Roberto Esquivel Cabrera from Mexico has an 18.9 inch FAKE penis


well known member
Nov 8, 2009
This investigation pretty much exposes the fraud behind this delusional guy who is also by the way a convicted sexual predator alien in the US.
His penis is FAKE. FAKE ASS LIKE CNN FAKE. Like the presidential polls being spread by the drive by media, the enemy number one of the people, domestic terrorist organizations. At that level of fraud is this guy.

Thanks for that vid JACKXXX! I heard about this guy awhile ago and this answered alot of questions for me. The key thing that people seem to miss is that this guy actually enlarged his foreskin naturally which means you definitely can enlarge your penis naturally. Imagine if he would have been PEing this whole time instead of doing foreskin enlargement. Now I dont see him as a fraud because the scan showed that it was his penis in the bandages along with alot of foreskin. I would consider him a fraud if he didnt have anything in the bandages that took up the length that he had it. It might be a language barrier, media just trying to sensationalize the story or just a simple misunderstanding, but I took that video as more of a PE positive than a negative.
Well, I wouldn't consider him part of the world of PE. Further more, I think considering him part of PE is a disgrace for our community.

Look closely the video: First, he REFUSED to remove all the bandages to take the x-ray. Second, the result shows that his actual penis is 16-18 centimeters long, which makes sense while being stretched by the foreskin and bandages. Basically he is in a constant state of ADS. Third, the doctor explains that everything after his penis is just foreskin.

The fact that he grew his foreskin like that is NOT proof that he could have grown his dick in the same way. It is a whole different story. Many guys these days are regrowing their foreskin after being circumsized at birth, but that doesnt mean they can grow 4 inches in dick with PE. Skin grows easy, other tissues dont.
Him and __________ are a FRAUD. FAKE ASS LIKE CNN FAKE.

Are they real? IS VERY SIMPLE: Post pictures and videos of a full erection with measuring tapes, rulers, etc all in 4k definition. Most importantly video flowing from different angles, crisp clear sharp close up of the measurement over the shaft. No need for bandages or underwear pictures or retarded interviews. Those are all tactics to cover the SCAM.
Im not debating you on this and I respect your viewpoint but Foreskin Restoration and Enlargement are defenitly areas of PE. He might not want to show it but the scan shows that its him in the bandages wether in ADS or not. Its like saying its not your penis because you stretched it out ? Im not saying his measurements or penis is huge, just stating the facts. I believe the media sensationalized the story because it was story about a man with a huge penis. If DLD or any other veteran PEer would have did the interview it would have been a story about finding out how he did it other than trying to expose him as a fraud. Exposing him was the point of the interview. And he could have been huge if he would have concentrated on the whole penis and not just the foreskin because he has been doing foreskin enlargment longer than DLD has been doing PE ? Its all good tho cuz its not my dick ?
He is NOT doing foreskin restoration. He doesn't even know what that is. His foreskin grew in a desperate attempt to have a big dick, which FAILED. You cant penetrate foreskin. Its like trying to fuck a girl with a sock. Of course is his penis, but all that length IS NOT penis. That is a BLATANT LIE. His penis is at most over average and the rest is thin foreskin full of bandages and wraps to make it look like something solid but that is a FRAUD. How he grew just the foreskin? He will NEVER tell because again, he is a complete SCAMMER. A pathological lier like crooked killary. He will always claim that he was born that way and that he has the biggest dick in the world. The dude is delusional and a pedophile.
Man.... You must hate CNN alot

I do, but as a self defense mechanism. All the mainstream media is the enemy number one of the american people. They take side with terrosists, illegal aliens, socialists and marxist that want to destroy our great nation and do everything they can in their power to influence masses, brainwash people in order to carry their agenda of destruction of america. Therefore in my opinion they are domestic terrorist organizations, fake propaganda outlets. If I was in a position of power I would shut them all down and every single one of their main faces to court martial as enemy combatants. And hopefully they receive death penalty which I would do it publicly.
We are at the final point in which ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Our Supreme Leader is doing an outstanding job and I wish we could somehow keep him in power for eternity.

