If You Use Viagra Read This Please


Sep 26, 2007
Hey guys,
I seem to have a slight dysfunction problem and want to try the viagra, I went to the site in the sticky, however I have no credit cards and they do not accept money orders. I was wondering if any of you could put a pill in an envelope and send it to me so I can try? I will send you the 5 bucks or whatever it costs in cash.... Thanks, I hope this is not against any rules.... My only other option is to seek a prescription from a urologist and I have no health insurance, plus I wanted to avoid the embarressment of it.... I see no reason why sending me one pill to try wouldnt be a reasonable request.... thanks again
I am almost certain what you are asking is a violation of forum rules. However, that link in the sticky is a scam, so do not fall for it. Some guys sound like they lost money if you read the whole thread, so I don't know why it hasn't been taken down.
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