Modest improvement


May 3, 2006
Hi to those to those who read this. I'm not proud or even comfortable with myself. I've been diagnosed dy 3 seperate physiologists with Body dysmorphic disorder, directly realting to the appearance to my penis. I dont look at mine eather directly or in mirrors because I don't like the look of it when flaccid & even less when erect at 5 1/2" because I have a curve to the left starting 1/2 way along the shaft.
My goal is to reduce the curve & hopfully be as realistically stright, when I manualy strighten it gives me an extra 1/2" of erect Length. Any more will be a bonus.

I'm not new to trying to improve myself. Spent quite a bit of money in the past between nodded streachers with a nose behind the glans & a Penimaster Pro set up. I'm not here to bag them out, if they work for you than all power to you. For me they did not, for me they were uncomfortable, painfully & quite frankly unless I worked outside the recommended tensions I couldn't feel any streach what so ever.

I'm not the youngest of people & to be fair if I found the length master 14 or 15 years ago I may have achieved my goals by now.

I brought a second hand Length Master(LENGTHMASTER) due to a Body dysmorphic forum & this man was only two blocks away from me. He claimed the LM helped make a 2" gain & he gave me quite a demo & helped me put it on (that's bit of a weird experence in its own)
He used a set of cheap luggage scales (the ones you hang luggage from) to make sure the tension is where he wants it.
Any way he used to work up to 2kg's & he said it was just starting to be unfortable for him. For me however I didn't feel any tension until 5kg's & felt I could go further. (Never felt a streach like that using any other streacher.

Today I picked up the LENGTHMASTER & used it on my own for the first time. I used the luggage scales to make sure I wasn't trying too hard. I only got a 180 twist both ways.
For an all day streacher I'm going to use a silicone sleeve, I've read wrapping is more effective but a sleeve will be easer for me. A soft one lasts me 3 weeks & once I have two of them I double them up. To put more rigidity to them again. I'd like to go a stuffer one but to put it behind the edge of the glans I have trouble getting it over said glans. They will add an extra 1 1/2" to the flaccid Length for 20 > 22 hours every day.

Any way that's me. I'm happy to receive any help / suggestions you can pass my way thank you very much

All the best with your progress, l know you'll get to where you want to be. Your Reward will equal your sacrifice & effort.

Non Bone Pressed Penis Erect Length
Hi to those to those who read this. I'm not proud or even comfortable with myself.
We pursue PE because we want something more. We are here to help you to resume.

I've been diagnosed dy 3 seperate physiologists with Body dysmorphic disorder, directly realting to the appearance to my penis.
Noted. We will focus around the condition and attempt to help.

I dont look at mine eather directly or in mirrors because I don't like the look of it when flaccid & even less when erect at 5 1/2" because I have a curve to the left starting 1/2 way along the shaft.
My goal is to reduce the curve & hopfully be as realistically stright, when I manualy strighten it gives me an extra 1/2" of erect Length. Any more will be a bonus.
We will center in getting it back straight and add more length in the process. You have to be consistent on the regiment.

I'm not new to trying to improve myself. Spent quite a bit of money in the past between nodded streachers with a nose behind the glans & a Penimaster Pro set up. I'm not here to bag them out, if they work for you than all power to you. For me they did not, for me they were uncomfortable, painfully & quite frankly unless I worked outside the recommended tensions I couldn't feel any streach what so ever.
We will find a different approach. Noose type is truly a pain. Never system with vacuum cups are much more enjoyable. You might think about that. I have both. I leave my noose type to collect dust and use it once in a while to train the skin around the glans for conditioning. Overall, I stay with my vacuum system. Which system? This is where you need to do your own research to compare comforts, prices, and durability.

I'm not the youngest of people & to be fair if I found the length master 14 or 15 years ago I may have achieved my goals by now.
Most of us are old chickens. I'm way past my 50s, and will continue with my PE until both feet are in the grave.

I brought a second hand Length Master(LM) due to a Body dysmorphic forum & this man was only two blocks away from me. He claimed the LM helped make a 2" gain & he gave me quite a demo & helped me put it on (that's bit of a weird experence in its own)
He used a set of cheap luggage scales (the ones you hang luggage from) to make sure the tension is where he wants it.
Any way he used to work up to 2kg's & he said it was just starting to be unfortable for him. For me however I didn't feel any tension until 5kg's & felt I could go further. (Never felt a streach like that using any other streacher.
Not sure which design model you have. Mind providing us the photo of the LENGTHMASTER you have? This allows us to suggest for optimization through light mods.

Today I picked up the LM & used it on my own for the first time. I used the luggage scales to make sure I wasn't trying too hard. I only got a 180 twist both ways.
For an all day streacher I'm going to use a silicone sleeve, I've read wrapping is more effective but a sleeve will be easer for me. A soft one lasts me 3 weeks & once I have two of them I double them up. To put more rigidity to them again. I'd like to go a stuffer one but to put it behind the edge of the glans I have trouble getting it over said glans. They will add an extra 1 1/2" to the flaccid Length for 20 > 22 hours every day.
Wow. You're going for Spartan mode. Just me, I suggest do perform a 30 minutes LENGTHMASTER routines focus on tissue priming. Priming is essential to soften up the plague or scarring tissues into a malleable form for secondary growth. The question is, can you place the plates at the base of the glans but still allow bend to be outside of the plates for the LM? I'm assuming the LM is closer to the newer model with the plates. If not, we can centralize the routine using the Power Assist ring.

Any way that's me. I'm happy to receive any help / suggestions you can pass my way thank you very much

All the best with your progress, l know you'll get to where you want to be. Your Reward will equal your sacrifice & effort.

Non Bone Pressed Penis Erect Length
We are here for you brother. Once a brother, always a brother of the brotherhood.
We pursue PE because we want something more. We are here to help you to resume.

Noted. We will focus around the condition and attempt to help.

We will center in getting it back straight and add more length in the process. You have to be consistent on the regiment.

We will find a different approach. Noose type is truly a pain. Never system with vacuum cups are much more enjoyable. You might think about that. I have both. I leave my noose type to collect dust and use it once in a while to train the skin around the glans for conditioning. Overall, I stay with my vacuum system. Which system? This is where you need to do your own research to compare comforts, prices, and durability.

Most of us are old chickens. I'm way past my 50s, and will continue with my PE until both feet are in the grave.

Not sure which design model you have. Mind providing us the photo of the LM you have? This allows us to suggest for optimization through light mods.

Wow. You're going for Spartan mode. Just me, I suggest do perform a 30 minutes LM routines focus on tissue priming. Priming is essential to soften up the plague or scarring tissues into a malleable form for secondary growth. The question is, can you place the plates at the base of the glans but still allow bend to be outside of the plates for the LM? I'm assuming the LM is closer to the newer model with the plates. If not, we can centralize the routine using the Power Assist ring.

We are here for you brother. Once a brother, always a brother of the brotherhood.
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