Remember the "Trump is too dangerous to have the nuke codes" "trump is going to start world war 3" "trump is going to blow up iran" "trump is hitler" "trump is white supremacist" Well, theres your proof of FAKE NEWS. FAKE PROPAGANDA. It is nothing more than the most evil attempt to destroy our nation. The people they want in power such as obama kind, THOSE are the real enemies in power with the strict purpose to destroy this country from within. Do you think the drug crisis is random?? record levels opioid addiction, heroin?? do you think the crisis with the illegal alien invasion is random??? Everything has been planned in place for decades to destroy america from within. This President, is stopping and reverting all that process. And these reptiles are trying to destroy him for that very same reason.

Ok back to topic. Sorry I am very passionate when it comes to politics, Patriotism and Nationalism.
Coming back to topic, it is sad in a way that real PE has never gotten the attention of researchers or investigative journalists to create a documentary.

Perhaps if we created the "Pantheon of Phallic members" that I proposed before, it would catch the attention of somebody at some point and investigate the community.

Imagine if suddenly reporters discover a sinister underground group with the solely common characteristic of giant phallic apparatuses. LMAO
Learn to pronounce
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
"their nationalism is tempered by a desire to join the European Union"
synonyms: patriotism, patriotic sentiment, allegiance/loyalty to one's country, loyalism, nationality; xenophobia, chauvinism, jingoism, flag-waving; ethnocentrism, ethnocentricity
"the resurgence of nationalism in Europe and in other parts of the world"

Is this really what we should espouse as a people? I appreciate the love and patriotism (I fully agree w/those aspects), but I could never support any ideology that is at the expense of another.
Well they taking advantage out of that situation they have no fucking clue about real PE..

And the Internet makes it no better with ����������� and the imaginary that makes people believe natural size is huge. Shame on them!
And the Internet makes it no better with ����������� and the imaginary that makes people believe natural size is huge. Shame on them!

Exactly ���� has twisted the perception of men AND women. Men have increasingly grown more insecure thinking they are too small when in reality they are normal, men have become addicted to ����, replacing social skills by lonely pleasure, men have become desensitized sexually thanks to ����. Women have grown watching gigantic elephantine apparatuses always wondering "when Im gonna get a huge dick like that?" "who I only get small ones?" "when somebody is gonna fuck my brains out like that"?

When in reality is all FAKE. FAKE ASS LIKE CNN FAKE. ���� is NOT reality in any way shape or form. ���� is just a fantasy.

And the sad part is that ���� USED to be realistic. The old ���� from 70's and early 80's was regular dudes with average girls having sex on camera. True, all of those hundreds of actors and actresses, sometimes you saw a freak girth a huge phallus, a freak that could cum like horse, a freak girl with gigantic kitties, another one that could take a huge dick like nothing etc.

As time went by, people got more curious with those "freaks" because average sex between 2 people was not enough. And suddenly the industry spread in hundreds of categories. Big cocks, cumshots, facials, bug boobs, big booties, anal, dp, creamy pies, teens, etc...
Learn to pronounce
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
"their nationalism is tempered by a desire to join the European Union"
synonyms: patriotism, patriotic sentiment, allegiance/loyalty to one's country, loyalism, nationality; xenophobia, chauvinism, jingoism, flag-waving; ethnocentrism, ethnocentricity
"the resurgence of nationalism in Europe and in other parts of the world"

Is this really what we should espouse as a people? I appreciate the love and patriotism (I fully agree w/those aspects), but I could never support any ideology that is at the expense of another.

Is not at the expense of another. Quite the opposite, not at the expense of your own. I dont get too technical about it, because it is very easy to exemplify, and this is why Nationalism is a beautiful thing and all our children should be raised Proud American Nationalists.

Lets picture an average family. The man works hard. He has a wife and kids. He has responsibilities. He has to take care of his family. That takes a lot of expenses. Bills to pay for basic needs, maintenance, education, entertainment, savings, health, etc. A LOT of responsibilities. That same man has to protect his family. His basic duties include secure the house. Windows, fences, door locks. Have guns well secured in case of an emergency. All because of his family. His home is his temple of peace and safety.

