case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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yeah. its a bad deal here. BUT...things are changing. but im more confused now. a few days ago i started feeling a bit better. the past 2 days, especially yesterday, i felt absolutely better than any day yet. EVER. all day, i had several times where i hadnt even thought of my issues for an hour or so. that has NEVER happened. no tingling, pain, and most important, no uncomfortable feeling, and good feelign flaccid. which is my number 1 problem. the uncomfortableness. ive been manually rubbing it every morning to erection just to stimulate the glans the last week again, jsut to see what what results i get.
So, by doing that a few weeks ago, i used to feel pretty good all day, although it would slightly "numb" my glans. this week, i didnt get any of that numbing. everything felt pretty good. i actually had a good girth and hanging going on, and my feeling seemed better than ever and really really almost normal. night erections really good still.
Here's the unique trigger. What causes the relax of the tissues and muscles? Warmth? Heat? Relaxation of the mind that reduce overall cortisol? There are so many pathology route that puzzles even the specialists.

Then i got up this morning. things were really nice. i woke up fat and chubby . went to church, and sitting on that bench got me starting to feel kinda tight again. was pretty good till about noon. then by being in a car driving, i started getting that weird burning spot again. got out to eat later, and things kinda cleared up. then it came back a tad milder. of course then my anxiety got ahold of it and downhill its been. im now back home, and burning is mostly gone again, and i feel semi ok again.
This is one of the triggers. Pressure on the pelvic floor based on sitting positions. How far forward did you sit? How much pressure on the pelvic floor was applied upon before that burning feeling was triggered. Observe and report. Minutia observation and reporting is the key for diagnoses.

the last few days have made me feel like the weird distantness of a nerve numbness had gotten a bit better. it felt really great actually. my junk has been fairly plump again, and it didnt remind me constantly that it was touching my clothes, etc. kinda curious what the morning will bring now. other than today, its been on a whole new level of good. my glans appears a lot better now that im stimulating it with erections and light rubbing again. but i cant get over the fact that it is still so raw feeling. the color is way better now,lessy veiny even. but its really pink and "new" looking. and tender. it feels like if i were to have a good strong go at it for 30 minutes and jack off, it would burn for a week straight. it may just be that i went a little much on it this morning and need to back off to every other day. even now after the episode earlier, i feel pretty decent walking around. and i NEVER feel ok walking around. and during today when it wa burning again, the left tip of glans is "tacky" again and kinda sticks to my leg like it used to .right where it burns . so weird.
This is the tactile sensation, or phantom pain, that we've been discussing. It's no longer the pelvic flood. It's a combination. What we want to know is, "Is there blockages anywhere?"

lightly masturbating feels nothing short of amazing, but after a few minutes, you can tell the glans has had enough, and is tender, and that "seems" to trigger the light burn. so im so confused on it being a burn from tissue, or a nerve.
Pelvic floor locking is one of the reason why you're feeling a manifestation of pains and burns. That locking of muscle tissues constrict around the nerve bundles leading into your penis. Your penis have three bundles of nerves that go from your pelvic all the way to the tip of the glans, where the dorsal makes up the most of the nerves. We have to start observing and diagnosing where the source of the issues coming from.

i know this is hard to make any good sense of. i battle with it myself every day. but lets just say, currently, overall, im in the best shape and improvment ive been in to date YET. i just dont know if that means anything. i felt so good yesterday and this morning, i almost cried. but i knew better than to trust it just yet. its happened too many times. just not to this degree of improvement
The progressive improvement is an indicator that you do have a chance to recover to 90% before the HFS or similar root causes became apparent since way back in the old days. Don't just allow the issues to continue on. You must track and eliminate the root causes. Work with us by observing, experiment, and reporting what you've discovered. If you're unwilling to see specialist for medical procedures, follow the traditional holistic approach and use modern tools. Pelvic floor stimulators and relaxing tools that massage your pelvic floor muscles, while you perform reverse kegel, to observe the improvement of the symptoms.
This is the way it will happen until you completely heal. Nerve damage always takes time and will get better as time progress. So happy to hear your having good days your on your way to healing.
i have to say the last couple days were amazing. i really dont even know if thats what im supposed to feel like anymore, but its the closest thing ive encountered. what confuses me is the tender tissue of the glans .
Here's the unique trigger. What causes the relax of the tissues and muscles? Warmth? Heat? Relaxation of the mind that reduce overall cortisol? There are so many pathology route that puzzles even the specialists.

