashion, such as over-drinking, over-eating, over-pleasuring, something will break, give, or self-destruct. We must bring the lifestyles back to the natural states again. The natural states that our body intended to sustain. This is not based on the natural state of the ancient past. This is the natural state of the current modern days since we are being exposed to so many things that could, can, and will kill us as males. So, what are the main lifestyle changes?
  • Stop with the over-indulgences. Cut back little by little and not completely. Allow the body to balance out. Cut out 20% for the first month, then 10% for every month there later. Why? The term "cold turkey" don't work for everyone on everything. It takes the body time to come out of an addiction.
  • Allow the body to reset. If you ate/drink/perform too much of something, the body will need time to reset. It can take a few weeks, months, or even years depending on how complex the situation is.
  • Bring the body back to the healthy level through physical routines. Our bodies are not meant to be relaxed and dormant in all stages of life. If you sit around like a sack of meat in watching shows/social media/nonsense, your body will dull itself out. Get out and move! Exercise! The opposite is true. If you're stressed out, overworked, being hyper mobile, time to calm down, rest, and allow your body to relax. Too much of a bad/good thing is always bad for the body.
  • If you have emotional, psychological, or physical conditions in life, you must bring yourself to a state of balance. Relationship is a great example. In a great relationship, you'll find balance for your PE. If a toxic relationship, you'll destroy yourself in PE. Why? Desperation, bad expectation, dire needs to achieve something in too short of a time span. You are placing your penis on a death journey, not a PE journey.
  • Sleep hours! For heaven's sake, rest! If you don't have a good complete REM (rapid eye movement) cycle, you can't get achieve the required rest. Some needs 1, other needs 2, most needs 3. That means you need a solid 40 to 90 minutes of full rest. You can only achieve REM in total relaxation, isolating your brain from all kind of life issues. 90 minutes of pure REM may need 3 hours of pure bliss sleep, and some may need up to a full 9 hours of sleep just to achieve 1 REM cycle. Your body cannot generate good level of testostorone without rest.
  • Exercise. Yes, it was mentioned, but you need to exercise. Speficially, muscle building.

Dietary balance:

Just like lifestyle, we cannot over-indulge ourselves, or deprive ourselves, or the essentials. Eating too much meats, too much alcohols, too much sugars, too much proteins, too much vegetable (you go it), etc. and you end up taking things out of balance.
  • Diabetic can and will kill your penis and sexual health.
  • Being overweight will kill your sexual health.
  • Overconsumption of salt, sugar, and any thing that brings your body out of balance will kill your sexual health. No matter amount of PE will compensate for it.
  • Being poor is not an excuse to destroy yourself through PE. I was poor. I had nothing to my name during my initial PE journey. But it didn't excuse me from making sure to eat properly with a poorman's diet. Ever forage? I did. I ate much more healthy than those who spent tons of money at the market to buy perfect looking foods, vegetables, and fruits. You be surprised what you can find locally as natural foods, poor looking crops, and need to fight with the animals to secure your portions of the real foods in the world deemed as survival of the fittest.
Supplemental balance:

