Permanent pumping discolouration


Sep 21, 2015
Hello brothers,

Haven’t been on the forums for awhile but it’s good to be back. I’ve been keeping up with pe for the last little while with Manual work, hanging and pumping. I would do pumping session with 2 sets of 7.5-8 minutes with about 3-5 minutes between sets. After awhile of doing this I would notice bruising but the day after it would be gone. This was up until recently. I noticed that one day the bruising didn’t go away so I took about a week of. Bruising subsided a bit but was still there, so I decided to take more time off. It’s been about 2.5-3 weeks since I’ve last pumped (still doing manual stretching and hanging) and the bruising still hasn’t gone away fully. If I start pumping again will it make this bruising worse or will it stay about the same? Because I want to start doing girth work again as soon as possible (I now realized that I was doing too long of sets and not enough rest between sets and not enough SSJs and massaging between sets, when I start pumping again I’m going to make sure that I take extra precaution)

Thanks bros!
I know with any intense girth work like squeezes and clamping, some darkening is going to happen. It fades some over time, but your penis will likely keep a tan.
I know with any intense girth work like squeezes and clamping, some darkening is going to happen. It fades some over time, but your penis will likely keep a tan.

Ya i don't mind a little bit of a tan but it is still a little purple and its been almost a month now. Do you think I should start pumping again? (this time ill be more pre cautious though, taking more time between sets, doing shorter sets and massaging my dick out better between sets)
The new MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY lamps will destroy discoloration if you use a light formula of alpha hydroxy. Apply this to the penis and stay under the lamp in dual mode for about 15 minutes at a time about 6 inches from your penis. You could also use apple cider vinegar which is going to be much safer and should give similar results
i appreciate the recommendations DLD. By using apple cider vinegar do you mean drinking it or rubbing it on my penis?
You do not drink it LOL you put it on your penis. So basically get a glass of apple cider vinegar and dip your penis in it then turn on your lamp and relax for 10 to 15 minutes each day and the discoloration will go away in no time. It’s important to use the MOSred on the dual setting.
Yes, topical usage for discoloration. But as @Sycheaus mentioned it can be enjoyed internally. I've used a metal straw to drink my ACV drinks as in not to stress my teeth and gums too much.
For some straight up ACV can be too strong so I would consider diluting it a bit with water.
(A 50 / 50 mixture is pretty safe.) Be safe! :)
Just man up and take a swig from your bottle of Braggs every morning, FIRST THING! ??I like to add a good amount to my juice when I'm pressing FRESH. Ginger, Kale, Apple, Carrot, Orange, Beets, Braggs.

If you drink that first thing in the morning, it wakes you up quicker than 2 cups of coffee and a hot shower!

The health benefits are great!!

I would recommend a high quality skin oil, Vit E, Argon, Castor, etc, as well as an Aloe Vera gel. Apply 2-3 times daily. This will heal any nicks, scratches, and dry skin on the surface. With regular application, it works further into the skin, giving you great benefits. Cocoa Butter and Shea added to this will also increase the effectiveness of reducing stretch marks, dark spots, discoloration, etc.


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The newest way to treat discoloration is using the MOSRed with an apple cider vinegar. The acids work with the Infared to go deep into your dermal layer and release stagnant blood that causes the darkening.
Bout 2 inches of my cock is really dark.Always considered it growth marks.

I have always accepted scars and discoloration as part of the journey. We have new methods today of preventing and curing discoloration. The fastest method today would be the MOSRed used with a 50/50 water/alpha-hydroxy. Apply a light layer to the skin and use the lamp to do It’s thing and lighten the skin. Be careful with this because alpha hydroxy used as a 100% cream will cause burns on the skin. It is vital to go one part water with one part alpha hydroxy. I used this method years and years ago before PE to rid my skin of discoloration caused by a skin disorder. The lamp I used at the time was very weak in comparison to what we have today.
Guys, I have the same discoloration. I've made great results in the last months , gained 0.75"in length with a nice increase in girth.

I started to massage the discolored skin and use regular vinegar and not apple cider vinegar, I suppose this would work as well? or should it be apple cider vinegar?
I don’t mind the darkening but I don’t like the splotchyness. On the one side.
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