This is one of the triggers. Pressure on the pelvic floor based on sitting positions. How far forward did you sit? How much pressure on the pelvic floor was applied upon before that burning feeling was triggered. Observe and report. Minutia observation and reporting is the key for diagnoses.

This is the tactile sensation, or phantom pain, that we've been discussing. It's no longer the pelvic flood. It's a combination. What we want to know is, "Is there blockages anywhere?"

Pelvic floor locking is one of the reason why you're feeling a manifestation of pains and burns. That locking of muscle tissues constrict around the nerve bundles leading into your penis. Your penis have three bundles of nerves that go from your pelvic all the way to the tip of the glans, where the dorsal makes up the most of the nerves. We have to start observing and diagnosing where the source of the issues coming from.

The progressive improvement is an indicator that you do have a chance to recover to 90% before the HFS or similar root causes became apparent since way back in the old days. Don't just allow the issues to continue on. You must track and eliminate the root causes. Work with us by observing, experiment, and reporting what you've discovered. If you're unwilling to see specialist for medical procedures, follow the traditional holistic approach and use modern tools. Pelvic floor stimulators and relaxing tools that massage your pelvic floor muscles, while you perform reverse kegel, to observe the improvement of the symptoms.
i do lots of reverse kegels. well, i try to anyway. sometimes, i just dont get any feeling of it happening. other times i can. i am currently in pelvic floor therapy. not sure how thats gonna go just yet. but im trying. she already said the stretches im currently doing are great ideas. i have put in for an MRI, but still waiting on them . i dont know what i did to get to this point this week, but its better than it was, so ill take it. but i still end up going back to this burning/weirdness feeling. and that weirdness makes me feel straight up anti sexual in a heartbeat. its not even funny.
i have to say the last couple days were amazing. i really dont even know if thats what im supposed to feel like anymore, but its the closest thing ive encountered. what confuses me is the tender tissue of the glans .
Tenderness of the glans is caused by overstimulation of the nerves at the glans. If you smack the side of your cheeks long enough (no need for strong smacking) to aggravate the nerves there, like how your glans being stimulated by misfiring of signals all day long causing intense sensitivity, the cheeks will feel numb and tender just like your glans. It doesn't take much force to aggravate the nerves, and it doesn't take much stimulation to cause the nerve to generate tissue fatigues from the signals.

If you dare to try, use a low stimulating TENS unit, place it on one side of the face, and run the stimulation at low frequency to stimulate the tissue contraction for 4 hours. There's no force. There's no friction. Just pure signal contraction stimulation. That side of your face will be so sensitive and fatigue that it feels like it's on fire and painful to the touch. Even light wind blow past it will cause extreme discomforts.
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maybe i need to lay off touching it then. but it seems to have a better effect than not rubbing it. but every other day perhaps instead of every day. i dont really know anymore. sometimes erections alone seem to bother it. sometimes, not as much. but overall, its tender thats for sure . but this week ive noticed my random tingle at the urethra and tip is pretty much nonexistant., and everything feels way better becasue of that
“that has NEVER happened. no tingling, pain, and most important, no uncomfortable feeling”

Which means what? Your floor was loose enough to allow proper blood flow so that things were more able to go back to a normal feeling.

This testimony proves it’s not nerve damage.
This testimony proves it’s not nerve damage.
Yep. Puzzled the hell out of my colleagues. But, there is an MRI coming. This is the most critical point in the game. MRI should offer cross sectional insights from pelvic to penile. Here's hoping to find the hidden gremlin.
Yep. Puzzled the hell out of my colleagues. But, there is an MRI coming. This is the most critical point in the game. MRI should offer cross sectional insights from pelvic to penile. Here's hoping to find the hidden gremlin.
i wouldnt hold my breath. ive already been denied once
“that has NEVER happened. no tingling, pain, and most important, no uncomfortable feeling”

Which means what? Your floor was loose enough to allow proper blood flow so that things were more able to go back to a normal feeling.

This testimony proves it’s not nerve damage.
id like to think that, but i dont know that it proves it. my glans gets so tender and burn and doesnt make sense
id like to think that, but i dont know that it proves it. my glans gets so tender and burn and doesnt make sense
Does it make sense that when your leg falls asleep due to lack of flow, it’s super sensitive and uncomfortable if your leg gets bumped? And does it also have numbness associated with uncomfortable tingling? Sounds like the same concept to me.
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Does it make sense that when your leg falls asleep due to lack of flow, it’s super sensitive and uncomfortable if your leg gets bumped? And does it also have numbness associated with uncomfortable tingling? Sounds like the same concept to me.
oh i totally get it. im just not convinced either way just yet. if its not nerve related, im not sure how to explain the glans tenderness/flushing. but this is all too stupid to deal with anyway, so my mind is shot as it is. honestly , it almost feels like both scenarios at the same time
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oh i totally get it. im just not convinced either way just yet. if its not nerve related, im not sure how to explain the glans tenderness/flushing. but this is all too stupid to deal with anyway, so my mind is shot as it is. honestly , it almost feels like both scenarios at the same time
It is nerve related by virtue of your nerves being affected by your floor. However, if out-of-nowhere your glans feel perfectly fine for awhile, then it is not nerve damage.

