basically relationships progress in three stages and they all overlap at different strengths: the crush, the connection, the consumation.
crush: physical attraction, flirting, joking, light touching of non erogenous areas
connect: deep emotional connection, secrets, long conversations, non sexual embraces
consumation: her emotion overpowers her logic, the crush means she wants you, the connection means she trusts you enough to put out.
you need to back off the connection and ease back into (or strengthen) the crush phase, but gradually or you gonna be obvious and crash and burn. so start touching her more on areas such as the shoulder, upper arm, mid back. increase the number of times you touch her as opposed to touching her in more sexual areas incl hands, lower back, neck (just picture where u wouldnt touch your mom tenderly and still feel comfortable). definitely start joking and flirting more, getting a bit more sexual in nature playfully. everything gradually though. now you building the attraction again. the connection has already obviously been made so just build on the crush until you get a sign from her to go in for a kiss. look at her mouth and see how she reacts, her body language will tell you if she wants you to kiss her or not.
i friendzoned myself recently with a girl i started crushing on and got effed up when she started liking someone else so i read up on this stuff and i saw where i went wrong. she has liked you in the past so it should be easy get again if you are patient. who knows maybe she's dying for you to tell her you like her and by tomorrow u balls deep in your "friend", i would rather be safe and gradually get to it, you'll save face from a confession going very wrong.