Now lets imagine that the same man, comes home at the end of every week and tell his wife "sorry babe, we dont have enough money for food. I took my paycheck and spread it equally to my neighbors. They have needs too. By the way, this weekend, there will be a couple of guys sleeping with us in the bed, they were escaping their homes and is their right to enter here and have a roof too. You will have to work over time to cover their expenses to stay here. Our kids, will not have health insurance anymore because of the same reason. I chose to give priority to my neighbors and give away the money to them.

Now.....does that make sense? Is the roper way to act for a man? I mean, if you have a level of prosperity and stability that is allowing you to save a lot of money and decide to help the rest, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. BUT, if the man is barely able to care his responsibilities with his family and decide to put them second in order to satisfy others, I mean, It doesn't look rational. It doesnt seem the right way to do things. There are priorities in life. There is organization. Without organization and priorities, nothing can be accomplished the right way.

Why is that? Because your family is first. Your family is imperative. You home, your temple. Your peace, your safety. In your house you should only have love, peace, care. It is your space, your family's space. Your sovereignty, your property. Your family always have to come first. Make sure your kids are well taken care, happy, make sure your wife is proud if yourself, happy with her man. Family first, always.

Well, it turns out, the exactly the same principles apply to a country. If we dont put our country first, nothing will work properly. This is our nation. Our land. Because of our principles, we achieved a level of prosperity never seen before in human history. Because of who we are. Nobody gave us anything. Nobody told us how to do things. We pushed forward as entrepreneurs, pioneers, and we succeeded. AMERICA FIRST.

Based on that? WHY should we give aid to other countries if we have so many homeless??? WHY we have to send billions in medications to other countries if we have americans that cant afford their own???? WHY we have to invade other countries when americans could benefit so much and their families if those taxes stayed in their pockets instead??? WHY illegal aliens have to invade our land at their own will??? WHY we cannot protect and secure our borders IF THIS IS OUW OWN FUCKING HOUSE?????

YOU SEE THE POINT??? It is simple priorities. It is simple common sense. If ALL our angles were covered and we reached a level of prosperity even greater than before, then BEAUTIFUL, lets send foreign aid. Lets send billions to central america. Lets build other countries. But now, WE CANNOT AFFORD THAT. Simple as that. This is not an open border with global economy, this is the United States of America. Just like your house is not an open house with a neighborhood bathroom, it is YOUR house, for you and your family, nobody else.

Putting America first is as American as apple pie. It is the civic duty of EVERY citizen to protect this nation and put this nation on top of everything else.

I LOVE MY COUNTRY. I wouldn't replace it for anything, AND I DONT WANNA SEE IT FUCKING CHANGE. This is who we are and we dont have to accept open borders and globalism. We dont want to, we dont have to.

Every mexican can paise mexico and wave their flags everywhere. But when an American is a Nationalist, it is portrayed as a racist, kkk, nazi, supremacist, censored, banned and schooled on how to accept other countries to change ours, and how to give away our rights and money to people in power.


There is only one man who represent us all, there is only one man who is our voice, there is only one man who is absolutely one of us. That man is our Supreme Leader, Donald J. Trump who will be re-elected in a massive landslide like it has never been seen before in the history of the United States. And one like him will succeed after him.
Exactly ���� has twisted the perception of men AND women. Men have increasingly grown more insecure thinking they are too small when in reality they are normal, men have become addicted to ����, replacing social skills by lonely pleasure, men have become desensitized sexually thanks to ����. Women have grown watching gigantic elephantine apparatuses always wondering "when Im gonna get a huge dick like that?" "who I only get small ones?" "when somebody is gonna fuck my brains out like that"?

When in reality is all FAKE. FAKE ASS LIKE CNN FAKE. ���� is NOT reality in any way shape or form. ���� is just a fantasy.

And the sad part is that ���� USED to be realistic. The old ���� from 70's and early 80's was regular dudes with average girls having sex on camera. True, all of those hundreds of actors and actresses, sometimes you saw a freak girth a huge phallus, a freak that could cum like horse, a freak girl with gigantic kitties, another one that could take a huge dick like nothing etc.

As time went by, people got more curious with those "freaks" because average sex between 2 people was not enough. And suddenly the industry spread in hundreds of categories. Big cocks, cumshots, facials, bug boobs, big booties, anal, dp, creamy pies, teens, etc...

