Corpus spongeosim question


May 11, 2023
Hello my peyroines does not display much of a curve I have more hour glassing and an odd bulge to the corpus spongeosim. does anyone know why this would bulge as a symptom of the disease?
Hello my peyroines does not display much of a curve I have more hour glassing and an odd bulge to the corpus spongeosim. does anyone know why this would bulge as a symptom of the disease?
I just post a picure about this in another thread. I will see if I find a picture.
You simply have to do stretching against the curve
Thanks for the response gentleman what a terrible disease this is.
There is some treatments out there in order to make the Fibros plague to go away, I resently read about it here on the forum. You should research it before talking to a doctor. I think this treatment alternative was non invasive. Can't remember what it was, the name of it.
This is what happened to my penis and I believe it was from circumcision. It cannot be corrected through PE.
I'm sorry to hear that.

Have you looked into shockwave therapy?
There where a brother on this forum, that had made his Fibros plague go away with that treatment.
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