James40221 - Building a Big Cock


liberal boy lover #free
Oct 13, 2020
Starting a journey to a monster dick. I have never done PE in my life and never knew it existed. I found this website about a month ago and have been motivated and impressed by the gains and journeys of the people here. It has motivated me to get myself a length master and a SiliStretcher, to tool myself up for my tool.
Starting stats

16.5 cm bpel
13.5 cm eg

my goal is
23cm el
16.5 cm eg

all help prayers and good thoughts appreciated. Thanks for being an inspiring group of people.

my routing will be length first then girth. I want to work up to 2x daily with the length master with 4-6 hours per day inthe silistretcher. I am expecting 2 years of hard work to gain 2 inches in length and 1 inch in girth.I am going to be working the newbie routine. I am not able to do all the stretches in a set yet as my logs are super tight. Looking forward to the workout tips and tricks. Let’s get some gains!
I love this! I’m pleased that you’re going for length first because you have all the equipment you need to do the full length portion of the SRT. I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to read through SRT but I suggest you do and once you have come back and ask any questions you may have. At that point I can help you put a routine together that will fit into your schedule and utilize the equipment you have in the best way. Let me know

And I will be praying for you my brother that Jesus is looking over you and helping you get the work done you need to get done to get where you want to go. Trust in God and put in the work. Jesus wants nothing better for you than you making the most of what he is giving you.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I have read through the srt thread and love the idea behind it. So far the questions I have is how long does it take to get conditioned to PE. I am using the length master and focusing on effective stretches and I am sore for 2 days afterword. Also I have 2 thrombosed veins I am treating and I think it is because I am cramping to hard in the LENGTHMASTER. Thanks for all the help
Thanks for the warm welcome. I have read through the srt thread and love the idea behind it. So far the questions I have is how long does it take to get conditioned to PE. I am using the length master and focusing on effective stretches and I am sore for 2 days afterword. Also I have 2 thrombosed veins I am treating and I think it is because I am cramping to hard in the lm. Thanks for all the help

Wow, I’m so sorry my brother about the thrombosis but it happens to the best of us and we learn from it. I’m very happy that you’re focused on your LENGTHMASTER work as this is the most powerful way to gain length. How are you wrapping for your LENGTHMASTER work? I wanna make sure you don’t get any more issues with thrombosis.
I am wrapping using the small durosleeve and the Coban I am still experimenting and will use an ace wrap with the durosleeve overtop today
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I am wrapping using the small durosleeve and the Coban I am still experimenting and will use an ace wrap with the durosleeve overtop today

that’s what it’s all about James, experimenting in finding what works best for you. That’s the main reason I started a wrapping forum because there were so many different styles of wrapping. So make your own and add to the collection but you’ll get it just remain patient with yourself.
The wrapping with the durosleeve and the ace worked great. It was the first time I really got an intense stretch with the LENGTHMASTER. I am on able to go 2 rounds of 2 newbie stretches today with 3 hours in the silistretcher gonna have to work up to 2 rounds of full newbie stretches. I know I grew today yippee
The wrapping with the durosleeve and the ace worked great. It was the first time I really got an intense stretch with the lengthmaster. I am on able to go 2 rounds of 2 newbie stretches today with 3 hours in the silistretcher gonna have to work up to 2 rounds of full newbie stretches. I know I grew today yippee

this is such incredible news and I’m so glad you asked for help or you would never have gotten to this point. I hope other brothers see that asking questions can be extremely beneficial. As you continue with the LENGTHMASTER you’re going to find such intense stretches that they will blow your mind.
Update I spent last week getting into the LENGTHMASTER amazing. I was able to do 2 30 minute workouts for 3 days 1 30 minute workout for the other 2 days and at least 4-6 hours in the silistretcher. I then use the silisleeve for another 3 hours after that to cement gains. How important is it to sleep with the silo sleeve on? I am thinking about making that jump but don’t know yet?
I want to get to 2 30 minute workouts with 4 hours silistretcher throughout the day for 5 days this week. The 5 days on 2 days off seem to work or me. I keep the silo sleeve on as much as I can through the weekend and let my sore dick heal. I am continuing to focus on each stretch making them more intense and longer. I am getting addicted to the LENGTHMASTER like no other and miss it on the weekends, but this will keep me hungry for results. This week is going to be big gains for me. Let’s get growing
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This all sounds great and I want to give you a little bit of advice on keeping stretch marks at bay. Get yourself a tube of hydrocortisone And use that every day after you train and stretch marks will not happen.

I am so happy that you’re enjoying the LENGTHMASTER it is like the carnival of PE tools. I tell every single brother was the first place they should spend their money is on a LENGTHMASTER
Last week did 1 workout per day with length master and sili stretcher at least 5 hours per day. The soreness definitely has set in but working through it. I am getting to a point of sustainable work. 5 days on 2 days off seems ideal to let me heal.
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Last week did 1 workout per day with length master and sili stretcher at least 5 hours per day. The soreness definitely has set in but working through it. I am getting to a point of sustainable work. 5 days on 2 days off seems ideal to let me heal.