Be of good cheer. This is good news. You’ve had a taste of relief that you’ve not seen since the onset of this monster. Praise God. You’re getting somewhere now.

I’d take a warm (not hot) bath 15 to 30 minutes daily between 98.6F to 104F. This will help relax your floor and increase blood flow. If your floor is hypertonic (which it sounds like it is based on previous testimony), muscle relaxers could be helpful, as well.
yes. it is good news. im nowhere to the end yet, but its progress. i felt some mild relief last night stretchig again. couple hours later she came to bed. within seconds of being with her, it was over. i was immediately hard and had sex for longer thann i could ever imagine i could anymore. 30 min or so. and i wasnt wanting to get off the whole time like normal. might have been a bad idea, but i couldnt stand it. felt amazig in every way. but i never got off. didt want to chance it.

overall, my glans feelig seems to have improved a bit. but it still feels a bit weird. the whole thing does at times really. it never really feels "fine" ,but its improving. the feeling in it seems to have improved a lot over last few months. i remember 6-7 ,months ago i couldnnt really feel it . crossing my fingers and see how today goes. last night sleeping, i felt great all the way to gettingn up this morning. but that can change in seconds
It is nerve related by virtue of your nerves being affected by your floor. However, if out-of-nowhere your glans feel perfectly fine for awhile, then it is not nerve damage.

Be of good cheer. This is good news. You’ve had a taste of relief that you’ve not seen since the onset of this monster. Praise God. You’re getting somewhere now.

I’d take a warm (not hot) bath 15 to 30 minutes daily between 9.8.6F to 104F. This will help relax your floor and increase blood flow. If your floor is hypertonic (which it sounds like it is based on previous testimony), muscle relaxers could be helpful, as well.
i metioned muscle relaxers 7 months ago. doctor said oh absolutely not. he also chuckled at me even beig able to hurt myself. theres just not much hope i can progress further. i had a good week last week. had sex 4 times. pretty strong at night too. then a burn came back with bad feelig libido. shrunk all day /cold. night erections past 3 nights are crap. half way. i can fold them in half.
last week they were rock hard at night and very active. zero burnig. felt that blood flow in my pelvis a bunch. hung like a mule all day. reverse kegels happened strongly and with ease.

this week i struggle to find any postion i feel blood flow at all. very very depressig
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i metioned muscle relaxers 7 months ago. doctor said oh absolutely not. he also chuckled at me even beig able to hurt myself. theres just not much hope i can progress further. i had a good week last week. had sex 4 times. pretty strong at night too. then a burn came back with bad feelig libido. shrunk all day /cold. night erections past 3 nights are crap. half way. i can fold them in half.
last week they were rock hard at night and very active. zero burnig. felt that blood flow in my pelvis a bunch. hung like a mule all day. reverse kegels happened strongly and with ease.

this week i struggle to find any postion i feel blood flow at all. very very depressig
Get a different doctor. You heavily edited my post (words) by mistake.

Do whatever you can to get unlocked, and don’t sit directly on your floor if you can help it.
i did. theyre all clueless though. nothig seems to help though. whatever it is just decides to change whenever it wants to. which is cruel and stupid confusing. ive made my mind up on this 15 times or more, and it keeps making me eat my words every time
It’s your floor. You were getting better, then you testified that sitting aggravated your floor again. Coincidentally, one of the suggestions when battling HFS is to avoid sitting for long periods. We now can see why.

Take a warm bath daily. Do your stretches. Try to stay calm at all times. Stay hydrated. Do whatever you can to unlock your pelvic floor. And sit in such a way so that you’re not sitting directly on your floor until this goes away completely.
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theres more here tha that. standig is much worse .somethig is clogged up in there, . been slowly degrading for 8 or 9 months now. up,down,up,down,repeat. the downs just keep hitting harder
so. i must have hit a key. on accident. i wish to god that was a real issue to care aBout every day.
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