Modern day processed foods take out the essential needs than what being put in. Heating and preservatives kill and denature the natural amino acids, proteins, vitamins, catalysts, and slowly degrade our bodies from using the consumed materials at the optimal levels. We have to find supplements that are gentle and easily absorbable for usages. It will be a bit pricy but rather having the materials absorbed than having them leave through urination and defecation. What we waste will add up quite fast.
  • Brother @Haursen is a great example in keeping logs of vitamins and supplements. I'll mention others as we go along.
    • NOW Foods brand:
      1. Adam multivitamin
      2. Hawthorn (both berries and bark extracts): great for cellular repairs and testosterone boosts
      3. Testo Jack 100 (well, that's for free testosterone boosting). Just be careful in consuming too much as it can reach a point of diminishing returns wher it harms you than help you.
    • Adaptogen: great to convert estrogenic components, or hinder them from being absorbed, and allow testosterone to pick up.
    • Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Glycinate: It helps to relax your muscles and organs to a state where free and total testosterone can be generated in a most constant load.
    • Doctor's Best: Nattokinase. This is a bit under controversy as it's has more influence of phytoestrogen in reducting the testosterone as a whole. But limited quantity does help the body to bring gut health to optimal that actually help with testosterone boosting. Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
    • DMSO cream (mix of castor, coconut, & black seed oil mix, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, aloe and many more). DSMO has been used in this brotherhood going far back in 2010 and ealrier. Due to the property of DMSO, it acts as a delivery chemical going straight and deep into the penis. But what does it have to do with testosterone? Less burden on the body to heal means less stressfule hormones generated. Less stress hormones mean more beneficial hormones being generated. The rule of thumb is, for every 1 portion of the stressful hormones generated, 3 or more times the beneficial hormones needed to balance out the stressful hormones. Strange isn't it?
    • If you want his complete list, here is is: https://mattersofsize.com/attachments/current-supplements-pdf.1836358/ (do be careful to read up on phytoestrogen for the ingredients being used in the products)
    • Brother @TCDreamer suggested Enclomiphine Citrate. This does help a few. Is it a natural supplement or pharmaceutic medication? It's actually both, but more on the supplemental side originated from the Amazon's plants and roots. However, over the years, pharmaceutical companies refined through synthetic means and it becomes more of a concentrated medication to assist with women and men alike.
  • Additional supplements for thoughts:
    • HMB + Vit D3: boost your natural muscle restoration during active hours and rebalance your testosterone loading for both free and total.
    • Infrared light therapy (from lower 400nm to the high 900nm). This boost cellular repairs but at the same time, activate cellular activities that cannot be done through supplements and dietary regiments.
    • Fluid! Don't think a few glasses of water a day will help you. An average body needs around 3 liters or close to a gallon of water a day to promote good blood flow. Adding a hit of salt (with iodine) and a bit of citrus will help the body to absorb the water a bit faster. Think about adding just a bit of electrolyte into your hydration will allow your system to take advantage of fluid even more.
    • Iodine (kelp) is something we tend to leave out of our diets, yet, it's essential to keep our healthy optimal. Most supplements don't have absorbable iodine. Why not? I have no clue.
    • Trace minerals. Men's mega vitamins have these, but are they enough? This is where you must ask your physicians to assist with. Why? We don't know where you are in the scheme of things.
    • Contrast temperature: this can be for shower, baths, or even during pumping. Why contrast? It promotes blood flow. This is a practice done by many culture over the course of millenia. Little do you know that your body suffer contrast thermal fluctuation since the dawn of man as well, when we were buck naked. Your body retract the penis back into the body to preserve your penis, but during excitement, your penis receives lots of good old body core temp to get the blood flowing. Why not do it daily to promote penile health?
    • Prostate masssages. This is highly controversial for straight men, but it's a known fact that gay men have much better prostate health and high free testosterone level comparative in ages. Why is that? There are tools as well as manual works.
    • Gua sha scraping. This is another sensitive topic that most don't like to use. If you use the right stainless steel scraping tool, smooth edges, but with proper angles, the gua sha promote light scraping against the weak epidermal tissue and refocused pressure on the lower fascias (lower skin layers) to break the collagenic bonds. This promotes blood to divert macrophages and repairing resource from the blood to add extra layers of repairs. But the amazing thing is, the body also send a rush of testosterone loading to get the blood flowing.
    • L-citrulline or L-citrulline malate (quite sour but absorb at least 3 times faster). This is to promote blood flow. Your body naturally responds to the increase of nitric oxide in the blood stream in sending out elevated testosterone.
    • Collagen supplements. Brothers are using all kind. If you have a good dietary intake, it's not required. But if you believe you need that extra boost of collagenic load ready for usages by the system, go for it. Collagen supplements does help to add an extra layer of cellular repairs all over your body and not just your penis. By helping with the repairs, you body has more resources to boost your testosterone level as your cortisol level decreases.
    • Look for nuts, fruits, and food rich in flavonoids, polyphenols. BUT, be warned that there are fruits and nuts used chemicals to process them. These chemicals do harm us by placing the body into defensive mode, stressing it out. An example is the strawberry. Some countries allow rippening agents to make the strawberries to grow faster and ripe quicker. This disrupts our body in causing the androgens to switch to estrogen production. Some nuts, like the walnut and almonds, can cause gut distresses. This is where your own research comes into play.
    • Be VERY careful of chemicals in your country that flags your CYP19A1 gene to produce estrogen instead of testosterone. It can be chemicals in your foods, packaging, pharmaceutic medication, processed materials and clothing, and worst of all, hygeine products and aersol in the air caused by males and females wanting themselves smell like flowers. Look up for CPV1 chemicals and pesticides used in your part of the country. You'll be surprised how bad it is. They are all over the place in various concentration.

