Got another question if I may, when i use the
lm3 my head goes rather hard and purple even if my shaft is soft. Is this OK? I can feel the head going tight as u stretch harder. I just take it all off every 10min to let it all settle.
It sounds like you have problems with to much trapped blood in your glans when you are stretching. Your glans should preferably be soft when you stretch. I don't know if my picure was easy to understand in post
#3 in this thread. So here is another picure that's much more clear (always do bundle stretches = doesn't show in the picure).
View media item 1445This stretching technique will prevent pressure build-up in your glans, and it will allow you to stretch harder.
By the way: I have my wing nuts;

on the top, and the
Power Assist 2 (handle part) on the bottom, to make the clamp down faster and easier. I have also put silicon washers under the bolt heads, and have taped them down with Gorilla Tape.
In this way the bolts will not fall off, and it will be easier to clamp down fast. My methodology is to go in fast, stretch hard and then relax hard between the sets. This will promote less discomfort from the stretching itself.
You can use your hand to push on the chamber for faster clamp down and detachment.
View album 80
Are you doing this procedure when you clamp down into the chamber of LM3 (follow link to see video)?
Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view.
What you need to do is to hold on your glans, during the entire clamp down procedure. In the video instruction;
- I hold my right hand on the glans during the entirety of the clamp down. It's also important that your penis is 100% flaccid when clamping down in the chamber and stretching.
You can preferably hold on your glans a little bit before you clamp down as well. Haven't been so clear about the fact that you need to pull back your foreskin when you are stretching.
It's important that the chamber are grabbing your inner tissue and not your foreskin (or outer skin of your penis) = The foreskin needs to be pulled back. Also the clamp down point is important as well to get this to work
. I can write more about this if you want?
It's also a good idea to clamp down all the way, so the bottom and upper chamber are touching each other. If you can't do this now (I could not do this in the beginning either),
I have some tricks that can help you with this (more padding in the chamber....and so on, I have already written about this, and can link to the posts I wrote).
The wrap you are using is also important. It should be tight and not thick.
One more aspect to your question is that with time, your penis will get used to this. But my belief is that it is important, to follow my directions I wrote in this post. But it's also important that you remove the wrapping entirely during your rest between sets. This will premote optimal blood flow and recovery. Warming up the tissue with a heating fan or MOS-RED is also a good idea. To restore optimal blood flow and healing during your rest time between sets. Personally I usually go with 10 minutes to rest between sets.
I'm happy your sets are 10 minutes only.
You can have 3 minutes for warmup in in front of a heating fan/MOS-RED as well. So 13 minutes maximum attached in the chamber for each set.
I also recommend doing 20 minutes for each session. 2 sessions each day are enough for fast gains (with the correct intensity). I personally do 3 days on, 1 day rest and repeat. Find something that works for you.
This is what I'm doing, I have a video with that as well. It's important to keep the blood flow up and the tissue soft and pliable during your sessions. The reason for removing the wrapping during rest time, and warming up the tissue in front of a heating source.
Here are two videos about that (my warm-up method before a session/set):
- These warm-up are 3 minutes.
Get into BTC (Behind The Cheeks) position with the LENGTHMASTER 3.
Warmup before LENGTHMASTER 3 session (3 minutes warmup).
Note: This warmup method works for every kind of stretch, you want to do with LENGTHMASTER 3. This warm-up method will loose up your tissue (mainly: tunica albuginea) which will benefit you during your session. You can get to more bundles faster, when you start your routine with this kind of warmup.
10 minute sets, have been the sweet spot for me during a long time. But now when I bundle even more I only do 5 minutes at a time in the chamber. When you stay 10 minutes (+ 3 minutes warmup) in the chamber only and removed the wrapping between sets, you will also prevent discoloration in your glans.
Let's talk, so you get this to work, so you can master LENGTHMASTER 3.
Kind regards and have a awesome weekend brother.