Do C-Jelq's on the side of your penis instead.
Some have pushed to hard on these nerves and veins/arteries and have inquired themselves. But they blame the exercise. Never blame the exercise, if you are abusive to your own penis.
Look at this as well.
Post in thread 'girth work' girth work
As brother SIM pointed out, it's actually the method of jelqing and improper grips. Under erection, the veins and capillaries that supply your blood under natural constriction are under pressures. Those who just jelq blindly further pressure the veins and capillaries and cause thrombosis due to overpressurization without first preconditioning the veins and capillaries. It's like working 200lbs of weight as a newbie without first conditioning the body to deal with the weight loading that exceed the body potentials.
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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