Extreme measures:

Wait, what!? When something is broken, we replace. When something is damaged, we repair. When something goes wrong, we fix. When our sexual health is compromised, we need to go the distance in diagnosing and depends on medical grade aids. This is pharmaceutic arena, such as Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), sexual dysfunction therapy (SDT), and possible surgery. No one wants to go there as the courses are costly and dangerous. This is why we stick with the middle ground by testing out penis enhancement (PE) methods first. There are risks, but the risks are far less than the drastic measures. This is why this brotherhood is here. This brotherhood is here to lead you safely through the PE journeys. There are many TRT, and also unconventional treatments:
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy: talk to your doctor about this. 90% of the time, it does help. The 10% of time, it will be based on the body's reaction to the TRT. This is simply to bring your total testosterone up. Free testosterone response for intense erection is a different story.
  • Low Intensity Soundwave Therapy (LIST): what does this have to do with testosterone? It actually does. When you have blockage, such as plagues or scars, your body attemps to find ways to circumvent the blood flow and causing massive amount stresses such as elevated blood pressure, resulting in emotional and psychological upsets that elevate the low beneficial hormone; cortisol. LIST helps to reduce the stress loading by correcting the body's issues.
  • PE tools with routines. There are many. This is up to your research to go with the appropriate tools for your needs.
  • Medication: sometimes, a quick fix is all you need. Cialis, Viagra, Trimix, etc. It's just to boost your nitric oxide loads up through pharmaceutic products. Will your body adapt to the medication? Yes it can. But for some, they can go for many years without seeing the body adapting to the medication. But at times, you need at extra coperation using testosterone cypionate through TRT, and medical grade enclomiphine citrate.
  • Surgery for corrective actions: this is the least of the favorite choice. But what surgery? Cancer, plagues, scars, you name it.

In this brotherhood of MOS:
  • Do not pursue PE through desperation. Leave your emotional and psychological issues at the door.
  • Do not pursue PE because of desperation.
  • PE is not a short term process for maximum gains. It's a long journey for many gains.
  • PE is not for the ill-disciplined. You come here to learn new type of disciplines. It requires you to have a consistent commitment.
  • PE is not for the lazy. 1 or 2 hours a day is just a starting point. It will require you to spend quite a bit of time and efforts. It's not just about the penis. It's a full body improvement, including emotional and psychological health.
  • PE is a brotherhood. Leave arrogance at the door. We are here as one brotherhood. We are not here to compare to each other, but to encourage each other to reach personal potential objectives. We all have our needs and our wants. We do not put each other down but rather pull each other up to the best that we can.
  • PE is based on knowledge, wisdom and person experience from all areas of expertise throughout ages. If you need evidence, we'll do our best to provide it. If you need support, we'll collaborate. If you need help, we are here to provide the assistance. Do not expect us to be professionals with MD, PE, PhD, etc. We are not being paid to be those over-educated professional. We are here as volunteers with decades of info.
Absolutely essential post!
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