Pumping with water comparison to air (water vs air)

Thank you OaL! Another super interesting thread. You said that:
You pump too long under high vacuum pressure for water, you'll get the fluid build-up in your penis because your erection is not fully form and too much pressure influence on the soften epidermal layer. In other words, your skin is being soften too much under water and your cells are taking in water (hyper osmotic).
Obviously we all have had the famous water-dick. Are you suggesting that going in fully erect would help prevent water-retention in the penis?
Im not sure if this is accurate, but i perceive it the following way: if i have a good session, meaning good warm up, penis' whole tissue seems to be well moldable and stretchable without much antagonism, and i get a good vacuum, (meaning i feel the stretching/pain in the whole penis, not just the base) in those times, the fluid-buildup is less, and the stretch is more. So i guess im trying to say: i think the qualitatively better (and i guess also the stronger) the vacuum, the less fluid builds up.

This is where Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) helps with the removal of hyperosmotic cells.
Can you explain how you come to this conclusion or is there something i could read that refers to this theory?

What you call Contrast bath therapy i know under the name of Scottish shower. I have never tried it for the warm-down after a session, but now that you mentioned it it totally makes sense. I did it sometimes (when i lived in a cold place) and remember how the bloodflow was intense after that and how it helped me to stay warm throughout the day.

Water strips off any natural oil I may have and can cause micro fissures that result in major irritation.
Also very interesting, i never thought about this but think this might be a reason why i often prefer jelqing to waterpumping. Might have to just oil after the pump to feel less dried out and not feel irritated from the microlesions. Even thou just a small thing you pointed out, i am surprised how important it can be.
Are you suggesting that going in fully erect would help prevent water-retention in the penis?
By having your penis at full erection as the pressure goes past 3.5inHg, the average erection internal pressure, as you use the vacuum pressure to expand your internal chambers and introduce more blood, you are preventing vacuum pressure from pulling and depositing unnecessary fluid under the skin layers, or the fascias.

Im not sure if this is accurate, but i perceive it the following way: if i have a good session, meaning good warm up, penis' whole tissue seems to be well moldable and stretchable without much antagonism, and i get a good vacuum, (meaning i feel the stretching/pain in the whole penis, not just the base) in those times, the fluid-buildup is less, and the stretch is more. So i guess im trying to say: i think the qualitatively better (and i guess also the stronger) the vacuum, the less fluid builds up.
That is correct.

Can you explain how you come to this conclusion or is there something i could read that refers to this theory?
It's not a theory. It's confirmed through observations based on physical, biological, biochemical, and medical journals.

Let's bring biology session into the mix. When you take a bath, within 10 minutes with warm or hot water close to your core temperature, your body begins absorbing water because of optimal migration of fluid through cellular membranes. If the water is too cold or too hot, the body attempts to under hypoosmotic or osmotic rejection to prevent thermal loss or thermal gains, either cooling down or heating up your core temperature higher than the optimal range. Ever looking at your toes and fingers after 10 minutes of a warm bath? That's a sign of hyperosmotic. Notice how your penis hangs out further and your glans becomes more prune like similar to your fingers and toes? Ah..if you ever jump into a cold pool, lake, or ocean, your penis reteacts into the body to prevent thermal loss.

Because your cells are absorbing water to migrate from external to internal blood stream, the fluid volume rises. Here's an experiment for you to do to understand this odd biological phenomenon. Don't drink water. Go to a spa or have yourself a nice hot bath. Stay in the hot water close to your core temp for about 3 hours. Once you get up, your core temperature reach an influx temperature due to evaporative cooling. Sit around the cool area for about 30 minutes. You will notice you want to urinate, but you know that you did not drink any water. Think about this phenomenon for a moment and you understand why your PE with warm water can have strange effects. Add vacuum pressure to warm water, and you essentially expedite the amount of water absorption.

What you call Contrast bath therapy i know under the name of Scottish shower. I have never tried it for the warm-down after a session, but now that you mentioned it it totally makes sense. I did it sometimes (when i lived in a cold place) and remember how the bloodflow was intense after that and how it helped me to stay warm throughout the day.
Combine that method to PE, and you'll be surprised on the amount of EQ you get.EQ is essentially the optimal blood flow based on constant and rising blood pressure.

