The question should be, "What do I have to do using what I have?" We don't know your routines. All we know at the moment is, you pump with a pump without a gauge. We can see a bit of fluid retention. This means long pumping time, high pressure, and no incorporation of internal expansion through slow squash jelq (SSJ).
The common routine in this brotherhood is 5 minutes x 5 minutes x 3 sets
5 x 5 can interchange between SSJ or pumping. Each method of approach helps to differently.
SSJ first pushes for internal expansion first, and that allows you to go hard at higher pressure for the pump to perform dynamic pressure adjustment to either focus on expansion or maintain internal expansion.
Pumping first at lower pressure to warm up your internal tissues for harder internal expansion using SSJ to prime for larger expansion through the next pumping and SSJ sets.
But as brother SIM said, gaugeless pump can be quite dangerous as you don't know the proper pressure to set your pace at. Going in blind using the "feels" is like having sex without condoms, hope you pull out just the right time.
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