Erection Angle/Quality Concerns...

Erection Angle/Quality Concerns...

  • I am still working towards length gains of at least 1/2 inch.

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • I've gained 1/2 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 1 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I've gained 1/2 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 2 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've gained 1/2 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 3 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • I've gained 1/2 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 3 o'clock or less in a standing position.

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • I've gained 1 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 1 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I've gained 1 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 2 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • I've gained 1 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 3 o'clock or better a standing position.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I've gained 1 inch+ in length and my erection angle is 3 o'clock or less in a standing position.

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I've gained 2 inches+ in length and my erection angle is 1 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I've gained 2 inches+ in length and my erection angle is 2 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • I've gained 2 inches+ in length and my erection angle is 3 o'clock or better in a standing position.

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • I've gained 2 inches+ in length and my erection angle is 3 o'clock or less in a standing position.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 27, 2004
I am new to Penis Enlargement and have some concerns about erection angle potentially degrading as I move through the program. Seems as though stretching the suspending ligs would naturally result in this. I am at between 1-2 o'clock now and certainly don't want to drop below that. Another concern I have is erection quality as gains are made. Please respond to the following poll only if you have had gains of at least 1/2 inch. For the purposes of this poll, I am assuming if you have significant gains perhaps it is too early to make this poll relevant.
Just wanted to put my 2 cents in again. For me, after my first few weeks doing Penis Enlargement (Phase 1) the first thing I noticed were harder erections that instantly increased my erection angle, upward. After many years doing Penis Enlargement the improved erection angle is still evident.
yeah, get ready to have those jr. high boners again. BUUUT don't be suprised or discuraged if you have times of ED after you train your dick, sometimes even the next day.
Thank you to those of you that have participated in the poll. Hopefully many more will as well.
My erection angle has dropped quite a bit and ive found it an improvement,some sex positions used to be uncomfortable/painful because of my high erection angle.

First thing i noticed when i started pe was improved erection quality,even my wife commented after only a few weeks that i was really hard.

scabbott why are you bothered about erection angle?
prince Albert said:
My erection angle has dropped quite a bit and ive found it an improvement,some sex positions used to be uncomfortable/painful because of my high erection angle.

First thing i noticed when i started pe was improved erection quality,even my wife commented after only a few weeks that i was really hard.

scabbott why are you bothered about erection angle?

I have always felt that the higher my erection level the better the sex but I guess it depends on who is using it:)
prince Albert said:
scabbott why are you bothered about erection angle?

Considering that most of the most sensitive areas on a woman are on the belly side of the vagina. Having an erection angle that tends to direct itself to those areas while maintaining a stimulating effect upon the clitorial area in the most used positions for more intimate sex would definitely be preferred. A quick study of the foundational structure of interlocking male/female anatomy during sexual union seems to point toward this intention of design.

Real natural intimacy was not designed for the visual stimulation of onlookers but rather to facilitate a bond of closeness indicative of an expression of oneness that goes well beyond the physical. Much has been twisted by society and the commercialization as well as publization of something intended to be a pure, guiltless, highly pleasurable, private sexual union between lifelong partners joined inseparably in marriage.

Perhaps I went too far in the answering of a simple question but hopefully that can shed some light on my concern with maintaining the most natural angle of optimum male structural design.
doublelongdaddy said:
I have always felt that the higher my erection level the better the sex but I guess it depends on who is using it:)

I was the opposite pretty much limited to missionary style positions,doggy style was really uncomfortable.
scabbott said:
Considering that most of the most sensitive areas on a woman are on the belly side of the vagina. Having an erection angle that tends to direct itself to those areas while maintaining a stimulating effect upon the clitorial area in the most used positions for more intimate sex would definitely be preferred. A quick study of the foundational structure of interlocking male/female anatomy during sexual union seems to point toward this intention of design.

Real natural intimacy was not designed for the visual stimulation of onlookers but rather to facilitate a bond of closeness indicative of an expression of oneness that goes well beyond the physical. Much has been twisted by society and the commercialization as well as publization of something intended to be a pure, guiltless, highly pleasurable, private sexual union between lifelong partners joined inseparably in marriage.

Perhaps I went too far in the answering of a simple question but hopefully that can shed some light on my concern with maintaining the most natural angle of optimum male structural design.

Have you ever had sex? it is easily possible to stimulate the g-spot and clitoris without having a high erection angle,its simply a case of how you position your pelvis during sex.

Your second paragraph totally lost me.
prince Albert said:
Have you ever had sex?

Perhaps a few times, Prince. I have 4 wonderful children and beautiful wife of 12 years.

Your right that last paragraph is packed with hidden messages. :)
Must be a challenge to find the time to pe with 4 kids about,we have 3 and its hard to find the private time to fit a workout in.
prince Albert said:
Must be a challenge to find the time to pe with 4 kids about,we have 3 and its hard to find the private time to fit a workout in.

So true, but I'm just starting up again. We homeschool and I work from home so finding specifically "private" time is the challenge. But I'm really not asking for that much from the process. I will be gauging my real goal with my wife's comfort level and mine. She is quite satisfied now (about 6.5x5.25 or so) and I really don't like the feeling of bumping the uterus. Before she started doing alot of Kegal's I would hit it alot in occasional sessions, but not anytime recently. So, I will probably go to maintenance sometime between here and 8x6 inches would be my guess.

I have been doing stretch upon waking up and occasionally through the day and girth either at night or before a shower. It has been working out pretty good so far I am looking forward to my next measurement time in 1.5 weeks.
scabbott said:
So true, but I'm just starting up again. We homeschool and I work from home so finding specifically "private" time is the challenge. But I'm really not asking for that much from the process. I will be gauging my real goal with my wife's comfort level and mine. She is quite satisfied now (about 6.5x5.25 or so) and I really don't like the feeling of bumping the uterus. Before she started doing alot of Kegal's I would hit it alot in occasional sessions, but not anytime recently. So, I will probably go to maintenance sometime between here and 8x6 inches would be my guess.

I have been doing stretch upon waking up and occasionally through the day and girth either at night or before a shower. It has been working out pretty good so far I am looking forward to my next measurement time in 1.5 weeks.

Nice, it is good to see you feel more comfortable.
I'm only about two weeks into my new Penis Enlargement routine and I believe my erection angle is increasing. That is great. Certainly not going down.
Thank goodness for the Search option. I was also wondering about this, I was fearing that I would slowly creep from the 12:30-1:00 position down to 2:00, or possibly 3:00.

It's good to know that some of you actually increased your angle. I'm not sure that mine is all that 'increasable', but it's a relief to know that you didnt flatten out.
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