Yep simple as that ...I wonder if we could still find normal people out there
@Getbiglonger7 Yes, you will see. The OVERWHELMING VAST majority of Americans are Proud American Nationalists who deeply love this country with passion. The difference? We dont have a voice. We dont have microphones, We dont have cameras, the media is against us and our nation, politicians are against us and our nation, the corporations are against us and our nation...we elected with the last bit of hope an unknown man, who turned out to be the greatest Supreme Leader our nation has ever seen.

The success of our Supreme Leader is UNDENIABLE. He has turned around this gigantic machinery called america to become a power house like we haven't seen in so many decades. What was the magic wand (word used by hussein obama, the worst enemy this nations has ever seen, domestic terrorist) The trick was simply putting America and its people first.

Make noise, talk to your family relative friends, persuade them to vote, bring them with you. Praise America, praise our freedom, our beautiful states, our landscapes. American patriots and nationalists are happy people. Positive, optimistic. On the other hand, liberals are repugnant. Everything about a liberal is oppression, censorship, negativity, protest, violence, chaos. The left represent the most horrendous evil of humanity. It is all about destruction and depletion of resources. Just like parasites and leeches behave.

We dont. Moitivate and inspire everybody around you with how beautiful our sovereign, exceptional nation is. And NOBODY will change it. Let us make sure that only the american flag flies in every single corner of our territorial United States. let us make sure that ENGLISH is prioritized and demanded everywhere in our nation. Let us make sure that Capitalism has granted us our maximum potential as individuals, FREE, with no government intervention, and Let us protect our constitution as our sacred highway to greatness. EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE IN THE CONSTITUTION MUST AND WILL be enforced equally to every single individual on our territory.

The determination of the American people and our Supreme Leader WILL NOT be questioned by anybody, by any means. AMEN.
All presidents have dirt on them. You won't find one who doesn't. The "left" doesn't like to admit it anymore than the "right". Our "foreign policy" revolves around (mostly) oil, the possession/control of it, regime change wars and drone strikes. I love my country, but we have a dirty history of doing some awfully dirty shit to forward the "American agenda" world wide. I know it's not cool to talk about and it's more comfortable to turn a blind eye to the subject and believe America is #1 and without flaw and all we do in other countries is help protect our country's national security and "our families at home"....but reality sucks.

One recent great read I'm still working on that highlights a LOT of this is "Surprise, Kill, Vanish" by Annie Jacobsen

I do, but as a self defense mechanism. All the mainstream media is the enemy number one of the american people. They take side with terrosists, illegal aliens, socialists and marxist that want to destroy our great nation and do everything they can in their power to influence masses, brainwash people in order to carry their agenda of destruction of america. Therefore in my opinion they are domestic terrorist organizations, fake propaganda outlets. If I was in a position of power I would shut them all down and every single one of their main faces to court martial as enemy combatants. And hopefully they receive death penalty which I would do it publicly.
We are at the final point in which ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Our Supreme Leader is doing an outstanding job and I wish we could somehow keep him in power for eternity.

Remember the "Trump is too dangerous to have the nuke codes" "trump is going to start world war 3" "trump is going to blow up iran" "trump is hitler" "trump is white supremacist" Well, theres your proof of FAKE NEWS. FAKE PROPAGANDA. It is nothing more than the most evil attempt to destroy our nation. The people they want in power such as obama kind, THOSE are the real enemies in power with the strict purpose to destroy this country from within. Do you think the drug crisis is random?? record levels opioid addiction, heroin?? do you think the crisis with the illegal alien invasion is random??? Everything has been planned in place for decades to destroy america from within. This President, is stopping and reverting all that process. And these reptiles are trying to destroy him for that very same reason.

Ok back to topic. Sorry I am very passionate when it comes to politics, Patriotism and Nationalism.
It's our duty as Americans (and humans) to question EVERYTHING! More so now due to the constant barrage of lies (not just the right). Jackxxx, I love you like a brother, but stoking fear for gain is supremely un-American.
Refugees taking your stuff is a false-analogy, it only creates more hate for your (slightly) browner brother.
I think this thread is getting off-topic...maybe the better option is to create a new thread to discuss nationalism and the like. :)
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