New to Bathmate


Aug 7, 2018
I just tested out my bathmate hercules for past few days. I pump for 5 mins and dont exactly look any different after pumping. I tried going in 70% erect and flaccid, makes no difference.
Also when i put it on after filling water and pump, no water comes out of the valve, so what i have to do is put it on then open the valve, pump 2 times to push out some water and get a good seal, then i close the valve. Is it supposed to be like this ?
First, you are not doing it correctly. Read the manual that came with the Hercules. If you are not getting enough expansion it means you are not applying enough pressure.
Hmm i guess theres a learning curve. Will figure it out.
mrplayer1984;n1816061 said:
Hmm i guess theres a learning curve. Will figure it out.

Indeed there is but you will find your groove quickly. Start out slow and work up to your maximum vacuum. If this is not enough you can add a winevac to increase intensity.
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