Also very interesting, i never thought about this but think this might be a reason why i often prefer jelqing to waterpumping. Might have to just oil after the pump to feel less dried out and not feel irritated from the microlesions. Even thou just a small thing you pointed out, i am surprised how important it can be.
This brotherhood will provide info that most brotherhoods don't like to talk about. This brotherhood reinforced sciences and experiences together as a single piece of wisdom of the ages for PE journey.

However, jelqing alone is not enough. We have to add that extra layer of pressure to exceed the potential of restrictive jelqing methods.
now thinking about it.
is there updated "firm"ware for pumping with bathmate?
i took a long pause (3 years) and seems like alot changed since then.

i started doing it twice a day morning and afternoon. sometimes just mornings if i dont have time.
1 with warm water and then second and third with air. each about 5 minutes.
buti feel like it contracted.
it feels more dense but smaller and i dont get much expansion anymore like i used to. what is happening ?
this happened after first time with bathmate water pumping and still there weeks later
By having your penis at full erection as the pressure goes past 3.5inHg, the average erection internal pressure, as you use the vacuum pressure to expand your internal chambers and introduce more blood, you are preventing vacuum pressure from pulling and depositing unnecessary fluid under the skin layers, or the fascias.

That is correct.

It's not a theory. It's confirmed through observations based on physical, biological, biochemical, and medical journals.

Let's bring biology session into the mix. When you take a bath, within 10 minutes with warm or hot water close to your core temperature, your body begins absorbing water because of optimal migration of fluid through cellular membranes. If the water is too cold or too hot, the body attempts to under hypoosmotic or osmotic rejection to prevent thermal loss or thermal gains, either cooling down or heating up your core temperature higher than the optimal range. Ever looking at your toes and fingers after 10 minutes of a warm bath? That's a sign of hyperosmotic. Notice how your penis hangs out further and your glans becomes more prune like similar to your fingers and toes? Ah..if you ever jump into a cold pool, lake, or ocean, your penis reteacts into the body to prevent thermal loss.

Because your cells are absorbing water to migrate from external to internal blood stream, the fluid volume rises. Here's an experiment for you to do to understand this odd biological phenomenon. Don't drink water. Go to a spa or have yourself a nice hot bath. Stay in the hot water close to your core temp for about 3 hours. Once you get up, your core temperature reach an influx temperature due to evaporative cooling. Sit around the cool area for about 30 minutes. You will notice you want to urinate, but you know that you did not drink any water. Think about this phenomenon for a moment and you understand why your PE with warm water can have strange effects. Add vacuum pressure to warm water, and you essentially expedite the amount of water absorption.

Combine that method to PE, and you'll be surprised on the amount of EQ you get.EQ is essentially the optimal blood flow based on constant and rising blood pressure.

This brotherhood will provide info that most brotherhoods don't like to talk about. This brotherhood reinforced sciences and experiences together as a single piece of wisdom of the ages for PE journey.

However, jelqing alone is not enough. We have to add that extra layer of pressure to exceed the potential of restrictive jelqing methods.
Jelqing is a primarily a basic exercise but it is a good start from scratch. From there build up to pumping. Never use a clamp it will wreck you progress
Okay, wife is not letting me to go sleep with her crazy social media madness. So, I might as well put something together for pumping using water comparison to air. This is just a discussion and not to put air down, or hyping water pumping method. Each brother has his own preferences as some can see more effective gains through air than water. However, we'll focus on water at the moment based on the findings so far. Let's do a collective of info what had been discussed so far.

There are always benefits for using water and air. Air is clean, easy to deal with, and can be done any time, anywhere, any pumping unit. Water, well, it's messy until you can do it well, but don't just write it off yet. It's actually much more effective than air in many ways. Let's dive into it. This is not a comprehensive discussion, but enough to give you an eagle's eyes point of view. We'll dive into much greater perspectives of subtopics when needed. The discussion is in layman's level. We can go into complex terminologies if you want, but we have to take account for all brothers around the world that read the discussion.

Uniformity of pressure:
First thing we have to understand, air can be compressed further under higher pressure. Water cannot. What does this mean? When we switch from air to water, don't think that 3 inhg (~76 mmHg) is the same for air as in water. 3 inHg to 3.5 inHg is commonly the clinical measured pressure for young healthy internal pressure for a 100% erection. Some goes up to 4.5 inHg (114 mmHg). You'll be surprised as you approach 5 inHg (127 mmHg) where the expansion magic begins as the internal expansion reach about 50% greater than the normal erection pressure, which is between 5 inHg and 5.5 inHg. We're basing on the spread average of erections at 3.5 inHg.

