Help !!!

This all sounds like it's in your head mostly. Putting high expectations on yourself to perform. PE Training yourself to perform a certain way and when you finally get the pussy and it didn't workout as expected. It all came crashing down as a failure. Well, it's not, it's just told you what doesn't work for you.

@the boss! is probably correct. Your unit is fatigued from your PE training and couldn't stand up to your expectations when it was time to perfrom. As he recommended, take a couple days off from PE training to reenergized your unit.

When it comes to sex, enjoy the person. It's not about busting nuts and taking names; that's the mentality of �naked people movies�. It's about trust and making a initmate connection with the person. Stop worrying about how well you're performing. Women care more about the attentiveness at first than jumping straight to banging the shit out of her; only sluts do that.

Do prolong foreplay, kiss her, make out with, explore her body with a soft caress all over, fondled her tits, rub her ass, play with her pussy ask her does she like her tits rubbed, her ass, her hair pulled, whatever you're doing to her. The ironic thing is, she is going through the same shit you are, worrying and nervous about her performance. Thoughts running through her head, is she thin enough, my ass or tits big enough, is she wet enough, his dick isn't hard, don't I arouse him.

Sex starts between the ears way before it starts between the legs. Get your mind (big head) set first before you dive in with your little head. With 15-20 minutes of foreplay, both of you will be ready to fuck each other brains out.

Leave the viagra alone, it will eventually become a psychologoical crutch for you to have sex.
It is actually in my head i was in the day before it in the shower after I finished my routine saying damn thank god I don’t have an ED problem and it’s now in my head more and more after yesterday i feel like there’s a lot of pressure I don’t trust my penis anymore this is why i was talking about the viagra but I don’t think I’ll take any it’s too risky , i did all of that the foreplay and makeout and everything at start i had a u can say 75% erect penis but after that it went away because i was literally the one doing the work like everything before this day i used to keep my erection through the whole foreplay even if the girls don’t touch it you know anyway i hope it works for me and thank you for your advice
Sometimes fatigue can cause s lack of erection. When this happens it can cause mind tricks on us thinking we damaged something and this mental state can seem like something physical is wrong. I agree with Boss that you need to get good sleep and allow yourself to heal properly. In the beginning of pe these are typical pitfalls and can really be scary. Viagra will not help you unless you truly have good libido and I think that will require you to realize nothing is sexually wrong with you abd that this is more than likely experiencing fatigue. Give yourself a break and allow the fatigue to go away. Sometimes all we need is rest. Viagra will be good to have on hand once things have settled. It is great not only for sex but training girth.
So you said take two and I’m literally super afraid to even take one I’m afraid because what if i had to take viagra everytime then this is why

Do not take two. Wait for a return to solid libido and when you do go with the smallest dose you can always increase that
My friend righ there is not actually understanding what’s going here haha. DLD said, I said it haha,

bro stop overthinking. Just rest !

Any dick being stroke 2500 a day, for multiple days in a row! Is going to not want sex

ERECTIONS are electrochemical signals, is not just blood pumping, is a whole series of chemical and electrical chain of events throughout the body.

please just rest, and it’s fine if you also wanna pop a viagra as a quick fix in a few days,I said in a few days not tomorrow cause you’re still gonna perform like shit brother.

REST! ;)
My friend righ there is not actually understanding what’s going here haha. DLD said, I said it haha,

bro stop overthinking. Just rest !

Any dick being stroke 2500 a day, for multiple days in a row! Is going to not want sex

ERECTIONS are electrochemical signals, is not just blood pumping, is a whole series of chemical and electrical chain of events throughout the body.

please just rest, and it’s fine if you also wanna pop a viagra as a quick fix in a few days,I said in a few days not tomorrow cause you’re still gonna perform like shit brother.

REST! ;)

There should not be fear of resting as it is part of the growth process of healing.
Sometimes fatigue can cause s lack of erection. When this happens it can cause mind tricks on us thinking we damaged something and this mental state can seem like something physical is wrong. I agree with Boss that you need to get good sleep and allow yourself to heal properly. In the beginning of pe these are typical pitfalls and can really be scary. Viagra will not help you unless you truly have good libido and I think that will require you to realize nothing is sexually wrong with you abd that this is more than likely experiencing fatigue. Give yourself a break and allow the fatigue to go away. Sometimes all we need is rest. Viagra will be good to have on hand once things have settled. It is great not only for sex but training girth.
You’re right DLD i had so many problems on top of each other but the main one is i never took a rest day I should’ve took one at least in the last 10 days to heal and I increased my jelqing from 200 to 400 in like a week but the main thing is the stroking shit i was doing because I remembered i was stroking so hard from my penis head to its base like HARD this might made a problem because yesterday i felt like a vain pain if you know what i mean you sometimes feel like an inside pain , I’ll let it rest and see what’s gonna be hopefully i won’t need any viagras I’m still young for them
My friend righ there is not actually understanding what’s going here haha. DLD said, I said it haha,

bro stop overthinking. Just rest !

Any dick being stroke 2500 a day, for multiple days in a row! Is going to not want sex

ERECTIONS are electrochemical signals, is not just blood pumping, is a whole series of chemical and electrical chain of events throughout the body.

please just rest, and it’s fine if you also wanna pop a viagra as a quick fix in a few days,I said in a few days not tomorrow cause you’re still gonna perform like shit brother.

