TCDreamer New to PE

Good luck, and well done with a solid thought-out start. My only concern would be the topical. I'm assuming you meant DHT, which has been talked about in PE fields for many years with questionable results. If that's the case I would suggest exercising extreme caution and getting your blood checked regularly. At increased levels pretty common issues arise like baldness (can be helped with something like saw palmetto shampoo to prevent buildup at scalp) and BPH (especially in older guys,) and at 30% concentration even though it's topical much will go systemic.

Aside from that, the major issues include (a) downtick/ceasing of natural production and (beer) receptors are not the same (inactive) compared to puberty. A couple of potential ways to combat the aforementioned are (a) Cycle the topical and (beer) finasteride during the off-cycle to upregulate the receptors. Those are the potential solutions I have heard, I decided against using at the end of the day as there's a real risk of fucking up your hormones and life pretty bad unless you are very well versed (and even then.)

Whatever you decide to do I wish you all the best and am looking forward to seeing your progress
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