Controlling of Hot Spots:
What is a hot spot? It's an area where expansion can occur. This happens quite frequent when using air. Air can further be compressed, that means the penile body can have bulges anywhere and everywhere where the tissues are soft and easily influence by the vacuum pressure. Since water cannot compress any further, the pressure of water pushes against the penile body and reduces the chances of the bulges from expanding on their own. This doesn't mean its stop the bulges from happening. It reduces overall. The best thing to compare this phenomenon to is a tire inner tube and the outer tire. If you pump up the inner tube by itself, there are thinning spots along the inner tube that can suddenly expand without any control. But if the inner tube sits inside the tire, the tire acts as a barrier to reduce the likely chance the thinning spots from bulging out. Water acts just like the tire, and your penis is the inner tube.

Internal Expansion Influences:
Air has a more relaxed vacuum pressure than water. That results in less internal pressure influences. Since air can pull hard on the outer epidermal layer of the penis (the top layer of the skin), fluid tends to accumulate faster as the fluid being pulled towards the surface skin of the penis. The fluid comes from the blood (combination of normal fluid in the blood and small amount of plasma) and the local fluid already existing in and between the cell spaces.

When using water, since water medium is pushing against the penis on the outside on the epidermal (outer layer of the skin), while the blood volume forces against the dermal (low layer of the skin), the blood volume that causes the penis to expand forces the internal corpa cavernosa and spongiosum (the blood chambers) is more efficient and effective with minimal amount of fluid build up in the epidermal layer of the penis. This is comparing minute-to-minute pumping for water vs air. You pump too long under high vacuum pressure for water, you'll get the fluid build-up in your penis because your erection is not fully form and too much pressure influence on the soften epidermal layer. In other words, your skin is being soften too much under water and your cells are taking in water (hyper osmotic). This is where. This is where Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) helps with the removal of hyperosmotic cells.

Temperature influences for hyper expansion:
When pumping, we advised to warm up your tissues either through heating media (warm rice sock or heating blower/pad) or pre-exercises such as Slow Squash Jelq to make your tissues malleable to optimal expansion. However, using warm water, you can simply skip that pre-warm up and go straight into pumping. Warm water can be be 95F (35C) to hot water at 105F (40.5C). Going up to and past 110F (43.3C) can cause the sensitive penile skin to be thermally scolded. Not a good thing for a first degree burn.

When the tissues are nice and malleable, the faster and more effective the expansion. The body doesn't have to work harder to provide warmth to the penis, and the transport of blood can be more efficient in delivering oxygenated blood and the repairing materials to the penis during the expansion routine.

Some brothers like to use cold water shock method to improve blood circulation after a warm water expansion, or and alternating method. This is a great way to promote great blood flow which has been proven all around the world where spa users go from hot to cold water and back to hot to promote blood flow. You can read up on this from any search engine. Look up for "Contrast bath therapy". This has been in practices for over 3 millennia. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

For those who want to go one step further, look up on ionic energy exchange from warm and hot water for cellular enthalpy processes, which promotes more effective and efficient use of cellular activity energy to enhance repairs and duplication processes. The warmer the environment close to the body temperature core, the less cost on energy overall to provide for higher cellular activities. This ease the body's the burden of diverting important energy from other valuable places, such as the brain, heart, lungs, etc. Think about your phone uses the battery more effectively with optimizing software in a warmer environment, instead of the cold environment where the energy is need to warm up the device's components and keeping the battery from draining because of thermal degradation. Your body is one larger thermalized battery and complex organic system.

One vs the other:
There's no one method that is better than the other. Why? Each brother will use the method and can turn the method into the best approach for optimal gains. I do not use one over the other. I use both. There are days where my glans becomes too soften due to over usages of water, or if the water contains some harsh disinfectants that cause my skin to be irritated. I switch over to air for a few days to find out what's going on with the water supply. There are days my glans skin got too much abuse, and I need my glans to be covered with ointment while I pump. Water strips off any natural oil I may have and can cause micro fissures that result in major irritation.

So, there's no one is absolutely better than the other. There is one that is more preferred than the other. Both have benefits and negatives. This is where you must select your own approach for optimal gains.
Dude! You just keep bringing the HEAT!
First water pumping session complete, there is a difference. I like the water pumping đź‘Ť
First water pumping session complete, there is a difference. I like the water pumping đź‘Ť
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