Is the soreness mostly around your base of your penis?
Yes and also in the shaft. It feels like I have worked out super hard on my dick. I think it is normal, it goes away after my 2 days off.

on a second note I have been studying long stretch work and am very impressed. I have decided this week to start measuring for percent of strain during my workouts. I will post the results at the end of the week. Do you know of any other newbies who have done this I would like to compare data?
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I started to follow longstretch lead and measure percent of strain for my 5 days on. I actually put a dot right below my head to have an accurate measurment placement for each measurement. I start off by measuring my starting measurement then beginning with my ss for at least one hour. I use a rice sock to heat and cool for a coupe of rounds to warm up. I take my second measurement right before my LENGTHMASTER workout which lasts 40 minutes. I take my third measurement after that workout and back in SS. I take the last measurement after 1 hour in silistretcher. It is amazing to see where the gains come from. I have actually changed my routine to have 45 second stretches in the LENGTHMASTER to take advantage of time under tension. I plan to update this log weekly. Here is my data starting after 2 days off.

measured in mm
12.0 12.75. 13.2. 13.2. 10%
13.0. 13.5. 13.7. 13.8. 6.1%
13.7. 14.1. 14.2. 14.2. 3.6%
13.7. 14.2. 14.4. 14.5. 5.8%
13.8. 14.0. 14.6. 14.6

The first 12mm is asterisked as I was playing with measurement point so I would say I was starting at 12.5. These are definitely newbie gains as I have just started and have never done this before.

I like this method as it gives me an idea if my exercises are effective. Till next week
I started to follow longstretch lead and measure percent of strain for my 5 days on. I actually put a dot right below my head to have an accurate measurment placement for each measurement. I start off by measuring my starting measurement then beginning with my ss for at least one hour. I use a rice sock to heat and cool for a coupe of rounds to warm up. I take my second measurement right before my LM workout which lasts 40 minutes. I take my third measurement after that workout and back in SS. I take the last measurement after 1 hour in silistretcher. It is amazing to see where the gains come from. I have actually changed my routine to have 45 second stretches in the lengthmaster to take advantage of time under tension. I plan to update this log weekly. Here is my data starting after 2 days off.

measured in mm
12.0 12.75. 13.2. 13.2. 10%
13.0. 13.5. 13.7. 13.8. 6.1%
13.7. 14.1. 14.2. 14.2. 3.6%
13.7. 14.2. 14.4. 14.5. 5.8%
13.8. 14.0. 14.6. 14.6

The first 12mm is asterisked as I was playing with measurement point so I would say I was starting at 12.5. These are definitely newbie gains as I have just started and have never done this before.

I like this method as it gives me an idea if my exercises are effective. Till next week

I’m very pleased that you’re using this method because long stretch never finished so it’s gonna be great to have somebody take up the torch and see where you can go with this. When I first started thinking about it I didn’t really understand it but as time went on it started to make more and more sense. Definitely give it a shot and keep really good track
I just encounters my first setback of blistered from the silistretcher. I will bacitracin for a few days and see how it works. My silica broke on me and I think this was the issue. I will have to see if hanging will allow me to continue the consistent stretch for a week. Adapt and overcome the journey continues
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I just encounters my first setback of blistered from the silistretcher. I will bacitracin for a few days and see how it works. My silica broke on me and I think this was the issue. I will have to see if hanging will allow me to continue the consistent stretch for a week. Adapt and overcome the journey continues

Yes you can continue to stretch flaccid with no problems. Allow the blisters to drain on their own, do not pop them. Use a hot compress 2 to 3 times a day and it will drain on it’s own very quickly. I say don’t poppet because if you do you’ll end up with a scar. I know it’s frustrating but be patient, use the hot compress and bacitracin and you’ll be back in shape in no time
Numbers for this week I had to take Thursday off due to conflict so only have 4 days of data.
This also concludes my first month and I will include measurements at the end

13.6. 14.1. 14.4. 14.4. 5.08
13.7. 14.4. 14.5. 14.7. 7.29
13.8. 14.6. 14.7. 14.7. 6.5
13.8. 14.5. 14.7. 15.0. 8.69

bpfl as of today = 19
Bpel as of today = 18

gain of 1.5 cm el
Gain 2.5 cm fl

I think a lot of this is due to newby gains but gains are coming. I am not going to analyze the day as there are only 2 weeks of it. I have been consistent with my silistretcher and LENGTHMASTER only 1xdaily. Sometimes I get gains from the silistretcher sometimes from the lengthmastech. Looking forward to another 4 weeks with Friday updates.
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Congratulations on the growth! You must feel great and my advice is to take that feeling and ride it into the next gain you make. As a newbie once we see growth our resolve becomes very firm and the realization will bring much enthusiasm to training.
Starting month 2 goals will be
Bpfl of 22 a 3 cm growth
Bpel of 20 cm a 2 cm growth

these are significant gains but I do not want to limit myself by my bias. Once these numbers are attained i will start developing a girth routine using the same principles of time under tension and percent stretch. The am going to rework my sleeves on the weekend to keep extended at least 8 hours per day to minimize my healing loss. This should give me more to work with as a starting point and in theory I keep the percentage of strains the same my gains will increase. I will keep all updated as I go. Let’s get some gains, 2021 year of big gains
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