REST! ;)
Will do, i slept from 12:30 AM till 4:30AM and and then from 6:30am till 10:00 am when i woke up i had kinda of erection , I’ll take this pill the herb pill i told u about the one that fix sex drive and hope for the best 🙏🏼
What you are describing is all in your head, over-thinking, body and performance anxiety, what if scenarios, You probably didn't even enjoy being with the girl and wanted to leave the scene soon as possible. Sex is not about bustin' nutz and taking names.

How long have you known this girl?
Tbh when i saw my dick ain’t working i was literally like hiding this made me so uncomfortable and she thought I wasn’t hard because I wasn’t attracted to her , everything i did was a foreplay makeout , teasing , went down , and those stuff
This is the problem i knew this girl for almost 5 months and when the sex was going to happen my dick didn’t work + we weren’t planing on penetration tho
@RainK, you're describing anxiety and nerves from high expectation and first time jitters. Your mind was overactive with worry and overthinking which will deflate the hardest of erections everytime. When your mind in a state of worry, anxiety and overthinking the last thing the body with have is an erection. If there is a next time, you will be fine, because you know what to expect from the bad experience. Simply work on relaxing and not overthink the situation and just enjoy being with the girl; the sex will come naturally.
Bro you’re gonna confuse the guy 😅 is not mental is fatigue
Good for you with the sleep. Glad you got in some decent hours. How is your penis today?
Bro you’re gonna confuse the guy 😅 is not mental is fatigue
So yesterday I popped a viagra lol I couldn’t take an L again i just couldn’t and i felt like i had 6000 mg of caffeine that hit me like a train LMAO i liked the feeling tho i felt the blood pressure in my head and all and my shit was hard when we started bro when i tell u i went 12 hours from 9 pm to 9 am with like 1 hour of rest believe me and I didn’t even cum cuz my sensitivity is kinda gone hahahahaha , but i think it kinda worked also for my dick because till now and viagra effects goes after like 8 hours i still get hard if i touched it almost like before but i think it will need a rest for couple of days and everything would be fine also i think when i was doing the stroke thing a vain in the penis might got like closed or something but when the blood pump happened yesterday it might just opened it up back
So yesterday I popped a viagra LOL I couldn’t take an L again i just couldn’t and i felt like i had 6000 mg of caffeine that hit me like a train LMAO i liked the feeling tho i felt the blood pressure in my head and all and my shit was hard when we started bro when i tell u i went 12 hours from 9 pm to 9 am with like 1 hour of rest believe me and I didn’t even cum cuz my sensitivity is kinda gone hahahahaha , but i think it kinda worked also for my dick because till now and viagra effects goes after like 8 hours i still get hard if i touched it almost like before but i think it will need a rest for couple of days and everything would be fine also i think when i was doing the stroke thing a vain in the penis might got like closed or something but when the blood pump happened yesterday it might just opened it up back
Good to hear you are healing nicely
So yesterday I popped a viagra LOL I couldn’t take an L again i just couldn’t and i felt like i had 6000 mg of caffeine that hit me like a train LMAO i liked the feeling tho i felt the blood pressure in my head and all and my shit was hard when we started bro when i tell u i went 12 hours from 9 pm to 9 am with like 1 hour of rest believe me and I didn’t even cum cuz my sensitivity is kinda gone hahahahaha , but i think it kinda worked also for my dick because till now and viagra effects goes after like 8 hours i still get hard if i touched it almost like before but i think it will need a rest for couple of days and everything would be fine also i think when i was doing the stroke thing a vain in the penis might got like closed or something but when the blood pump happened yesterday it might just opened it up back
Told ya bro.. haha im 25 I’ve been in similar situations haha.

I’m glad it worked out! I bet she’s happy, she’ll call you back haha. She’ll talk about you!


You also have a decision, you earn a superpower, “able to never cumm” hahaha

Which for satisfying a girl is the bomb 💣

But for you is kinda fucked, cause when it happened to me, I was able to cumm but couldn’t enjoy blowjobs at all.

After I got my sensitivity back I was like: “good lit this is how blowjobs are supposed to feel like” haha

You should try pumping a little extra hard and find a sweet spot of sensitivity. I’m trying to do that!
Told ya bro.. haha im 25 I’ve been in similar situations haha.

I’m glad it worked out! I bet she’s happy, she’ll call you back haha. She’ll talk about you!


You also have a decision, you earn a superpower, “able to never cumm” hahaha

Which for satisfying a girl is the bomb 💣

But for you is kinda fucked, cause when it happened to me, I was able to cumm but couldn’t enjoy blowjobs at all.

After I got my sensitivity back I was like: “good lit this is how blowjobs are supposed to feel like” haha

You should try pumping a little extra hard and find a sweet spot of sensitivity. I’m trying to do that!
Hahahaha exactly bro i had blowjobs before and it wasn’t the same yesterday because no sensitivity but when i kinda touch my penis head like repeatedly it gets hard means there’s kinda of sensitivity still but now I’m resting and healing and taking my gincing pills
You don't always have the same level of sensitivity; there are many different factors that can affect it. Mood, Alcohol, Medication, Fatigue, Emotions, plus others. I'm just Bustin' Nutz and Takin' Names
Yeah true but tbh it’s not about bustin a nut , there’s so much than this
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